View Full Version : Wierd coolant shenanigans?

Paul Workman
04-29-2013, 06:18 AM
Been getting a whif of coolant after running enough to get up to temp. Then I saw a spot of coolant on the floor centered under the radiator.

The reserve tank was full to the top of the pressure cap seal, and then I noticed the overflow bottle was completely full. Huh?

So, I drained about 1/2 of it out, and checked it again after the next time out (our FBI pizza night). The overflow bottle was nearly empty now.

Concerned, I checked the reserve tank, and all was fine, apparently. Hmmmm....

When I spoke to Marc about it at the pizza nite, he said (among other things) that he fills the tank to about 1/2 full, and monitors the level - indicative of a leak if the level goes down. So, a week ago I re-filled the overflow to the half way point and went for a drive.

I got distracted by a phone call from work, and didn't look at it again until yesterday. The dang overflow bottle was plum full again. WTF??

Well, I'm going to pressure test the system and see if there is a leak, but as for the coolant level fluctuation in the overflow tank, it has got me scratching my head. I mean, jeeze! How simple could it be??:icon_scra

Any thoughts??

Don in VT
04-29-2013, 06:47 AM
Hi Paul,

You might want to check the thermostat as it might be stuck closed and the coolant is expanding into the lower res.

Good luck



04-29-2013, 09:06 AM
Yeah it could be the T-Stat, which happened to my on a Camaro I had years ago. Although I would expect to see a rise in temp if the T-stat was stuck.

My 89 Corvette had the same issues with the overflow, turned out both head gaskets were blown at the # 7 and #8 cylinders.. it was not caught with a pressure tester.. I had it at a friends shop, the coolant as foaming which pointed to head gaskets.. Although with my 89, the low coolant light would come on too..

Good luck

04-29-2013, 10:19 AM
Do you still have the coolant vent lines hooked up?

04-29-2013, 11:00 AM
I'd replace the radiator cap first. It's cheap and could be the problem.

04-29-2013, 11:15 AM
I'd replace the radiator cap first. It's cheap and could be the problem.

Agree this should be step 1 Paul

04-29-2013, 12:00 PM
Let me know if you want a 160* t-stat.


Paul Workman
04-29-2013, 12:23 PM
Do you still have the coolant vent lines hooked up?

Not for the last 3 years or so. Just now seeing the fluctuations...

Yeah it could be the T-Stat, which happened to my on a Camaro I had years ago. Although I would expect to see a rise in temp if the T-stat was stuck.

My 89 Corvette had the same issues with the overflow, turned out both head gaskets were blown at the # 7 and #8 cylinders.. it was not caught with a pressure tester.. I had it at a friends shop, the coolant as foaming which pointed to head gaskets.. Although with my 89, the low coolant light would come on too..

Good luck

Two votes for T-stat... But, like you said, I would expect the temp to go up, and it doesn't seem to be doing that (at least not yet).

Let me know if you want a 160* t-stat.


Will do Pete. I think I'll replace the cap (as mentioned) as it is the easy/cheap thing to try. Come to think of it, I have a pressure tester that will also test the cap. Would you or anyone know that the value should be for our pressure caps? Would it be around 22#??


04-29-2013, 01:40 PM
.... snip...
Come to think of it, I have a pressure tester that will also test the cap. Would you or anyone know that the value should be for our pressure caps? Would it be around 22#??


Mine measured out at #17 lb last a few months back.

Paul Workman
04-29-2013, 08:45 PM
Wellllll.... I hope she's fixed.


Some time back I replaced a stock spring clamp with a worm gear type, after the spring clamp let a hose go and parked me on the side of the road. And, I installed another one after I ran out of cuss words trying to get it installed. Well, BOTH them sombitches were leaking!

And Don... you were right about that pressure cap. It must have been the original - had fiber cord showing through along the ridge line on the pressure side. Marc suggested an AutoZone 7616 (17#). Seem like everything is back to normal.

Guess I'm lucky to have found all three at the same time, instead of one at at at time (like usual). I was sweating a head gasket. I'll be sweating that out for a while longer till it behaves for a while.

Back up n runnin strong tonight!
