View Full Version : Just picked up all the meat from my hunt.

08-31-2013, 08:47 PM
Just got back from picking up the rest of the hog meat from the meat processor. Wow! I didn't realize how much 85lbs of meat was. But somehow I made room for all of it in the freezer. I still need to invest in a big freezer though. Not bad for $228. That's enough meat for a year. I'm giving my Cajun mother in law most of the Boudin and whatever else she wants. That is a multitude of meat.

Had my girls help me unpack and organize it all.





09-01-2013, 04:45 PM
Chock full of starter clots! Better get a stationary bike to burn it off!

Can't beat that natural stuff tho' - no hormones, etc. REAL meat!!!

Used to know a corner-store butcher that would slice my frozen Whitetail hindquarters into steaks - I miss him...

09-01-2013, 05:16 PM
My mother in law walked out of here last night with at least 15lbs of meat. I tried the snack sticks which are like slim jims. OMG! They are so good and fresh. There is hardly any fat on wild boar. The meat is so lean that it's difficult to get much bacon out of them. The feral hogs are different. They are just domestic hogs that have become wild again and have much more fat on them.

09-01-2013, 07:33 PM

Wild game has lower fat, since they're moving around, unlike domestic livestock. Early Fall whitetail does that have not nursed (if they've lost their fawns) are the exception - their fat has not been converted to milk. They're the best eatin' !!!