View Full Version : Windshield Tear Offs?

05-18-2013, 10:54 PM
My ZR has a perfect original windshield in it. Which bothers me. From what I can tell, they are impossible to find. Wife asked me tonite as we are out driving around if it bothered me to put miles on it. Putting some miles on it doesn't bother me - but the idea of catching a rock in that windshield DOES bother me. My DD is like a damn rock magnet. I got another "bullet crack" in it going to work today. My truck which was my DD for 10 years had like 10 rock chips/cracks in it. Maybe I'm the rock magnet....:cry:
Anyway I got to thinking - does anyone know if they make some kind of clear "tear off" like they use in NASCAR that I could put on this windshield to protect it? Or anything else? Or do I just take my chances?

05-18-2013, 11:21 PM
Good question.. I was wondering the same thing lately..

05-18-2013, 11:46 PM
I would love to buy too!

05-19-2013, 12:00 AM
I thought that I read once that someone here has windshields but shipping might be scary. What I did for my car is to put road hazard glass coverage on it and if I ever get a chip or crack I plan on insisting on a ZR-1 specific replacement. They charge me double the amount for ZR-1 insurance than my regular Vette was so they better give me the coverage I expect. That is my hope anyway.

05-19-2013, 12:11 AM
I understand the original solar with radar opening is not available. Am I wrong?

05-19-2013, 07:14 AM
I understand the original solar with radar opening is not available. Am I wrong?

Not available as in any new ones. A C4 windshield will fit - but won't have the tint. And I tried finding a used one online last night just to see - and the best I could come up with is "maybe know someone with a couple".... That is why I wonder if it can be protected somehow...

05-19-2013, 07:38 AM
Ran into a guy yesteday at a show that had a plastic coating on his Beemer. He said if you attack it with a wire brush, just follow up with hot water and a little elbow grease and it will self heal. It was like a clear bra for the whole car. Wonder if you could do this for the windshield. -Steve

Bob Eyres
05-19-2013, 09:30 AM
It would have to be some pretty special stuff, wouldn't it? Considering that the windshield wipers would abrade most plastic films that you could use.

05-19-2013, 09:34 AM
Good point about the wipers.

05-19-2013, 09:54 AM
Not sure if they make a protective film for the windshield (could be illegal for safety reasons, like if wipers scratched it and you would had poor visiblity and crashed). Taking your car driving is always a risk on public roads when you think about it, some a-hole texting while driving could crash into you and destroy your whole car. If cracking the windshield really concerns you, I would just keep a bigger distance between yourself and the car in front of you then you normally do. That should at least decrease the chance of a rock cracking the windshield.:cheers:

05-19-2013, 09:56 AM
There was a topic on CF about the clear stuff , I think it was Dupont that they claim makes the better stuff. and if I remember correctly it comes in 12'' 16'' or 24'' wide rolls. I think its also found on Ebay

05-19-2013, 10:37 AM
Never thought about the wipers. That might present a problem. And I seem to get more rock breaks when I am keeping distance. The one yesterday I was prob 75 yds behind closest vehicle

05-19-2013, 11:07 AM
Wow really, that sucks. I've had 3 cracked windshields through the years, each time I was about 2 or 3 car lengths behind the guy in front of me. One was a rig without its trailer attached, I stay in another lane when I see them, rocks fly up then out from their tires with no trailer attached to them.

05-19-2013, 12:22 PM
I drive 15 miles on I-70 every day to work. And 90% of my breaks have been on it. I used to drive tri-axle dump trucks around here - so I know to stay far away from them and semis. Pickups towing Bobcats or other machinery on trailers are bad about dropping rocks too. But the one yesterday there was none of that anywhere near me. And the one before that got slung over the median wall and got me - as there was NO traffic for probably 200 yards in front of me. My poor little Civic windshield is so busted up Im gonna have to replace it to pass safety inspection.. Already replaced the one in my truck.. That kind of stuff is what scares me about the Vette windshield - you can keep ur distance and stay away from the hazards and still get nailed....

05-19-2013, 12:27 PM
there's a few products out there. i'm in discussion with a local clear bra installer trying to find one that won't scratch

05-19-2013, 03:04 PM
If u come up with something definitely let me know! I would think that someone who had the $ and the ability could sell a bunch if they protected the glass and didn't scratch... Heck I would put em on my other vehicles too if they were cost effective enough...

05-20-2013, 04:03 AM
I ran a courier & delivery for 20 years, and did personally 1.4 million miles. Really made me hot when guys would come in with cracked glass.

I found that a HEAVY coat of wax made a significant difference. If I remember correctly, only one rock actually cracked my own windshield in the last 4 or 5 years, and half a dozen of my drivers came in with cracked glass during the same time (and 2 or 3 per vehicle per year before).

As far as plastic film and wipers goes, in the vettes I've owned, I never use the wipers - Rain-X eliminates THAT need... Try Rain-X on TOP OF the film - if legal.

05-20-2013, 06:13 AM
... and believe it or not; I HAVE a rounded piece of concrete mix that bounced off my Express van windshield at the right angle, CAME BACK, and CAME TO REST ON THE WINDSHIELD WIPER AT 60MPH ON I-440 BELTLINE IN RALEIGH WITH WITNESS RIDING SHOTGUN!

And I was able to reach out and grab it without slowing down.

05-20-2013, 07:12 AM
I have Rain-x'ed all the glass on the Vette. I have used it a lot, for a long time on side windows and mirrors. My DD windshields are so sand and rock blasted that I have found that Rain-x "bubbles" really bad if you do need the wipers - such as at slow speed or when trying to clear the dew off in the morning. It creates a film of tiny bubbles that obscures your vision - so I don't use it on them...
By "wax" - are you talking about Rain-x - or actual WAX??

Fully Vetted
05-20-2013, 12:58 PM
I'd be more than happy to trade you my slightly delam'd WS so you won't be worried anymore. Even though the opening is a little different I am willing to help a brother out. Think of the stress relief you'd have.

Just sayin'...

05-20-2013, 02:11 PM
I'd be more than happy to trade you my slightly delam'd WS so you won't be worried anymore. Even though the opening is a little different I am willing to help a brother out. Think of the stress relief you'd have.

Just sayin'...

:dancing:dancing:-D Yeah I bet u would! And yes - it would lower my stress if I did. I guess I gotta just hope for the best with it. Was hoping somebody made a giant "screensaver" that I could put on there....:cheers:

05-29-2013, 08:45 PM
Update: I did find a company that markets a product called "clear plex". They make it for high-end car windshields. (And phones, i pads, etc). I sent them an email with some questions about the stuff - will post when they get back to me...