View Full Version : Bowling Green Meet and Greet Friday 5/17

04-26-2013, 03:02 PM
Everyone we are having a huge meet and greet on Friday May 17th at the Holiday Inn at 1021 Wilkinson Trace rd, the Hotel will have be serving the remainder of the keg from Wednesday night pizza party.

http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa468/rdemarco06/HotelBG_zpse365454a.jpg (http://s1199.photobucket.com/user/rdemarco06/media/HotelBG_zpse365454a.jpg.html)

Fully Vetted
04-26-2013, 06:18 PM
I don't understand. What does "the remainder of the keg" mean? Why would we leave if there is still beer left? In Texas, the party isn't over until we're out. I mean, running out of beer and Johnny Law are the only two reasons the party ends.

04-27-2013, 06:51 AM
I don't understand. What does "the remainder of the keg" mean? Why would we leave if there is still beer left? In Texas, the party isn't over until we're out. I mean, running out of beer and Johnny Law are the only two reasons the party ends.

My kind of guys......can't wait to meet you all.

04-27-2013, 08:17 AM
I thought that meet and greet was on Wednesday night. And Friday was Pete's & Bob's , FBI night. Also why is no one promoting JVD's BBQ ? Why no racing ? Membership need's an answer.

Or are we allowed to ask a question ?

Why are all these change's taking place Robert ?

04-27-2013, 09:14 AM
I thought that meet and greet was on Wednesday night. And Friday was Pete's & Bob's , FBI night. Also why is no one promoting JVD's BBQ ? Why no racing ? Membership need's an answer.

Or are we allowed to ask a question ?

Why are all these change's taking place Robert ?

Frank those are all very good questions. Which will be addressed in time. Like I told everyone when I ran for office I will not hide anything under the rug. As the members of the Zr-1 net registry I would implore all of you to ask any question that concerns you. If at anytime my brute honesty is a problem please give me a call 989 980 1304. All of your questions will be answered in time.

04-27-2013, 11:16 PM
do we have the proper insurance to be serving alcohol? I know for my wedding I needed to get a rider policy to be covered.

04-28-2013, 03:11 AM
do we have the proper insurance to be serving alcohol? I know for my wedding I needed to get a rider policy to be covered.

It will probably be served by a hotel employee as it has been previously.

04-28-2013, 09:16 AM
It will probably be served by a hotel employee as it has been previously.

So were the drinks at my wedding, I still needed insurance

Paul Workman
04-28-2013, 09:17 AM
These questions have been aired out in the Members Only section. So, in case some missed it, let me summarize briefly, speaking for myself only:

Club money to sponsor a vendor's event:

The Registry is not a banker or a venture capital org: i.e., funding is limited at that, and must be used judiciously to return the most bang for the buck - for ALL the members.

So...With regard to sponsoring the commercial vendors, e.g., JVD, HAT, SGC, etc.:

1) The Club simply does not have the $$ to sponsor all the vendor events, even if we wanted to. Do it for one, do it for all! So, that means picking and choosing! Not only is it not fair to the sponsors left out; it goes deeper than that. Example: How would you as a vendor feel if the Club used some of the money you donated to the Club to lavish upon a competing vendor, while excluding you?
2) Business is business... A vendor may choose to hold a customer appreciation event, e.g., a BBQ or whatever. It is advertising. The vendor hopes to benefit by it, but in any case the expense is a write-off as a business expense. And, here's a key: Individual customers make a choice to spend their money with that particular vendor, based on that vendor's merits as the customer sees them. But! It is their choice to do so, and their's alone! However, the Club should NOT make the choice for all the members to support a particular vendor...especially when some would specifically choose NOT to spend their money with that particular vendor (without making specific reference to any vendor in particular).

So, instead of using every member's funds to lavish upon any particular vendor, there are TWO BBQ events that are sponsored by the Club at BG; one on Wednesday nite at the Holiday Inn, and again on Friday night - at the same location. The members DO get to gather and party at a Club sponsored event. And, if they so choose, attend the JVD event as well.

So, specifially, this puts JVD on the same playing field as all the vendors, with regard to holding their own event: it's their opportunity to show customer appreciation, their advertising $$, they're the beneficiary of new business, it is their write-off, and individuals can choose to attend the JVD event and support JVD's business...or not. Is it the social gathering that is important to the voiciferous members on this issue, or ire over the Club not giving money to JVD specifally?:happy1:

Drag racing:

Dayam... Although most of the Board of Directors (BOD) have not been directly involved with organizing and running a drag race event, I don't believe there is a single member of the BOD that wouldn't have liked to have had drag racing. But, here's what happened...

In the past, the Club has never sponsored drag racing. Never. It has always been done in the past by an individual member funding the money up front, and then distributing the cost to those that raced.

This year circumstances (called hurricane Sandy) precluded one of our favorite drag racing sponsors from being able to put up the front money. (I can't say who, but his initials are "FU"!;))

So, fronting the money for drag racing was put in front of the BOD, with the understanding the decision to commit had to be made (almost) immediately in order to meet the "window" of opportunity (as other clubs wanted the track as well).

There were questions of cost, which ranged from about $150 to over $200 per racer depending on how many would commit to racing:

"Catch 22": Hard to get people to commit if they don't know how much $ to race, but don't know the cost/racer until there are commitments as to how many are going to race.:o (You can look back at the threads and see just how many committed to racing. The up front $$ was between $1500 and about $2500, depending on how many were racing (and other related factors).

And, (intiially) the BIGGIE was Club liability. Suddenly, it was discovered that the Club, and the BOD had no liablilty insurance. Does the phase "individual Directors could be held liable" clear it up somewhat?

As it happens, new information regarding liability and drag racing has come to light. Had the Club known certain facts at the time AND been able to take steps to allay the liability questions within that initial window for the decisions to be made, the outcome may have been entirely different. I for one am sorry the Club couldn't sponsor drag racing this year, but am confident we'll have our ducks in a row, and if the track is available then (always a big IF) I'm hoping drag racing will become part of the BG events, going forward. (I just hope the BOD's fumbling the ball on short notice hasn't PO'ed FU in to saying "FU!" to the club in the future when it comes to drag racing. Frank...Give us another shot to get our chit in one bag next time!;))

By-the-way... As it stands, there IS going to be a "test and tune" drag racing event on Saturday night held at Beach Bend. last year it was something like $15 to sign up and race. So, for those that want to race, there's that opportunity - not like there is no racing to be had (weather and Beach Bend permitting, of course).
Hey, y'all... This is a car club formed to promote miles and smiles enjoying our hobby to the fullest - the ZR-1. That's it! And,because it is impractical to have all members vote on all club matters, a BOD was nominated and elected by y'all to attend to acheiving miles n smiles...for everybody! Far as it goes, paraphrasing (WC Fields - or?) "You can please some of the people some of the time, and ALL of the people some of the time, but you can't please ALL the people ALL of the time!"

Not all decisons are going to be what I/we would want; hopefully most of the really important ones ARE what I/we want as members. So, as one of the BOD, I think I speak for the rest of the 8 members when I say none of us pretends to have all the answers as to what would make the Club better. Ideas come from us all! Suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcome - we're big boys...at least most of the time.;) And, the BG gathering is an opportunity to have fun and meet most of the BOD face to face: talk to them.


04-28-2013, 09:47 AM
These questions have been aired out in the Members Only section. So, in case some missed it, let me summarize briefly, speaking for myself only:

Club money to sponsor a vendor's event:

The Registry is not a banker or a venture capital org: i.e., funding is limited at that, and must be used judiciously to return the most bang for the buck - for ALL the members.

So...With regard to sponsoring the commercial vendors, e.g., JVD, HAT, SGC, etc.:

1) The Club simply does not have the $$ to sponsor all the vendor events, even if we wanted to. Do it for one, do it for all! So, that means picking and choosing! Not only is it not fair to the sponsors left out; it goes deeper than that. Example: How would you as a vendor feel if the Club used some of the money you donated to the Club to lavish upon a competing vendor, while excluding you?
2) Business is business... A vendor may choose to hold a customer appreciation event, e.g., a BBQ or whatever. It is advertising. The vendor hopes to benefit by it, but in any case the expense is a write-off as a business expense. And, here's a key: Individual customers make a choice to spend their money with that particular vendor, based on that vendor's merits as the customer sees them. But! It is their choice to do so, and their's alone! However, the Club should NOT make the choice for all the members to support a particular vendor...especially when some would specifically choose NOT to spend their money with that particular vendor (without making specific reference to any vendor in particular).

So, instead of using every member's funds to lavish upon any particular vendor, there are TWO BBQ events that are sponsored by the Club at BG; one on Wednesday nite at the Holiday Inn, and again on Friday night - at the same location. The members DO get to gather and party at a Club sponsored event. And, if they so choose, attend the JVD event as well.

So, specifially, this puts JVD on the same playing field as all the vendors, with regard to holding their own event: it's their opportunity to show customer appreciation, their advertising $$, they're the beneficiary of new business, it is their write-off, and individuals can choose to attend the JVD event and support JVD's business...or not. Is it the social gathering that is important to the voiciferous members on this issue, or ire over the Club not giving money to JVD specifally?:happy1:

Drag racing:

Dayam... Although most of the Board of Directors (BOD) have not been directly involved with organizing and running a drag race event, I don't believe there is a single member of the BOD that wouldn't have liked to have had drag racing. But, here's what happened...

In the past, the Club has never sponsored drag racing. Never. It has always been done in the past by an individual member funding the money up front, and then distributing the cost to those that raced.

This year circumstances (called hurricane Sandy) precluded one of our favorite drag racing sponsors from being able to put up the front money. (I can't say who, but his initials are "FU"!;))

So, fronting the money for drag racing was put in front of the BOD, with the understanding the decision to commit had to be made (almost) immediately in order to meet the "window" of opportunity (as other clubs wanted the track as well).

There were questions of cost, which ranged from about $150 to over $200 per racer depending on how many would commit to racing:

"Catch 22": Hard to get people to commit if they don't know how much $ to race, but don't know the cost/racer until there are commitments as to how many are going to race.:o (You can look back at the threads and see just how many committed to racing. The up front $$ was between $1500 and about $2500, depending on how many were racing (and other related factors).

And, (intiially) the BIGGIE was Club liability. Suddenly, it was discovered that the Club, and the BOD had no liablilty insurance. Does the phase "individual Directors could be held liable" clear it up somewhat?

As it happens, new information regarding liability and drag racing has come to light. Had the Club known certain facts at the time AND been able to take steps to allay the liability questions within that initial window for the decisions to be made, the outcome may have been entirely different. I for one am sorry the Club couldn't sponsor drag racing this year, but am confident we'll have our ducks in a row, and if the track is available then (always a big IF) I'm hoping drag racing will become part of the BG events, going forward. (I just hope the BOD's fumbling the ball on short notice hasn't PO'ed FU in to saying "FU!" to the club in the future when it comes to drag racing. Frank...Give us another shot to get our chit in one bag next time!;))

By-the-way... As it stands, there IS going to be a "test and tune" drag racing event on Saturday night held at Beach Bend. last year it was something like $15 to sign up and race. So, for those that want to race, there's that opportunity - not like there is no racing to be had (weather and Beach Bend permitting, of course).
Hey, y'all... This is a car club formed to promote miles and smiles enjoying our hobby to the fullest - the ZR-1. That's it! And,because it is impractical to have all members vote on all club matters, a BOD was nominated and elected by y'all to attend to acheiving miles n smiles...for everybody! Far as it goes, paraphrasing (WC Fields - or?) "You can please some of the people some of the time, and ALL of the people some of the time, but you can't please ALL the people ALL of the time!"

Not all decisons are going to be what I/we would want; hopefully most of the really important ones ARE what I/we want as members. So, as one of the BOD, I think I speak for the rest of the 8 members when I say none of us pretends to have all the answers as to what would make the Club better. Ideas come from us all! Suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcome - we're big boys...at least most of the time.;) And, the BG gathering is an opportunity to have fun and meet most of the BOD face to face: talk to them.


Paul, Well stated.

I am sure FU is good with the registry by now. Also, Renee did promise me she would let me know if FU went out and bought a shovel.

04-28-2013, 02:17 PM
I don't understand all the defensive verbiage and criticism leveled at posters on this thread. I've read it three times and find the following comments/inquiries;
What does "the remainder of the keg" mean?
Funny question & meant to be that way I am sure.

I thought that meet and greet was on Wednesday night. And Friday was Pete's & Bob's , FBI night.
Reasonable question. The agenda shows the Meet & Greet on Wed night and the Parking lot BBQ on Fri nite, conflicting with the OP's statement that Meet & Greet would also be on Fri nite with the remainder of the keg.

Also why is no one promoting JVD's BBQ ?
No need to be so defensive about this. Key word here is "promoting" which does not mean or imply "sponsoring" which has indeed already been discussed. Critical replies undeserved. Promoting just means telling everyone about it, exactly like is done with other vendor gatherings/bbq's.

Why no racing ?
Another reasonable question that hasn't been asked or addressed insofar I I can tell.

Or are we allowed to ask a question ?
Considering the defensive & sarcastic responses made in the Registry Members only section, one could get the feeling that questions were not well received. Members are the club and do have a right to ask freely and be answered respectfully.

Why are all these change's taking place Robert ?
There were several questions asked by Frank, about deviations from past events and changes/conflicts/duplications not concurrent with the published agenda. He simply wants to know.

do we have the proper insurance to be serving alcohol?
A perfectly logical question that has been discussed in Executive Committee meetings past. I am not sure if it was ever resolved with a formal motion & published in the minutes, so again, a perfectly logical question.

I suspect the ire in the responses is primarily about the Board's decision to not "sponsor" JVD's BBQ this year. Let me say this about that.
(1) The Executive Committee DID NOT "Sponsor" JVD's BBQ at any time in the past.
(2) We the Executive Committee, recognized that the JVD BBQ was a popular event which garnered a lot of Gathering attendees and VIPs.
(3) The Registry did not have a similar event whereas there is now the FBI Parking lot fest.
(4) The Executive Committee asked JVD if the Registry could "co-sponsor" (note this is NOT Sponsor) the BBQ, hang the Registry banner, co-host, advertise it as the ZR-1 Net Registry AND Automasters of BG BBQ.
(5) JVD agreed with the Registry request. The Executive Committee did reimburse JVD for 1/2 of the cost of food and non-alcoholic beverages and did co-host the BBQ.
(6) In view of the fact that a member organized event is now a part of the Gathering, the Board has decided to forgo the co-sponsorship of JVD's BBQ in favor of the FBI Regional organized BBQ.

So, in summary; The decision of the Board is quite reasonable. The concern expressed by me and other members surrounds the Board's incorrect terminology when addressing the decision. The Registry has never outright "sponsored" a vendor event.

To say that the Registry has decided to no longer sponsor vendor events is a misnomer and not a shift in policy as there never was such a policy. What the statement should have said is "the Board has decided to no longer co-sponsor the Registry/Automasters BBQ at BG.

This is not splitting hairs. Accuracy in facts and statements are everything. The lengthy discussions and tacky responses are the result of that error. The facts have now been stated and there is, in my opinion, no longer any concern over the Boards decision to not continue co sponsorship of the JVD organized BBQ.

04-28-2013, 04:31 PM

But here are a couple of answers.

Why no racing?
The club never paid for racing it was always a member put his/her money up front,since no member came up with the money no racing.

Promoting a vendor?
In my years as a member i never saw the club promote any vendor not SGC,Marc H.,Corey's,Lingenfelteror,DRM. Members would post up vender events when and where the BBQ's take place but never saw the club promote a ventor's event/BBQ.

Left over keg?
My understanding of the left over keg's is, each event the club pays certain amount of money so if they only spend half of that money on Wednesday the other half will be for Friday.

Hope this helps.

04-28-2013, 05:12 PM
With the liability discussion durring the drag racing debate. Has there been talk of insurance for handing out an intoxicating substance?

04-28-2013, 06:44 PM
I could have easily taken care of this drag racing commitment. But because I'm being snubbed by the upper board member and because I won't conform with his antic's. My position is such. WTF.

I'm not one of your puppet's David. The club is not about brown-nosing . No *** kissing here.

Me , I'm here for the Registry (LIKE YOU ONCE WERE) and the many friends we have made throughout the years.

Change your attitude my friend................. we are all on the same level.

I will call anyone out on the matt for the benefit of the club.

MOM , where are you ?

04-28-2013, 08:42 PM
I could have easily taken care of this drag racing commitment. But because I'm being snubbed by the upper board member and because I won't conform with his antic's. My position is such. WTF.

I'm not one of your puppet's David. The club is not about brown-nosing . No *** kissing here.

Me , I'm here for the Registry (LIKE YOU ONCE WERE) and the many friends we have made throughout the years.

Change your attitude my friend................. we are all on the same level.

I will call anyone out on the matt for the benefit of the club.

MOM , where are you ?

Ah yes. You just made me proud to be an American Frankie!:proud:

Standing up for what's right and risking the ban hammer at the same time. Well done my friend!=D>

I founded this club. I worked hand in hand with good people, and MoM and I bled ZR-1 for the members. I'm a Johnny come lately - MoM was there at the beginning. Towards the end of my tenure I witnessed actions by certain board members that made me physically ill.

BTW - if anyone really wants to know, I can shed light on what happened in previous years for the drag racing, as I was the one who organized it for roughly 5 or so straight years.

There is no question that Frank could have done it himself this year - it isn't rocket science. He decided to stand up for what is right, instead of listening to ever more bureaucracy, and half truths.

Oh the stories I could tell! :-D:-D:-D

What can I say folks? If you **** on peoples' heads long enough, well, sooner or later, payback comes.

Support Frankie before he tells the club to FU - he's a stand up guy!:fahne:

Fully Vetted
04-29-2013, 01:10 AM
OMG.. this crap makes CF sound like Sunday School. Too much drama. All I want to do is enjoy my Z with people that also want to enjoy their Z. How hard can it be? Drink, don't drink....race, don't race.....sponsor, don't sponsor....who gives a rats ***. Get in your freakin' car, drive to BG and hang out for 4 days with a bunch of guys that just did the same thing. How is it possible to screw that up???

See you guys in BG...or not.

04-29-2013, 02:09 AM
Dwight, so your saying the club did not pay for racing.

So why would it change now,i don't understand all the fuss.
Maybe i'm not looking into it deep enough but then again i don't care to.
I don't take things to heart.

If more FBI boys were coming to BG we would put up the money as a group,but i would not bust my balls over it if it didn't come togather.
I've learned early in life to say phuk it, life's too short.

This is why i do my own thing at BG.
I don't need a club to tell me how to have fun.
Heck just sitting around with a few good friends BSing smoking cigars having a few good laughs is good enough for me.:dancing

I'm with Fully Vetted on this:handshak:


04-29-2013, 11:27 AM
With the liability discussion durring the drag racing debate. Has there been talk of insurance for handing out an intoxicating substance?

Kevin, the Registry is not handing out any alcoholic beverages. The beer is being served by the Hotel.

04-29-2013, 11:31 PM
Kevin, the Registry is not handing out any alcoholic beverages. The beer is being served by the Hotel.

You may want to check with someone with some understanding the laws...because this was the case at my wedding and I was still liable. I understand that no one on the board has a legal background, what I don't understand is why no one is willing to reach out to those who do.

I'll save you the trouble, I talked to my lawyer, and we're liable.

this is assuming we're buying the beer.

04-29-2013, 11:41 PM
Dwight, so your saying the club did not pay for racing.

So why would it change now,i don't understand all the fuss.
Maybe i'm not looking into it deep enough but then again i don't care to.
I don't take things to heart.

If more FBI boys were coming to BG we would put up the money as a group,but i would not bust my balls over it if it didn't come togather.
I've learned early in life to say phuk it, life's too short.

This is why i do my own thing at BG.
I don't need a club to tell me how to have fun.
Heck just sitting around with a few good friends BSing smoking cigars having a few good laughs is good enough for me.:dancing

I'm with Fully Vetted on this:handshak:

The real question is "how many years was there a club around to take care of the track rental"

04-30-2013, 08:59 AM
I could have easily taken care of this drag racing commitment. But because I'm being snubbed by the upper board member and because I won't conform with his antic's. My position is such. WTF.

I'm not one of your puppet's David. The club is not about brown-nosing . No *** kissing here.

Me , I'm here for the Registry (LIKE YOU ONCE WERE) and the many friends we have made throughout the years.

Change your attitude my friend................. we are all on the same level.

I will call anyone out on the matt for the benefit of the club.

MOM , where are you ?


I thought I was the one to bring it to a motion (drag racing)to the board? Why would I bring it to the board and offer to contribute $$$ as well???

Frank, you are a hard core supporter of the registry and everyone loves your brutal honesty. Thanks for all you do


05-03-2013, 06:55 PM
Default Re: Bowling Green Meet and Greet Friday 5/17
OMG.. this crap makes CF sound like Sunday School. Too much drama. All I want to do is enjoy my Z with people that also want to enjoy their Z. How hard can it be? Drink, don't drink....race, don't race.....sponsor, don't sponsor....who gives a rats ***. Get in your freakin' car, drive to BG and hang out for 4 days with a bunch of guys that just did the same thing. How is it possible to screw that up???

See you guys in BG...or not.
David Adams
Texas State Director

Man I kinda have to agree. I realize I just got my car and just got on this forum - but WOW....:(:confused:

I might try to make it next year. Not enough time for me to plan the trip - since I have to bid days off over a month in advance. And I really am not comfortable enough with the car yet. Gotta get the $ together to get it to Marc and have him change out injectors and find the vacuum leaks, and give it a general check over. Once he says its good then I will feel better about going long distance...:o