View Full Version : Anyone set up to spray test injectors?

05-24-2013, 03:51 AM
Title says it all here men; when (if) I get the auto conversion right, the plenum will come off for general housecleaning / portwork, and the injectors should get a spray-pattern check (granted a squeeze check of all 8 holes looks OK).

Are they 1-holers? 4? 6?

Only 32K on them.....................

Is Jon / FIC on these boards?

05-24-2013, 10:22 AM
There are 6 in the OEM part.
I did a flow test and cleaning back in the 90s.
The album pics are low res from back in the day.
Here is the pattern before cleaning.


I suppose I could have ripped out the injectors and put in a carburetor like some
back then suggested. I chose not to. I also used WD40 on all bolts before backing them
out and didn't strip or garf up a single one.

05-24-2013, 12:23 PM
Did you flow test with gasoline? Or some other fluid?

CAN a flow test be done safely with gasoline???

05-24-2013, 02:30 PM
Did you flow test with gasoline? Or some other fluid?

CAN a flow test be done safely with gasoline???

From my chemistry days I knew that H20 makes a great solvent.
I measured the flow/minute both before and after cleaning.
Cleaning was accomplished with flowing water for 20min each.
A few took two sessions of 20min with a pulse of 20ms at an equivalent of 1000rpm.
I also made a few pics of the patterns.
I then ran WD40 though them to keep oxidation from happening.

Some six months later I had two begin to fail at operating temperature where the internal resistance dropped below 6 ohms. I replaced them all with RC Lucas injectors. The symptom as a nice smooth idle when first started then after a run when the engine was up to temp the idle would be rough.

05-24-2013, 07:37 PM
I know Marc Haibeck does flow testing on injectors. You might take a look at his website. www.zr1specialist.com (http://www.zr1specialist.com) . -- Bob

05-24-2013, 09:52 PM
I know Marc Haibeck does flow testing on injectors. You might take a look at his website. www.zr1specialist.com (http://www.zr1specialist.com) . -- Bob

Thanks there; might have to go with him. His Memory / Calibration module put his battin' avg @ 1k, in my book anyway.

And thanks there Scott too; still a consideration for DIY.

Do Z injectors dis-assemble in like manner as do LT1?

Done while housecleaning the '94... (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-tech-performance/2033363-gasket-replacement-a-few-pics-2.html)
What can ya' do to an injector with a hammer, a prybar, a 3" decking screw, and a 16mm open end?


