View Full Version : Money well spent.

07-13-2013, 01:35 PM
It's been a long time coming to get flooring for my house but it's all done. I convinced myself that I'd just do it. But after coming to my senses I realized that It was just to much house for one man to re-floor that works 10 hours a day. You just can't compete with a four man crew of professionals who know what they're doing. They were supposed to be done in 10 days. They were done in 7. These guys kicked butt and did an excellent job. We were really impressed. I came home for lunch one day and brought them a couple of cases of beer and they did a few little extra goodies for me.;) I highly recommend this company. I had several contractors come in and bid the job but these people were always on time and very professional. They were more expensive but sometimes you get what you pay for. So in the span of a month we spent $8,250 on a new AC system. Furnace and all. And $8,200 for the flooring totaling $16,450. Here's the before and after video.