View Full Version : Get this-you'll never believe it !!!

08-18-2006, 01:25 PM
I recently asked for the help of forum members to help me solve my emissions problems as I flunked the test here in Texas. After failing the emissions test not once but twice ( paid the extra $39.50 to get a second station reading) I took the Z to a DPS test site seeking a low mileage exemption since I drive less than 5,000 miles a year. They checked everything and redid the emissions test. I passed their emissions test with values that were 1/2 of the permissible numbers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pissed. All they could say was choose your stations carefully. Yeah, right. I turned in the two stations I visited and the DPS agent said they would send an unmarked test car over to see if their is fraud going on. All I can say is buyer beware.

08-18-2006, 04:33 PM
That definitely sux! I guess you have found one you can trust though!

08-18-2006, 07:03 PM
Two different SMOG stations gave high numbers on your car, did I read that correctly?
I'd be willing to bet that it's far more likely that they gave correct numbers and that the DPS site is the one giving funny numbers. (luckily, in your favor)
The SMOG shops are heavily regulated and more than likely have to perform yearly (if not quarterly) emissions testing evaluation by the state. That two different stations are out of whack at the same time seems highly unlikely.

If there's sheep missing out of the flock and the local coyotes are skinny and starving, then more than likely it's the fat and happy sheep dog that needs watching. ;)

'90ZR1 #792

08-18-2006, 09:17 PM
I considered that possibility but the Two SMOG station's numbers were miles apart. The state's equipment is calibrated on an on-going basis and the stations are like done once every six months or worse. Just too many testing stations and too few calibrators. Another thing I learned is don't take your car to a station that repairs failing cars that it tests. Funny thing how vacuum hoses just get pulled off and stuff like that happens and you fail then they sell you injector service or other repairs.

08-21-2006, 07:44 AM
Some one is fibbing! I'd lay odds that some inspection stations use the emissions test to "create" repair appointments that are unnecessary except to correct a slight cash flow problem at that repair/testing garage. Sad commentary on the honesty of some shop owners.

We may have to buy our own exhaust gas analyzers eventually.


08-21-2006, 01:24 PM
Some one is fibbing! I'd lay odds that some inspection stations use the emissions test to "create" repair appointments that are unnecessary except to correct a slight cash flow problem at that repair/testing garage. Sad commentary on the honesty of some shop owners.

We may have to buy our own exhaust gas analyzers eventually.


Smog stations in Texas are indenpdantly run and can perform no service work, nor are they suppose to give you advice on how to fix the problem.

The only thing I hated was that they charged you by the visit.

I would start making calls.

08-21-2006, 02:47 PM

In fact you are correct about SMOG stations being independent. However, those that also do repair work and there are many, are the ones that often go outside the lines. Removal of vacuum hoses and other minor under hood stuff can really mess up a test and make it look like the owner has car problems. My results varied by over 1000 points between stations. Either somebody's equipment is screwed up or there is monkey business going on. I alerted The state authorities and gave them my test results. They will run in a ringer which has already been tested on verified equipment and see what happens.

08-22-2006, 06:47 AM
"I see!" said the blind man. In the republick of Neuva Jork we don't have state run testing stations. The few gas stations that haven't converted their bays to a mini-mart and new car dealers are where we go to get a NYS Emissions and Saftey Inspection & ya gotta be a wee bit wary unless you have a "guy" that you use on a regular basis that you can trust.

Heck if you live in the right part of the state the "emission" part of the test is either waved entirely or curtailed. So much for "applying the law equally"!:sign10:
