View Full Version : ALDL not working?

07-13-2006, 08:58 AM
Anyone ever have an issue with their aldl connector not working. I jumped the K pin to ground because my infl rest light is on. I am trying to find code for which side sensor needs to be cleaned up and grounded on my 90. No flashing engine light to find code. My buddy brought over his scanner and it was unable to communicate with the ecm? I jumped A to B and SES light flashes 12. I even tried jumping K direct to battery ground, no light action. Has anyone else run into this?

07-28-2006, 08:34 PM
Anyone ever have an issue with their aldl connector not working. I jumped the K pin to ground because my infl rest light is on. I am trying to find code for which side sensor needs to be cleaned up and grounded on my 90. No flashing engine light to find code. My buddy brought over his scanner and it was unable to communicate with the ecm? I jumped A to B and SES light flashes 12. I even tried jumping K direct to battery ground, no light action. Has anyone else run into this?

So you already read this and did this?...


First, let's check the codes in your computer to make sure this is the problem. Using a long jumper wire, jumper pin # K on the computer link connector to ground, like the seat frame. Pin K is the fouth slot from the left on the bottom row, or third from the right. (The connector is under the drivers side dash). Turn on the ignition, but don't start the car. Via flashing engine light, you will be able to read the codes in your computer. It will first flash a code 12 three times. The light will flash like morse code, a long lit bulb, followed by two short lit bulbs will be a 12. Once the three code 12's flash, then you will have another code, likely it will be a 25 or 26, but could also be a 15 or 16. ( , Mine (Jay) was a code 16, Indicating right side sensor) If it is not one of these, you have a different problem, so let me know if your's is not one of these. Code 26 is most common, right front sensor fault.