View Full Version : Thanks to Aaron at SGC

04-04-2013, 09:13 PM
Thank you for bringing 1990 #1239 back to life. After giving you a car that did not run after several attempts by myself to resuscitate, you worked your magic and gave me back a Z that absolutely flies! Four stuck valves, injectors going bad, and blown head gaskets added up to a very sick engine. Dr. Aaron took over and performed open engine surgery and brought it back to life. He also added a little bit of "special sauce" to make it run better than ever. RWHP equals 390+. Thanks Aaron.

04-04-2013, 09:25 PM
DAMN that's a lot of stuff wrong with one car. what caused all that? I also think you win the award for closest to my vin. 90 1433 here

04-04-2013, 09:57 PM
Not to put Aaron on the spot but I think something happened by another repair facility and didn't get noticed until all He&)( broke loose. I have never had the car overheat or hit the rev limiter so either I bought a lemon car or powers beyond my control caused the issues. Either way, I paid the price to get it right and I honestly couldn't be happier with the results (even though I would have prefered it was never an issue). Aaron is outstanding and kept me updated on all of the issues he found. Cudos to SGC... I would love to share my theory but I won't on an open forum.

04-04-2013, 10:16 PM
Glad to hear it's running well again.

I'll assume that there was a _little_ more work done to get it to 390 rwhp ;)

04-04-2013, 10:30 PM
I don't know what it was but I will take it!

Paul Workman
04-05-2013, 05:38 AM
Congratz on a nice runnin Z, and cudos to Aron for producing another happy "Beast Pilot!"

Far as "aquired issues" goes, my 90 came to me with "extras" as well, apparently; mouse nest and chewed LT5 wires, collapsing intake (acordion) tube, sun-bleached carpet, etc. Most of it was superficial stuff that was easy to fix. The burnt valve...not so much.

I guess my point is, it didn't take much to put her running and permagrin ensued. Even the P&P/headers went well. Porting the heads...was uh...challenging, however!

1990, VIN #1201 We're cuzins!!



04-05-2013, 03:24 PM
Aaron is definitely a "good guy!" I've had the pleasure of having Aaron as a good friend for many years now. He always goes the extra mile to do for others. If you can't get along with Aaron, you can't get along with anyone.

haber rj
04-06-2013, 12:16 AM
I agree Aaron worked his magic on my 91 and took it to another level definately the man glad to hear that your Z is back to life and running great enjoy.