View Full Version : MotorWeek CARnival - September 28th, 2013

09-19-2013, 10:40 PM
On September 28th, MotorWeek and Maryland Public Television will hold their first annual CARnival at Lilypons Water Gardens near Frederick, MD.

Several WAZOO ZR-1's are already registered for the event.

More information is available here:

MPT CARnival (http://www.motorweekcarnival.com/index.php)


09-20-2013, 07:00 PM
Thanks Jim for your service and guidance in planning MPT's MotorWeek CARnival. I see your yellow Alaska ZR-1 has been registered for online voting and to appear at CARnival. Looks great:

Please join me, John Davis and MPT for MotorWeek CARnival - The Ultimate Car Show and Family Fun Day! I've booked car themed rides, 8 person HD driving simulator, Carnival games, jugglers, a magician, unicyclist, stilt walkers, face painting, food trucks and more...

09-21-2013, 02:02 PM
Great event! Way to go Bert for setting this up!

It's a huge weekend of events!

Motorweek Saturday, WMD Sunday and corvettes for chip Sunday as well

