View Full Version : Air Temp Sensor

Fully Vetted
05-29-2013, 06:36 PM
I have a couple of questions concerning the Air Temp sensor. I suspected that the previous owner had relocated the sensor and while at BG Marc Haibeck confirmed this but we were looking at other things and I failed to ask where it was located originally. I am assuming it's supposed to go in the port on the side of the air horn that is now plugged(circled). My second question is why would he have moved it to begin with? Is this a documented mod that is supposed to be advantageous?


Mr Blue
05-29-2013, 06:49 PM
Moving it isolates it from heat soak when the engine is parked while warm. Until the air horn cools from air moving through it the spark and knock sensor tuning is less than optimum. Where yours is located is good. Under the car, in front of the air dam, is better.


05-29-2013, 10:46 PM
Before people developed the ability to modify the calibration, changes were made to "fool" the ECM. Mid America sold TPS module that made the ECM think there was more throttle than actual, allowing you to go into PE mode sooner. Moving the MAT so that it was an IAT was another of these tricks. They tend to richer the fuel mixture. Converting the MAT into an IAT normalizes or makes the ECM input more consistent since the sensor is further isolated from the motor and the air temp stays more consistent. it doesn't vary as much due to heat soak and coolant temp ups and downs.