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View Full Version : Drooping Headliner

07-25-2006, 02:59 PM
I have had my ZR1 for 9 years or so now and have had no problems or issues at all. In the last few months my headliner is starting to droop. I have looked at some of the magazines to order a replacement but I mostly find just the fabric and some adhesive spray. I think the pad in my headliner is going bad as well and want to replace it. I saw one for around $150 but it sounds off brand to me. I almost droped the top once and caught it with my hand in the middle of the headliner and that is where it is starting to droop. Has anyone had any experience with the fabric and adhesive spray? Does anyone have any reccomendations on where to buy a new headliner? Thanks in advance.


07-25-2006, 06:16 PM

Took my top to an auto upholstry shop. They replaced the fabric and foam for$75.00


07-25-2006, 11:20 PM
When I did my '87, I spent about $15 on a roll of headliner material and about $2 on a can of 3M adhesive. It's pretty easy to do since it's small and the top comes off. I used the old fabric to measure to cut the new. Just cut it a bit bigger because you'll want to tuck it under, and trim to fit.

I rolled the old stuff off with my fingers, be careful because under the fabric is sort of soft.

Headliner material is foam-backed fabric so you'll be replacing the foam and fabric. It's maybe 1/8"-1/4" thick.

08-07-2006, 11:49 PM
I took my ZR1 to a guy who has an auto upolstry shop this weekend. He said his schedule was backed up for well over a month but he looked at it anyway. He said the headliner was attached to a backing material that was attached to the roof panel and if I take the headliner and the backing board off and bring it to him he would try to fit it in his schedule. Aurora40 made it sound easy so if I can get the headliner off the roof panel I'll try to do it myself. It would save a few $$ and I can say I did it myself. I was wondering if there is a secret to removing the headliner from the roof panel without damaging it? Any advise here would be appreciated. Thanks


08-08-2006, 12:17 AM
I took my ZR1 to a guy who has an auto upolstry shop this weekend. He said his schedule was backed up for well over a month but he looked at it anyway. He said the headliner was attached to a backing material that was attached to the roof panel and if I take the headliner and the backing board off and bring it to him he would try to fit it in his schedule. Aurora40 made it sound easy so if I can get the headliner off the roof panel I'll try to do it myself. It would save a few $$ and I can say I did it myself. I was wondering if there is a secret to removing the headliner from the roof panel without damaging it? Any advise here would be appreciated. Thanks

We have a very good Corvette Upholstery shop in Bountiful, Utah called House of Customs. Here's their number. (801) 295-4791. These guys are seriously good..NCRS serious. They can probably tell you how to fix it the best way...


08-12-2006, 01:38 PM
I was wondering if there is a secret to removing the headliner from the roof panel without damaging it? Any advise here would be appreciated.
I just used my fingers. I carefully pulled the fabric off, then carefully rolled/brushed the foam off that was under it. Just be careful with it, the part under the headliner seemed like it could be damaged easily.

08-13-2006, 12:03 AM
I did the same as Aurora40, bought some headliner material and one can of spray adhesive.

The only other advice I have is to be extra careful and gentle pulling the headliner off the roof panel. Mine was glued in pretty well so it took me some time to work it loose without doing too much damage to the foam. I used a thin and flexible putty knife to work the foam off the panel.

Just take your time and it will turn out fine.