View Full Version : Sprung a leak

03-17-2013, 02:30 PM
Noticed a little bit oil, under the car the other day. I searched all around the top side of the engine and couldn't see any oil seepage from anything. So, I jacked the car up and crawled under to investigate. There was a film of oil on the oil pan and seemed to dripping from the frame. Had a 100 watt droplight and didn't see any sensors leaking. There was a little oil on the pan screws, but nothing dripping. This cheesy plastic clamp was loose, I'm guessing this is part of the crankcase ventilation, because two metal tubes are joined by a rubber coupling and by the said cheap clamps.
So I pulled the clamp tighter with pliers and retightened the oil pan screws I could get to(really only a couple of them went any tighter, and just barely). Cleaned everything up with a rag and haven't seem any new oil drips, but I haven't driven yet. Hopefully, I solved it. Anyone have a similar problem before?

03-17-2013, 03:07 PM
Noticed a little bit oil, under the car the other day. I searched all around the top side of the engine and couldn't see any oil seepage from anything. So, I jacked the car up and crawled under to investigate. There was a film of oil on the oil pan and seemed to dripping from the frame. Had a 100 watt droplight and didn't see any sensors leaking. There was a little oil on the pan screws, but nothing dripping. This cheesy plastic clamp was loose, I'm guessing this is part of the crankcase ventilation, because two metal tubes are joined by a rubber coupling and by the said cheap clamps.

So I pulled the clamp tighter with pliers and retightened the oil pan screws I could get to(really only a couple of them went any tighter, and just barely). Cleaned everything up with a rag and haven't seem any new oil drips, but I haven't driven yet. Hopefully, I solved it. Anyone have a similar problem before?

Check the two 6 mm bolts with 8 mm heads on the OPRV cover just above where you say the oil was found.

See Checking for Oil Leaks/Making your own SS Braided Oil Lines (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp-5.html#post1581825090)
See Potential Oil Leaks and the OPRV Cover Plate (http://forums.corvetteforum.com/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp.html#post1581302471)


03-17-2013, 09:31 PM
Thanks, Cliff. The link was very helpful. Now, to see if I can get my hand down in there to tighten the OPRV cover, should be fun.:cheers:

03-17-2013, 09:36 PM
Thanks, Cliff. The link was very helpful. Now, to see if I can get my hand down in there to tighten the OPRV cover, should be fun.:cheers:

I pulled the engine :sign10:

Actually before that I think I removed belt and belt tensioner and went down from top front. I removed and replaced bolts one at a time (not OPRV cover) and used red loctite. Have magnetic pick up tool on hand :D

03-17-2013, 09:48 PM
Have magnetic pick up tool on hand :D
Yea, I learned that lesson pretty early. Pulling the engine is not a option, lol. I'll figure some Cro-Magnon way to do it, maybe mirrors and a bunch of swivel adapters. What's the saying.. necessity is the father of invention :-D.