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View Full Version : 2nd Registry Event.

04-22-2013, 06:47 PM
With the summer just about on us I am looking to add a second ZR-1 Net registry event. Bowling Green is our primary event. Now I know what you are all thinking, what about Carlisle. The truth is while Carlisle has a huge turnout it is not our event. I am looking for an event that would be more our own.

Fully Vetted
04-22-2013, 06:53 PM
What time frame? End of Summer? Fall?

04-22-2013, 07:27 PM
I tried to make Las Vegas our second event but didn't get any traction. Unfortunately the last two years I was unable to accomplish events for mostly professional reasons. However, this year with my change in employment location I was thinking of a fall Gathering here in Salt Lake / Park City with runs to Trappers Loop, Miller Motor Sports and possibly a Wendover/Bonneville tour. We also have Rocky Mountain Raceway for Drags.

It would be good to have something closer to the left coast...

04-22-2013, 07:35 PM
Any Event that we can call our own, I would like to stay near the center of the country in an attempt to get more participants.

04-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Any Event that we can call our own, I would like to stay near the center of the country in an attempt to get more participants.

Sounds reasonable enough however we kicked this around some years ago when I was VP. It seems the pockets of memberships wouldn't support that concept.

At the time I think the perfect mix was thought to be a BG, TX and a Left coast event. We also kicked the idea of rotating the main event to each Region (which I still like) however several "traditionalist" thought less of the idea. In the end, nothing was accomplished. So, it remains the same today as it was then. East Coast with the exception of a few reaps the benefits while the central and west coast guys just read about it.

As far a central location: Jerry (OKC) might be in a better geographical location but it's still a two day drive for the guys west of the Rocky's. I'm sure they'd love to spend the time behind the wheel but adding 4 days of travel is a little much for someone with a job and only so much family vacation time a year. I myself will use 7 days and none of it will be with family.

So once again, I'd love to see a Major Event rotate to each of the Regions. There's lots of places I'd like to go see, even Canada!

Just my HO.

Robert - I wish you nothing but success because I truly believe another event west of the Mississippi is sorely needed... AND, I'll do everything I can to help you out...


04-22-2013, 08:11 PM
Sounds reasonable enough however we kicked this around some years ago when I was VP. It seems the pockets of memberships wouldn't support that concept.

At the time I think the perfect mix was thought to be a BG, TX and a Left coast event. We also kicked the idea of rotating the main event to each Region (which I still like) however several "traditionalist" thought less of the idea. In the end, nothing was accomplished. So, it remains the same today as it was then. East Coast with the exception of a few reaps the benefits while the central and west coast guys just read about it.

As far a central location: Jerry (OKC) might be in a better geographical location but it's still a two day drive for the guys west of the Rocky's. I'm sure they'd love to spend the time behind the wheel but adding 4 days of travel is a little much for someone with a job and only so much family vacation time a year. I myself will use 7 days and none of it will be with family.

So once again, I'd love to see a Major Event rotate to each of the Regions. There's lots of places I'd like to go see, even Canada!

Just my HO.

Robert - I wish you nothing but success because I truly believe another event west of the Mississippi is sorely needed... AND, I'll do everything I can to help you out...


Ron, We are trying a few things differently now. With the support of the board we are trying to make Merchandising and Events self sufficient. If this works like I think it should there should be no problem in supporting several events.
As for the rotating events that is high on my list. I would love to go up to the black hills for corvette week. Or, how about a bunch of ZR-1 next to the SR-71 on the deck of the Lexington. The Texas mile. The list goes on and on. Ted Federer and Daniel Mcguffey have been working on an event at the peterson museum. I would certainly fly to this event. Heck maybe we could get a deal from Reliable and have as many cars that will fit on a car hauler delivered. Lets not try to figure how to make this happen. Let make it happen.

04-22-2013, 08:21 PM
Ron, We are trying a few things differently now. With the support of the board we are trying to make Merchandising and Events self sufficient. If this works like I think it should there should be no problem in supporting several events.
As for the rotating events that is high on my list. I would love to go up to the black hills for corvette week. Or, how about a bunch of ZR-1 next to the SR-71 on the deck of the Lexington. The Texas mile. The list goes on and on. Ted Federer and Daniel Mcguffey have been working on an event at the peterson museum. I would certainly fly to this event. Heck maybe we could get a deal from Reliable and have as many cars that will fit on a car hauler delivered. Lets not try to figure how to make this happen. Let make it happen.

I'm with ya brother... Love the rotating event concept... Lets make it happen...

Blue Flame Restorations
04-22-2013, 10:33 PM
The NCRS has Regional events and a National event that spans different areas of the US, one time each yr. They also have Chapter events.

While I used to go to three to four events per year, I'm more inclined to go to maybe two to three.

Kissimmee NCRS Regional (January)
Bowling Green (May)
Registry event that rotates by region.

I'd drive my Z or trailer it to most anywhere but far corners of the US. The West coast is just too far for me, unless I fly. I most likely would not fly in and do an event without my Z on hand though.

Robert, keep up the good work and "push" for breaking paradigms.

Fully Vetted
04-22-2013, 10:43 PM
This would be a great venue. A lot of car clubs rent this facility each weekend. I can find out the details if we are interested.


04-23-2013, 12:28 AM
I fully support the idea of other events and in fact I suggested we had a "mobile" event that would be held in different locations around the US. But to do that and destroy a traditional event that the registry has attended almost since it began seems short-sighted and destructive. I'd happily support an additional event though.


Blue Flame Restorations
04-23-2013, 12:30 AM
I fully support the idea of other events and in fact I suggested we had a "mobile" event that would be held in different locations around the US. But to do that and destroy a traditional event that the registry has attended almost since it began seems short-sighted and destructive. I'd happily support an additional event though.


Exactly. An extra event and still have the BG event annually. :handshak: