View Full Version : Napa Oil Filter # 1324

Don in VT
06-20-2013, 03:02 PM
Hi All,

From the day we accepted delivery of our 90 ZR1 the engine always started with the 2 second rattle from the chains, guides, case or whatever. I have tried numerous recommended brands of filters with no improvement until I purchased the NAPA Gold 1324 and did an oil change just the other day. The rattle at start up and even starting when warm is gone. Just thought I would share that info.

The oil, as always, is Mobile 1 10/30.

Best regards.

Don in VT.


06-20-2013, 09:56 PM

06-24-2013, 11:25 AM
i have also used the napa filters in both my cars .they are a great choice .jmho

06-28-2013, 02:03 PM
Before I saw that Mark had an update including the napa filter, I performed his test on mine. Mine held 11 oz after 8 hours 8 oz. (weight) of oil after 24 hours, consistent with what he found.

I've used napa gold filters on all my other vehicles for years. Wix (manufacturer) makes great filters.