View Full Version : Ignition Coil posibilities for the ZR-1

05-02-2013, 12:46 PM
I wonder if the "cooked" coils in the valley could be replaced with something like this. It is used on some 2004 Ferraris as well as 2007 Audis.
It is used on some 2004 Ferraris as well as 2007 Audis.
Rock Auto has several vendors for same:

These list will be updated as needed.
The challenge would be:
1. Getting from a waste spark coil design to an individual spark
2. current handling capacity of existing harness
3. hiding narrow gauge wires atop the valve covers
4. addressing any timing issues (probably NA)

1. fewer baked coils in the valley
2. hotter spark
3. no HV ignition wires
4. ease of access to coils

05-02-2013, 02:56 PM
Depending on how you would route the harness, you could route it into the valley and keep it out of sight from onlookers..

The Ignition Module does quite a bit in our cars so that would be one challenge

the other challenge would be trying to use the 9 slot reluctor wheel in our cars..

F.A.S.T use to make an eDIST for cars like the L98 so I was thinking that might possible work as looking at the ECM the connections to the IM and ECM are similar to the L98 cars

05-02-2013, 03:07 PM


and this:

Might be of some use to you too. The firing Sequencer is the vital piece we would need but I think a sequence of sorts could be made to work along with a typical GM module? maybe

05-02-2013, 04:11 PM
Would it be simpler to relocate the current coil package outside the
engine valley? Re-engineering that might be easier.

If this is a dumb idea thats Ok. Just throwing it out there.;)

05-02-2013, 04:41 PM
Depending on how you would route the harness, you could route it into the valley and keep it out of sight from onlookers..

This is a major concern to me. I has too look clean. My current thinking is to route the small diameter wires into a sheath that would resemble the current 8mm wires in my car.

The Ignition Module does quite a bit in our cars so that would be one challenge

the other challenge would be trying to use the 9 slot reluctor wheel in our cars..

F.A.S.T use to make an eDIST for cars like the L98 so I was thinking that might possible work as looking at the ECM the connections to the IM and ECM are similar to the L98 cars

These are not a concern to me. The current signal wires to the current coils would be used but replaced with larger gauge wire. Other components would remain. The challenge would be to convert the 2x cycle of the waste spark system into a single spark. It's a "divide by two" problem that has to be sync'd correctly.

Fully Vetted
05-02-2013, 05:04 PM
I wonder if the "cooked" coils in the valley could be replaced with something like this. It is used on some 2004 Ferraris as well as 2007 Audis.
It is used on some 2004 Ferraris as well as 2007 Audis.
Rock Auto has several vendors for same:

These list will be updated as needed.
The challenge would be:
1. Getting from a waste spark coil design to an individual spark
2. current handling capacity of existing harness
3. hiding narrow gauge wires atop the valve covers
4. addressing any timing issues (probably NA)

1. fewer baked coils in the valley
2. hotter spark
3. no HV ignition wires
4. ease of access to coils

FYI...There is a known problem with Audi coil failure. On my A5 (2.0L Turbo) eventually all of my coils were replaced under warranty within 20k miles. Replacements have seemed to do ok so maybe it was just the factory but do your research. Just sayin'...

05-02-2013, 05:49 PM


and this:

Might be of some use to you too. The firing Sequencer is the vital piece we would need but I think a sequence of sorts could be made to work along with a typical GM module? maybe

The idea would be to use the existing DIS and it's four output drivers. The trick would be to convert the four into eight signals.

05-02-2013, 05:51 PM
FYI...There is a known problem with Audi coil failure. On my A5 (2.0L Turbo) eventually all of my coils were replaced under warranty within 20k miles. Replacements have seemed to do ok so maybe it was just the factory but do your research. Just sayin'...

Wow, sounds like they had a real quality issue at first. Did you ever hear what the root cause was?

05-02-2013, 08:28 PM
Wow, sounds like they had a real quality issue at first. Did you ever hear what the root cause was?

When looking for answers for Limey, I ran across threads that described converting from VW coils to GM coils.

Fully Vetted
05-03-2013, 12:27 AM
Wow, sounds like they had a real quality issue at first. Did you ever hear what the root cause was?

Audi only told me that they know there's an issue but once they are replaced there's no more problem. In the worst case, I was leaving the dealership after they had replaced the 2nd coil and I made it about 2 miles when the 3rd one failed. I limped back in, talked to the service manager and they went ahead and replaced the last remaining coil while I waited. I went online while I was waiting and found there had been one recall in I believe '08 for coils.

05-03-2013, 10:33 AM
Audi only told me that they know there's an issue but once they are replaced there's no more problem.

That is good to know. I like the fact that they fit so nicely into the head
and that so little sticks out.

05-03-2013, 10:45 AM
I have a Vibe GT w similar coils. I think I'll try a test fit this weekend just for grins. been


If you have an oscilliscope, would you be able to see what dwell is w the LT-5 IM?

05-03-2013, 02:13 PM
This is a major concern to me. I has too look clean. My current thinking is to route the small diameter wires into a sheath that would resemble the current 8mm wires in my car.
Of concern to me as well. I like your idea.

......... The challenge would be to convert the 2x cycle of the waste spark system into a single spark. It's a "divide by two" problem that has to be sync'd correctly.

What about simply leaving it as a waste spark system?

05-03-2013, 02:56 PM
What about simply leaving it as a waste spark system?

That would be the easy fix ;)
and may in fact be the best overall solution.
Running each of the existing primary wires to two of the newer coils
would leverage the existing waste spark design and should only take using larger gauge wire (maybe a pulse inverter).
However, it maybe possible to keep track of the compression stroke on #1 cylinder then flip/flop the selection of the four DIS drivers to the appropriate coil (1 of 8).
The 1 of 8 selection logic would not be too hard but picking up and using #1 compression maybe difficult.