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View Full Version : Permagrin - It is not just a ZR-1 thing

08-12-2013, 02:50 PM
In the last year and a half that I have owned my 94 Black Rose ZR-1, I have observed many of my ZR-1 "brothers" refer to the "permagrin" they get while driving their ZR-1's. I understand and agree that the ZR-1 is a blast to drive.

However, this past weekend, I got my 67 Rally Red convertible out of storage. I had not driven it in the last nine months. It is not nearly as fast as the ZR-1. However, it still brought a permagrin to my face.

Dale Zimmerman
Lincoln, Nebraska

1994 Black Rose ZR-1
1967 Rally Red Convertible

08-12-2013, 03:12 PM
Must post pic's !

08-12-2013, 03:43 PM
i've forgotten what permagrin is...perma-wallet suck i'm very aware of.

I know what you mean about other cars making you smile though. I love driving my slow, small displacement, low torque, low power v8 mustang. Always makes me smile.