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View Full Version : Coolant leakage problems

07-07-2013, 04:31 PM
Long time lurker, new poster. 1990 ZR!. 48K, owned since 1995, stock except aftermarker injectors. I blew radiator side tanks and just installed dewitts with new hoses and breeze SST liner clamps--now the issue, after start up as the engine warmed there became a very fine mist of coolant being thrown by the new serp belt. The odd part is as the system pressure and temp came up, the leak stops. The total volume lost is in the order of 1 ounce. Ran car for 15 minutes idle, 105 ambient AC on with no top shroud and temp still was below half way--radiator works well! Upon shut down I looked everywhere for some indication of leak origin, but none appeared as the belt threw it every where. After full cool expansion tank was down and reservior was about full, so no vacuum leak on cool down. No leaks when sitting cold. Water pump? hose conection in line with belt? small spray from hose to belt? Maybe I just need to continuously keep it at operating temp?

We Gone
07-07-2013, 05:05 PM
See if you can feel up under the water pump just to be sure its not from the weep hole.

07-07-2013, 05:41 PM
In Phx, getting it at operate temp may only take a minute or so, your bigger problem may be keeping at it temp in traffic, Dewitts will help, I had a spray throwing up under hood, it was hose clamps, check them out



07-07-2013, 05:53 PM
no problem on crud in radiator fins nor did I have any air pocket problems with the fill

Will check weep hole on pump, hoping it is not pump as I am kicking myself for not zero timing it while it was wide open for replacement.

The thing that is throwing me is the leakage appears to abate once the thermostat is open and the temps are stabilzed, I am used to seeing leaks start when hot and pressurized.

07-07-2013, 07:07 PM
Pressurize the system with a tool for that. You can rent them a Autozone or OReilly's if you don't have one. You'll find the leak and it will save a lot of time.

07-07-2013, 09:11 PM
John, you got it right