06-01-2013, 11:29 AM
My son and I took the Z on the 2004 Power Tour. The night before we
left was the first time my car experienced the low RPM stumble, sometimes
so severe the engine would quit if you did not blip the throttle. That night
was my first plenum pull looking for vac leaks (I found none). The stumble
has been there ever since, just learned to live with it. I have been posting
about this problem on this and other forums for many years off and on looking for the problem and changed a long list of parts trying to track it down. Nothing worked.
Until yesterday, that is!:Eagle:After plenum reassembly and minus the seconday system, the car drove without a stumble for the first time since 2004! How cool is that.
It could only have been something in the secondary system or a bad ground I am
thinking it was the grounds because the car drove fine with secondaries open.
I might be slow, but I am persistant!
left was the first time my car experienced the low RPM stumble, sometimes
so severe the engine would quit if you did not blip the throttle. That night
was my first plenum pull looking for vac leaks (I found none). The stumble
has been there ever since, just learned to live with it. I have been posting
about this problem on this and other forums for many years off and on looking for the problem and changed a long list of parts trying to track it down. Nothing worked.
Until yesterday, that is!:Eagle:After plenum reassembly and minus the seconday system, the car drove without a stumble for the first time since 2004! How cool is that.
It could only have been something in the secondary system or a bad ground I am
thinking it was the grounds because the car drove fine with secondaries open.
I might be slow, but I am persistant!