View Full Version : Who needs ClimateGate?

05-27-2013, 05:11 AM
No one does (to see how ridiculous the 'Earth Warming' is).

Reading about solar energy, I found a few years ago, that research in the 50's at Stanford U, showed that TWICE as much solar energy strikes the Earth, from the sun, AS MAN COULD EVER PRODUCE FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME.

The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined,[16] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energy#cite_note-16)

If the Sun cannot warm the Earth (any more than it does), then what could man do, in a concerted effort???

Still believe in Global Warming? Think on that one for a minute...

05-27-2013, 09:06 AM
This is a complex topic. The jury is still out in my mind.
On the one hand there is absolutely compelling evidence that something is up. (large sheets the size of Rhode Island breaking off)
On the other history shows swings in global temps over and over.
AND man is pretty adaptive given the technology improvements.
Still folks living on the coast are going to suffer the most initially if symptoms continue.
Yet there is plenty of evidence to show what is coming so, if they stay there whose fault is it? (I decided on high ground)

Overall I think it unwise to ignore the issue but I don't think the sky is falling just yet.
Having said that, if there is the remotest possibility of an avalanche effect where heating up can go out of control we'd better keep listening to experts on both sides. Not a good time to have a closed mind. One must be skeptical of reports sponsored by special interest that would have us believe nothing is happening. Reminds me of the great and powerful OZ, "Ignore the man behind the curtain"

05-27-2013, 11:19 AM
Ask the US military and insurance companies if they don't believe Climate Change is occurring. The North Pole is becoming navigable all year round w consequences for military strategy and the Panama Canal as an example.
Insurance actuaries are taking into account the increase in storm potency that is happening in addition to the great risk of coastal flooding. All the water that was in the glacial ice has to go somewhere.
Graph of continuous CO2 sampling on Mauna Loa since 1950.


Levels not seen for over 800,000 years.


Think it's a "conspiracy"? Whose motives would I trust? Scientists or fossil fuel big business like the Koch brothers?

05-27-2013, 08:03 PM
Well there's one thing no one can deny; There is a finite supply of fossil fuels. Will it run out in the next 100 years, maybe, but it will eventually. Too bad no one can think that far ahead, most have the "It won't happen in my lifetime" attitude. Nothing like fixing a problem until it's too late(although we are taking baby steps). Has mankind altered the climate; In my opinion, I would have to say yes.

12-19-2013, 08:15 PM
This is a complex topic. The jury is still out in my mind.
On the one hand there is absolutely compelling evidence that something is up. (large sheets the size of Rhode Island breaking off)
On the other history shows swings in global temps over and over.
AND man is pretty adaptive given the technology improvements.
Still folks living on the coast are going to suffer the most initially if symptoms continue.
Yet there is plenty of evidence to show what is coming so, if they stay there whose fault is it? (I decided on high ground)

Overall I think it unwise to ignore the issue but I don't think the sky is falling just yet.
Having said that, if there is the remotest possibility of an avalanche effect where heating up can go out of control we'd better keep listening to experts on both sides. Not a good time to have a closed mind. One must be skeptical of reports sponsored by special interest that would have us believe nothing is happening. Reminds me of the great and powerful OZ, "Ignore the man behind the curtain"

HUH? Complex???

You're kidding.

The Sun has a Automatic shotgun on Select-Fire / 'AUTO', pointed straight at you. There is no trigger. It is continuous fire, pointed at you.

You have a shotgun, that you can fire twice a year, AND YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OF DIRECTION.

Your bullet-proof Earth-vest was dis-integrated after the first MILLI-second of the Sun's shotgun hitting it.


NO. You cannot. If we did our best, we could not reduce our 'vest', and increase what the Sun already does.

12-20-2013, 12:44 AM
The amount of political energy being directed into scamming the western world exceeds the amount of energy emitted from the Sun daily. What was that quote? never let a (false) crisis go to waste? Something like that...
We just missed getting taxed on the carbon dioxide we breath out by O Bomb Ya not long ago.

Bearly Flying
12-20-2013, 01:47 AM
There have been fossilized ferns and cereal grains found in the permafrost in the North, does that possibly indicate the Earth has been warmer at some previous time before MAN came along?????

Recent discoveries of Dinosaurs in Northern Alberta, Dinosaurs didn't do very well in cold climates?????

Volcanic activity can spread more CO2 in one eruption, than MAN has produced in the last hundred years.

Wonder what the term "Photosynthesis " means? Maybe the process of turning CO2 into oxygen and plant growth????

There was a study conducted by National Geographic back in the 90's where they core drilled into dry glacial lake beds around the World. By analyzing the vegetative matter in the layers of the core samples, They determined the Earth has gone through approx 28 separate ICE AGES that they could determine.

I would pretty much bet there will be a 29th....

12-20-2013, 02:28 AM
The amount of political energy being directed into scamming the western world exceeds the amount of energy emitted from the Sun daily. What was that quote? never let a (false) crisis go to waste? Something like that...
We just missed getting taxed on the carbon dioxide we breath out by O Bomb Ya not long ago.This doesn't surprise me, MrMAX, but do you have a link on this?

(I don't watch news (AT ALL), and being slightly disabled, courtesy of a drinker, I don't go out very often)

12-20-2013, 03:05 AM
This doesn't surprise me, MrMAX, but do you have a link on this?

(I don't watch news (AT ALL), and being slightly disabled, courtesy of a drinker, I don't go out very often)

I didn'tlook for a link yet. Where I read this comes from Craig R. Smiths & Lowell Ponte's book THE GREAT WITHDRAWAL - How the Progressives 100 year Debasement of America and the Dollar Ends.

Out of 224 pages I am about 2/3rds of the way through and just did a quick search to see if I could locate the page, chapter and paragraph. I couldn't find it. It had to do with regulation concerning all carbon dioxide emmissions. Had it not been striken from the bill / legislation we would have been set up for a "breath tax".

This book is a mind blower for me! I had no idea just how sick, demented, and obsessed with power these progressive, socialist, liberal, communist whack jobs really are. As far as I am concerned we don't don't have a minute to spare as far as rebooting the Constitution and throwing the bums out of DC and all the other places they occupy including the Supreme Court.

This book reads like a Hitchkock house of horrors movie for what these progressives have planned for humanity.

I don't watch much mainstream media "news" if you could call it that. Its much more like a product designed to influence you conclusions regarding reality.

12-20-2013, 08:31 AM
Interesting trend to ponder: 345 consecutive above average months?!
"November also brought the string of consecutive above-average months on the planet to 345, with last month being the 37th straight November with above-average temperatures compared to the 20th century average. That means that anyone younger than 28 has never experienced a colder-than-average month, globally speaking. The last below-average November global temperature was in November 1976, and the last below-average global temperature for any month was February 1985, NOAA said."

12-20-2013, 08:57 PM
Interesting trend to ponder: 345 consecutive above average months?!
"November also brought the string of consecutive above-average months on the planet to 345, with last month being the 37th straight November with above-average temperatures compared to the 20th century average. That means that anyone younger than 28 has never experienced a colder-than-average month, globally speaking. The last below-average November global temperature was in November 1976, and the last below-average global temperature for any month was February 1985, NOAA said."

They're lying, Mr. R.

Google ClimateGate.

See how quickly even, that all the stories evolve into an issue of 'stolen / hacked' emails, instead of the real issue - that some of the researchers saw that it ain't gettin' hotter.

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
Attributed to some Russian

No matter; think on the precept here:
If the Sun can't warm up this planet, hitting us with with TWICE as much energy EVERY YEAR, as we could ever produce nuclear, fossil fuel, etc., then what could we do in a concerted effort, much less a passive effort, to heat the planet?

If you just think on that, you'll see how ridiculous this is.

It's no wonder that this is a 'political issue', and not a scientific issue.

12-20-2013, 11:00 PM
Fascinating study on glacial ice. Spectacular visuals.


12-21-2013, 09:51 PM
Here's another study:

(I don't think I'll ever take faith in the GW denomination.

It looks like it didn't start with Gore either (of course)...)

Message In A Bottle Found In Arctic 54 Years Later, Hidden Note Alludes To ‘Unthinkable’ Future Glacial Melt (http://www.ibtimes.com/message-bottle-found-arctic-54-years-later-hidden-note-alludes-unthinkable-future-glacial-melt)

Now where have I heard that non-sense before?

No one needs to tell lies about this stuff - it re-cycles itself.

This information will 'go away' pretty soon. The prophets of doom will see to it.

2nd ed.:
"Comments for this thread are now closed." (after 8 days)

Anything more need be said?