View Full Version : Some of you on your 3rd Z? Why did you get rid of the others?

05-01-2013, 12:48 PM
Some of your siglines show your 2nd and 3rd Z's.

Why did you get rid of the others?

Blue Flame Restorations
05-01-2013, 01:10 PM
Have had six, sold two. One was wrecked and one had no drivetrain. Still have four, one of which is being restored as a convertible.

05-01-2013, 01:40 PM
Last one was totaled.

05-01-2013, 08:03 PM
I did not sell any of my Corvettes since 1997.

1991 Callaway Aerobody, DRM500 Purple Beast ZR-1
1991 Shinoda "396" SB/SB ZR-1 (Under Construction)
1993 Callaway "Big Chief" 40th Anniversary ZR-1
1998 Pacecar
2003 50th Anniversary Pacecar.

05-01-2013, 09:35 PM
first two due to deployment with no one in the RE to care for them
third secondary to not enough horse power
fourth being rebuilt at HMP
last went for the HP, still have it

05-01-2013, 10:44 PM
First one was a high miler that I worked on for a year and made it respectable. It was also red with a black interior, which was very common.

The second one is a low mileage car, last year of production, low color production, higher horsepower car, and unique GM history. It is what I consider to be a gem of a ZR-1 purchase.

Bob G
05-02-2013, 08:44 AM
First was a stock 91 , sold to buy a Doug Rippie 94 402 , hit at dead stop & totaled third is a 94 427 that I changed everything that I didn't about the Rippie car

05-02-2013, 02:05 PM
1 - 1990, gave to my son
2 - 1991's, kept the twin turbo and sold #130 because I didn't include the misses on the buy...
4 - Ruby's, first two sold because of offer's I couldn't refuse. Still have the other two.

I am kicking around the idea of selling one of my remaining Ruby's and then buying a 90/92/94 &95 over the next 4 years. Always wanted a complete set...

05-02-2013, 02:22 PM
Still have the first one, a 1990.:-D
Sold the second one, a 1991, to finance some work on the first one.
Sold the third one, a 1993, because I'm a dumbass.:mad:
Traded the fourth one, a 1990, along with an 02 Z06, on an 11 Grand Sport.

05-03-2013, 03:31 AM
Changed your question a bit ;)

With all those chassis parts that fit a ZR-1....got a 91' ZR-1
Had to replace the 90' Corvette (L98) that got totaled with 90' Corvette (L98 with ZF-S6-40 same as ZR-1)
Then come to find out the 90' ZR-1 is different in some respects than a 91' ZR-1.
So had to get a 90' ZR-1 rather than ask technical questions of those that have only one or the other :D
How can you get technical photos if you do not have it available :p

05-03-2013, 03:36 AM
1st was a charcoal 90 #334. This was a real solid car and after the test drive I was color blind! Eventually I sold because others were availible and I wanted a different color. Bought a 90 DRM 450 and it seemed ok but didn't really feel like a good fit for me. Currently coming up on 10 years with 91 # 661 and its been a great ride so far. However... been thinking about one of those 368 cars for a while now...