View Full Version : Can anyone verify this ECM part number?

09-01-2006, 07:12 PM
I found a gentleman who has a ECM that he said is from a 90 ZR-1. The part # on that ECM is 16061310. The Part # on my ECM is 16163993. AC Delco lists PN 16163993 as a replacement for 90-95 ZR-1.

What Im trying to find out is will that 16061310 ECM work in my 92 ZR-1?

I checked with a local dealer and they do not have 16061310 at all in thier computer. They did have 16163993 listed and stated it is a replacement for a part number that started with 12..........

Now I will use my PROM as I have 2 of them for my 92.

Should I buy that ECM for my 92?(He is selling it at a good price.)

Tyler Townsley
09-02-2006, 08:06 PM
This is the page I use as reference. I do not see the number he is referring to. You can use the later ECM in the early cars but not the reverse.



09-03-2006, 08:37 AM
I ordered an ECM from P & G chevy last year, p/n 16163993. I just went to their site, partszoneonline.com, and ran that p/n and it came back NLA. I then did a search of their catalog using 1992 ZR-1 ECM and the catalog says that there is an ECM but it does not give the p/n. I would suggest calling their parts hot line...they were very helpful to me when I bought a replacement ECM for my 90. They tracked the p/n thru a few changes and finally discovered the 90 ECM's were NLA and that the p/n 16163993 was the replacement. I believe they told me that the ECM I was buying was for a later yr ZR-1 but I don't remember which later yr....maybe 92 & up???


09-04-2006, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the info guys.

I found a place online called 1stchevyparts.com that said they had the 16163993 new for $263 shipped. I am trying to order that one. I guess I'll just get a new one.

09-05-2006, 07:02 PM
Well I ordered a new one from a place online, and they said it had a new P/N of 88999186. Does this sound right?

Plus they said it would be 30 days to get it:eek:

09-06-2006, 07:02 AM
I ran that p/n at three GM parts sites and it comes back good....but all three sites do not give the "application" for that p/n.

Good luck with this!:thumbsup:

09-06-2006, 06:17 PM
Well I ordered a new one from a place online, and they said it had a new P/N of 88999186. Does this sound right?

Plus they said it would be 30 days to get it:eek:

I have info from Tom Henry Chevy that the '9186 is "return for re-manufacture", meaning that you return your ECM and 30-days later you can expect a replacement.


09-06-2006, 06:25 PM
Ok. I just sent her an e-mail to see if this is an exchange or not. I do not want to send in my original.

09-08-2006, 07:23 AM
I'm sorry for not adding that P & G chevy makes no demand for the core on the ECM's that they sell. My oversite!:o


09-08-2006, 09:06 AM
Oh - that sucks. I just ordered one to the tune of $427 since I did not hear back from them. I should be getting it today.

I didnt hear back and got tired of waiting so I took the only other offer I got.

Plus I want to get the ECM back to Dandy. I didnt want to keep his this long.

Oh well, live and learn.

09-09-2006, 08:52 AM
I'm sorry for my "senior moment"!!!:o

With stuff like ECM's I always call and talk with the parts hot line @ P & G. They helped me out first shot and it was a good experience.

I could have lent you my spare for a long term if I would have known you were jammed up for an ECM. I have a spare I bought from P & G in my "spare parts bin". It's the older number that was disconned, the p/n 16163993. The only thing I don't have is a EPROM for another mod yr....mine's a 90 so those are the only EPROM's I have as spares.

If something should go south with this transaction....give me a shout & I'll lend you my spare ECM so you can hunt up your own at your leisure.:thumbsup:


09-09-2006, 05:22 PM
Thanks a lot for the offer!!

Its not as much that I wanted to borrow the ECM to keep until I find one. I just wanted to check if it would fix the problem , which it did. I dont drive the car much to begin with, and since I put Dandy ECM in, I only drove it 4-5 miles to see if the problem was fixed or not. Other than that, I have not driven it. Theses were just runs around the area and a short run on the freeway for testing.

I am very thankful that he let me borrow it in the first place and keep it this long. To be honest, I had it in there for the testing and took it back out and have not driven it since, until today and I took it out again to make sure it is still working properly.

My ECM should have come in yesterday but it was not on the truck, so he said Monday. I can hope.

I do miss the car a bit, but I have another Corvette I drive everyday, so I still get my Vette satasification that way.

I'll see what happens Monday and hope it comes in.

09-09-2006, 05:24 PM
I'm sorry for my "senior moment"!!!:o

With stuff like ECM's I always call and talk with the parts hot line @ P & G. They helped me out first shot and it was a good experience.

I could have lent you my spare for a long term if I would have known you were jammed up for an ECM. I have a spare I bought from P & G in my "spare parts bin". It's the older number that was disconned, the p/n 16163993. The only thing I don't have is a EPROM for another mod yr....mine's a 90 so those are the only EPROM's I have as spares.

If something should go south with this transaction....give me a shout & I'll lend you my spare ECM so you can hunt up your own at your leisure.:thumbsup:


Another thing is that they said it would be 30 days to come in, and I did not want to wait if I did not have to. I dont have much time left this year to drive it!!!

09-11-2006, 07:09 AM
First, you are welcome!:thumbsup:

That is not good about the time to deliver! Sounds like there is gonna be a shortage in the future. Proly due to the fact that most places that used to have them in stock never asked for a core return, or at least that was the case when I was looking to buy a spare.

Offer still stands. Mine has already been to Fla. to help another brother do diagnostics. Just shout at me & let me know if I can help. If we don't stick together & help each other out....owning these cars would really su$k because GM is free of their obligations to keep parts supplies at hand for our cars. ThomasTom72@aol.com or PM me here and I'll lend it to ya....just remember my app is for a 90 so I doubt that my PROM will work for a later yr Z....but I don't know for sure about that...just MHO on that.:mrgreen:


09-12-2006, 12:24 AM
Thanks again. i found a shop that ordered one locally. It still has not come in but should be in the next few days. Then I will send the bad one out to get rebuilt and keep as a spare.

Then if someone needs, I will have a spare.

I still think I got a secondary problem I have to hunt up.