View Full Version : Picture of your car at a national park.

09-04-2013, 11:21 PM
Id love to head out west and tour national parks. Anyone ever do it? Any pics?

09-04-2013, 11:39 PM
I wish, I was in 4 national parks this August:
Grand Tetons

but I had the family and was using my Dads minivan.. so no vette :(

one of my favorite signs:

this one is not bad for a phone camera:

09-05-2013, 12:04 AM
Nice shot :thumbsup:

Actually my IPhone 4s camera is better than any other camera I have :p

I wish, I was in 4 national parks this August:
Grand Tetons

but I had the family and was using my Dads minivan.. so no vette :(

this one is not bad for a phone camera:

09-05-2013, 12:06 AM
yeah it is a Motorola Phone, they aren't know for being good cameras.. iPhone 5 and Samsung are

09-05-2013, 10:13 AM
My wife and I did a ZR-1 Road Trip to Alaska and western US and Canada in August 2012.

Here we are in The Badlands of South Dakota:
http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0451.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0451.jpg.html)

Here is Lyndi with the Yellow 1994 ZR-1 at Moraine Lake near Banff, Alberta:
http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0302.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0302.jpg.html)

http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0688.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0688.jpg.html)

Here we are on the Alaska Highway:
http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0624.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/2012%20-%20ZR-1%20Alaskan%20Adventure/DSC_0624.jpg.html)

You can read about the trip and see more pics at:




09-05-2013, 01:14 PM
Took a great trip through the SouthWest this spring, 2100 miles on a rental car (Las Vegas to ABQ):

Glen Canyon
Antelope Canyon
Grand Canyon
Meteor Crater
Petrified Forest/Painted Desert
Sandia Peak
White Sands

and a host of smaller sights in between. Tremendous amount to see out there and seems like a different planet from the great north woods. Compared to New England, where you can hit 5 states in an hour if you work at it, everything out there is 1/2 day drive apart.

If I had to pick only one it'd be Yellowstone, caught that a few years ago.

Would have been a lot more fun in a C4 but too many people,
- Jeff

09-06-2013, 04:45 AM
love to do another trip to the dragon this fall

anyone in? maybe defer until spring to head to BG via this route

I have a friend that bought a Sports Bar down in NC and he'd welcome a group of hungry/thirsty zroners

haven't done the dragon yet


anyone going to SGC this year?

09-06-2013, 11:22 AM
Back when I took this I suggested we urge members who live near our national heritage and monuments to do the same. Not much follow through. I'd live to see a Z up front of the statue of liberty, freedom tower, stone mountain, el capitan, washington monument, bunker hill, lincoln monument, jefferson monument, the arch in St. Louis, the alamo, old faithful, grand canyon, little big horn, Mt St Helens etc many more

I'll work on getting one of Mt St Helens. So far this is the only one I have on the list but it's one of the grandest we have:

09-07-2013, 09:03 AM
Scottfab, awesome picture! I live about 90 min from the arch, but it is really hard to get a good perspective picture of that thing! Too much urban jungle in the way.

Jeff, I took the same trip in June. I was blown away by Yellowstone (first time there), and then stunned by the beauty of the Tetons!

09-07-2013, 09:13 AM
Here are some phone pics from that trip. Heading or this coming Tuesday wth the wife to tour the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, Mammoth Cave, then on to the NCM. No Natl. momuments, but good photo ops.

09-07-2013, 09:14 AM
That's weird, wonder why that one is upside down?

09-07-2013, 11:15 AM
Scottfab, awesome picture! I live about 90 min from the arch, but it is really hard to get a good perspective picture of that thing! Too much urban jungle in the way.


So guess what? There is a trick to capturing a large object like Mt Rushmore and a small object like a car.
For the Arch you'd need to get on the other side of the river (Illinois side) There is a long river front road with mostly nothing on each side
(google this "Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO, North America")
Then get way back from your car and use a zoom lense to then frame in the arch and the car in front of it. easy :)
Sure would like to see such a pic.

09-07-2013, 12:06 PM
Not a national park ...

Newport state park, Door County, Wisconsin

I kinda like this shot, so I thought I'd share

09-07-2013, 12:10 PM
love to do another trip to the dragon this fall
anyone in

We had our 85 on the tail of the dragon a year or so ago


I would love to take the Z with a group :-D

09-07-2013, 01:06 PM
The Magnificent Seven taking a break while cruising Great Smokey Mountain National Park earlier this spring on the way to BG.



94 #390 mounted up and ready to do battle with the Dragon


09-10-2013, 10:09 PM
Great pics guys

09-11-2013, 10:48 AM
Here is my Quasar Blue Z at the St Louis Arch from 2009:
http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp152/QB93Z/2009%20Mar%20Chicago%20Trip/DSC01921.jpg (http://s407.photobucket.com/user/QB93Z/media/2009%20Mar%20Chicago%20Trip/DSC01921.jpg.html)


09-11-2013, 11:57 AM
Yesterday at the arch...

09-11-2013, 01:21 PM
Yesterday at the arch...

I really like that first one !!! You did well. =D>The only thing I'd done
differently is crouch down so as to get less concrete and a slight
up angle at the car. :blahblah:

The other one I wish someone would do is the Statue of Liberty.
On one trip I found a parking lot on the NJ side that would work.
It's not a front view, more a side and partial side view but would
be nice. All I had was a rental :-x

Another great angle would be to get a Z in front of the new Freedom Tower
from this location. Can't remember where I was standing. I put the camera down and in "auto" but the camera moved :(