View Full Version : Emergency Tool Kit???

09-07-2013, 02:51 PM
Going on a 600 mile round trip here in a couple weeks - never had the car out of town before. It only has 18k miles on it and I think I will be OK - but....:confused: I know the basics for an "emergency tool kit" - but since there is lots of metric on this car - and not much room for storing stuff - I was curious what items you guys consider "must haves" to be able to fix small issues that may arise???

09-07-2013, 03:36 PM
Going on a 600 mile round trip here in a couple weeks - never had the car out of town before. It only has 18k miles on it and I think I will be OK - but....:confused: I know the basics for an "emergency tool kit" - but since there is lots of metric on this car - and not much room for storing stuff - I was curious what items you guys consider "must haves" to be able to fix small issues that may arise???

1/4 inch metric socket set to tighten bolts and if you have Torx...a Torx set. Or if you have SS Allen Head...an appropriate Allen Head extension and 1/4 inch adapter. Tighten everything up before you go and top off ALL fluids. Get some extra 1/4 inch extensions/Universals and you are in business.

I use 1/4 inch a lot rather than the larger 3/8 inch because of the tight spaces around the LT5.

And a good IPhone so you can have access to this Forum on the go :D

Just remember....for the Dreaded No Start (many causes) or dead battery.......a small tug in second gear and you are back on the road :thumbsup:


We Gone
09-07-2013, 05:01 PM
Small tool kit as mentioned above. I always carry a Spare set of hoses and belt along with a few clamps. Tire plug kit and 12v pump.

09-07-2013, 05:41 PM
Small tool kit as mentioned above. I always carry a Spare set of hoses and belt along with a few clamps. Tire plug kit and 12v pump.

Has anyone used the Spare Tire? How fast and how far can you go on that spare?

Are there any issues removing that tire from the stored position and installing that tire?

Actually I do not even know if I have one :D
I will check...are they the same on a 90' and 91'?

09-07-2013, 05:42 PM
AAA join it , just in case.

We Gone
09-07-2013, 07:24 PM
Has anyone used the Spare Tire? How fast and how far can you go on that spare?

Are there any issues removing that tire from the stored position and installing that tire?

Actually I do not even know if I have one :D
I will check...are they the same on a 90' and 91'?

55mph max speed 3K miles, the problem is the rear tire has to go in the luggage area, If you are carrying a few things with you on a trip it could be a room issue.

I've never had a flat in the ZR-1 but I have had a few in my C5 and I do not use the run flats. Both times I could tell before the tire was all the way down so I stopped started the air pump plugged the tire and was on my way in less than 15 minutes, no sweat no dirt. I stopped later when i had time and had the tire removed and patched on the inside.
I think the only change over the years 90-95 is the jack & handle location. Both with spare to Jack passenger rear compartment handle behind driver seat.

One other thing I always carry is a small container of hand cleaner and a few clean rags, who wants to get back in and drive dirty :cheers:

09-07-2013, 10:36 PM
Good ideas there. I have Hagerty ins. and it has towing/road service. The trip will be 99% freeway so not like I will be stuck in the boonies. Will def do the 1/4" set, jumper cables, crescent wrench, pliers, screwdrivers, etc. And my S3 Android will get me right to the forum - or any other site I will need to access...:p