View Full Version : Hello!

04-19-2013, 11:32 AM
I just traded my 71 Nova SS BBC for a 90 ZR-1. Never had a Vette before - so I'm sure I will be asking plenty of questions. I've noticed a few issues with it so far - so I know there will be projects...

Car has 17k miles on it - and is all original except for the wheels. I got a full set of original wheels with it - so I do have the "correct" wheels if I ever want to change back.

#1 - where can I find a owners manual for this car? I have window sticker, build sheet, and some brochure - but no manual and none of the fancy "book" stuff that originally came with?

04-19-2013, 11:39 AM
I just traded my 71 Nova SS BBC for a 90 ZR-1. Never had a Vette before - so I'm sure I will be asking plenty of questions. I've noticed a few issues with it so far - so I know there will be projects...

Car has 17k miles on it - and is all original except for the wheels. I got a full set of original wheels with it - so I do have the "correct" wheels if I ever want to change back.

#1 - where can I find a owners manual for this car? I have window sticker, build sheet, and some brochure - but no manual and none of the fancy "book" stuff that originally came with?

Welcome aboard most can be found on Ebay or post up a WTB in the wanted/for Sale section of this forum. GC



Corvettes White
04-19-2013, 11:40 AM
Welcome to the group. You will find this to be one of the tightest and finest groups of car fanatics there is anywhere. And whatever you need, can be taken care of in one way or another. George

04-19-2013, 11:56 AM
Welcome. I've got a '90' black on black, #1786. My first 'vette. Haven't gotten into any major trouble with it yet, but I'm sure I will. -Steve

04-19-2013, 11:57 AM
Welcome onto the boards there.

FSM is THE most important tool. Maybe keep it in the 'library', where the seat has a hole in the middle ;). Hang Chilton's / Haynes / Clymer's to the right. Tear a page, wipe, flush, repeat if necessary (krinkle if you're tender in the hindquarters :bootyshak ).

#2 most important tool is a multimeter (preferably not the Mickey Mouse econo-model).

This forum boards' members are far above others on the web. Even the wiseguy(s) know their stuff here...

04-19-2013, 12:10 PM
Very Cool! I am a mod on Steves Nova Site - so I'm used to forums and the great people on them!

Paul Workman
04-19-2013, 12:23 PM
I just traded my 71 Nova SS BBC for a 90 ZR-1. Never had a Vette before - so I'm sure I will be asking plenty of questions. I've noticed a few issues with it so far - so I know there will be projects...

Car has 17k miles on it - and is all original except for the wheels. I got a full set of original wheels with it - so I do have the "correct" wheels if I ever want to change back.

#1 - where can I find a owners manual for this car? I have window sticker, build sheet, and some brochure - but no manual and none of the fancy "book" stuff that originally came with?

I see you made it! Welcome to the "Brotherhood of the Beast"!!

First off, it may be short notice, but Sunday there is the annual FBI (aka Fast Boyz of Illinoiz) BBQ at Marc Haibeck's (http://zr1specialist.com/)shop. Now, if you haven't already learned, Marc is one of the gurus of our cars and is a ZR-1 Specialist - makes his living maintaining and modifying these iconic cars. If you could make it, you'd meet Marc and several others like Pete, Bob G, Dominic, =Jeff=, among others that contribute much to the ZR-1 hobby as well. So, hope you can make it.one of the most active and inovative ZR-1 groups anywhere.

04-19-2013, 06:01 PM
I can't make it on that short notice - but thanks for the offer! I work weekends - so I'm not on a good schedule for normal weekend activities. I do, however, have flight benefits - and I flew out to Ontario Ca a couple times to attend the SoCal Novas BBQ. So there is a possibility I might show up to something in the future! :)

04-19-2013, 06:13 PM
Welcome to the family and best wishes. Sounds like you scored a nice one. :cheers:

04-19-2013, 06:27 PM
Welcome, drive it like you stole it

04-19-2013, 06:39 PM
Remember to breathe, remember to breathe, remember to breathe........then grin like a fool.

It needs more miles on it and you're the guy to do it. Welcome to this wonderful car and the people who own them.

There are several local interest groups of very skilled people, FBI, Wazoo, etc. You'll need to learn names like Marc Haibeck as Paul said, Jerry's Gaskets, D.R.M. (Doug Rippie's Motorsports) and some others but it's mostly about how to do what would perhaps have happened had GM continued with the engine architecture....

Oh, and bring your wallet....the potential is enough to loosen it from time to time.

04-19-2013, 06:45 PM
Welcome aboard and nice ride :cheers:.

04-19-2013, 07:31 PM
Welcome and hope you can make it to BG next month.
We will all be there...........

04-20-2013, 06:58 AM
What is "BG"? I'm not up on all these new Vette things yet...:confused:

04-20-2013, 07:55 AM
What is "BG"? I'm not up on all these new Vette things yet...:confused:

BG is Bowling Green, KY, home of the GM plant that makes only Corvettes. The members of the ZR-1 Net Registry including large sub groups from the mid-atlantic states (WAZOO)-Washington Area ZR-1 owners, and Chicago (FBI)-Fast Boys of Il and others will meet in Bowling Green on May 15 and depart home on May 19. There is a link in the forum to sign up for the gathering, lots of activies for all. It will be my first time as I just got my Z last summer.
I am sure others will fill in more details. Hope to meet you soon.

04-20-2013, 11:42 PM
I just traded my 71 Nova SS BBC for a 90 ZR-1. Never had a Vette before - so I'm sure I will be asking plenty of questions. I've noticed a few issues with it so far - so I know there will be projects...

Car has 17k miles on it - and is all original except for the wheels. I got a full set of original wheels with it - so I do have the "correct" wheels if I ever want to change back.

#1 - where can I find a owners manual for this car? I have window sticker, build sheet, and some brochure - but no manual and none of the fancy "book" stuff that originally came with?

Everything you need. Welcome. What's you car number?




Everything you need. Welcome.

04-21-2013, 07:07 AM
Very Cool! Thanks for the links! :cheers:

04-21-2013, 09:12 AM
Very Cool! Thanks for the links! :cheers:

Not a problem. Good Luck.

04-21-2013, 07:51 PM
I snagged the service manual supplement. Still looking at other stuff.
Question - I keep seeing these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chevrolet-CORVETTE-ZR-1-HARDCOVER-BOOK-1990-Brochure-ZR1-90-Owners-Manual-C4-/161009545247?pt=Motors_Manuals_Literature&hash=item257ceab01f&vxp=mtr
Listed as the "Owners Manual". But they have like 32 pages - which seems like too few for an actual "owners manual"? What exactly is in the hardcover books?? Would I need this AND the stuff like you listed in the first link as well??

04-21-2013, 09:36 PM
I'm not sure the owner's manual is ZR-1 specific. Any 91 Corvette book has the information for all models- coupe, vert, and ZR-1.

Brad Sewell
04-21-2013, 09:42 PM
Hey man welcome aboard. Most of these guys have forgotten more than I will ever know about these cars. But I would offer a couple of brief pieces of advice as you learn about your car.

1. Make sure your battery is Grade A 100% and hot. And keep it hot.

2. If your map sensor hose looks like this

Go to www.jerrysgaskets.com and get the right part. These two things have and the largest effect on the drive-ability of my car.

3. Lastly, be safe. This car will hurt you if you aren't careful. Enjoy!

04-22-2013, 07:58 AM
I snagged the service manual supplement. Still looking at other stuff.
Question - I keep seeing these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chevrolet-CORVETTE-ZR-1-HARDCOVER-BOOK-1990-Brochure-ZR1-90-Owners-Manual-C4-/161009545247?pt=Motors_Manuals_Literature&hash=item257ceab01f&vxp=mtr
Listed as the "Owners Manual". But they have like 32 pages - which seems like too few for an actual "owners manual"? What exactly is in the hardcover books?? Would I need this AND the stuff like you listed in the first link as well??

That is a book that came in the "Pizza" box which were sent to the owners of cars in 1990 and 1991. Do a search to fid out more about the box.

04-22-2013, 08:07 AM
The owners manual I bought for $50 on ebay is several hundred pages.

Paul Workman
04-22-2013, 06:32 PM
I'm not sure the owner's manual is ZR-1 specific. Any 91 Corvette book has the information for all models- coupe, vert, and ZR-1.

Yes, mine covers both, but makes the distinction as "VIN-8" (indicating L98) or "VIN-J" for ZR-1 specific pages, schematics, etc.


04-25-2013, 09:40 AM
Everything you need. Welcome. What's you car number?




Everything you need. Welcome.

Car is #2093. I've been picking up stuff on E-Bay so one of these days I will have all the stuff...:o

04-25-2013, 09:47 AM
Stuff, isn't that what comes in Bean Bag Chairs???


04-25-2013, 11:27 AM
Stuff, isn't that what comes in Bean Bag Chairs???


That would be stuffING....:p:mrgreen:

Got the LT5 manual, the Service manual is ordered, and the high-mount brakelight was faulty so I had to get one of those to pass inspection... My A/C is also now converted to R134 and works great!

04-26-2013, 08:00 AM
That would be stuffING....:p:mrgreen:

Got the LT5 manual, the Service manual is ordered, and the high-mount brakelight was faulty so I had to get one of those to pass inspection... My A/C is also now converted to R134 and works great!

Have you replaced the stoplight already? If you did/do and the light doesn't work, it's probably the brake light switch. There's two of them on the pedal.

04-26-2013, 09:10 AM
I had it at a local chevy dealer to get the State Inspection and the A/C fixed. It wouldn't pass because of the light - they took everything apart and had power TO the light but it wouldn't work. They determined that something inside the light is broken - which they can't get to. I'm gonna keep the old one and see if there is a way to fix it - seeing as there are no more made. But I gotta get it to pass inspection quickly. Thanks for the info!

04-26-2013, 09:39 AM
If you lived in Maryland you could put historic tags on and do not have to do inspection or emissions. Only has to be 20 years old in our state.

04-26-2013, 11:54 AM
gotta be 25 yo here in tx...dammit.

04-26-2013, 01:18 PM
Have you replaced the stoplight already? If you did/do and the light doesn't work, it's probably the brake light switch. There's two of them on the pedal.

Man - THANK YOU! Dealer figured out it wasn't the light after they tried the new one - started a new diagnostic process and had power TO the light - but only 6v. So they were goin nuts trying to figure it out. I showed your post to the Service Writer and he ran back to the shop. Sure enough - bad switch. So now they will have it fixed here in a bit...CPHCP! Corvette People Helping Corvette People!

04-26-2013, 08:20 PM
Man - THANK YOU! Dealer figured out it wasn't the light after they tried the new one - started a new diagnostic process and had power TO the light - but only 6v. So they were goin nuts trying to figure it out. I showed your post to the Service Writer and he ran back to the shop. Sure enough - bad switch. So now they will have it fixed here in a bit...CPHCP! Corvette People Helping Corvette People!

Glad I could help.