View Full Version : Can a dual mass flywheel come apart / get worn? ---

05-20-2013, 03:31 PM
If the weights on the Dual Mass Flywheel start moving easily is the flywheel worn?

Can the weights or any other part of the flywheel come apart?

I haven't seen a dual mass flywheel in person before so its hard for me to picture what is actually moving around on it.

Mine is noisy , which I can live with ... but I would hate for anything to come flying apart at 7k rpm if its worn to the point of replacement.

My car has 43k miles on it, and I am told its the original clutch and flywheel.

I was told the aluminum single mass lightweight flywheels can shatter ... is that the truth?

If someone has a pic that resembles our dual mass flywheel, please post it up for me , THANKS ! ---

05-20-2013, 04:56 PM

05-20-2013, 08:48 PM
GREAT vid, thanks LGAFF!!!

What about them coming apart, or the single mass aluminum ones shattering?

If they don't come apart I will wait a little while on replacing mine until the clutch gives me issues ... and if the aluminum ones are safe I will replace it with a Fidanza aluminum single mass.

That seems to be the brand everyone prefers on the site, right?

Are our transmissions like the old 60's versions they dubbed "rock crushers" because of the sounds they made? ---

05-20-2013, 09:23 PM
Are you sure you have a dual mass? I have never heard of a single mass failing.....dual mass, I don't know. I am guessing it would knock like an SOB....plus if its knocking...that harmonic is transferring to the engine.