View Full Version : Creation of "Linked" Group

08-23-2013, 12:09 PM
The NCRS, Corvette Museum and others have "Groups" on Linkedin. I suggest that we should do the same. Only takes a few minutes to initiate & costs nothing. Anything we can do to increase our public awareness is GOOD!

08-23-2013, 01:20 PM
Do you mean "Linkedin" ?

08-23-2013, 02:25 PM
potaaatos, poootatos.....tomaaaatos, toooomatos. You get the idea.

08-23-2013, 08:22 PM
potaaatos, poootatos.....tomaaaatos, toooomatos. You get the idea.

Yah accuracy is optional I suppose.

I sure don't want my profile info to get anywhere near Linkedin.
I have security concerns. Or alternatively if this is going to be done
I want the opportunity to obfuscate my personal info before it happens.

For more info do a google on "Linkedin bugs" or "linkedin security breach"

08-24-2013, 02:31 AM
sounds like a good plan to me

Blue Flame Restorations
08-27-2013, 11:52 AM
Jerry, sounds like a good plan. Never had an issue in the past few years with them.