View Full Version : 1989 ZR 1 Pilot s/n 00004

Tyler Townsley
07-10-2006, 09:29 PM
As most of you know I get excited about the early ZR1s and thier stories. After 'Queenie' I thought I had it all but I have found another 'hallmark' ZR1 that deserves a name so I will call her 'Princess Di'.

The car was not really lost but unclaimed. I do not have pictures yet and it will be 2 weeks or so before I can make that happen.

Last week I get a call from a chev sales manager I know. He told me the dealers corvette mechanic had been to a tech school and seen a 90 ZR1 with 120 miles on it and s/n 4. I contacted Mom to see if the NCM would take the car as it cannot be purchased since it was a car given to the tech center with the priviso that be crushed or given to a recognized meseum. Dave contacted Wendell and the offer was accepted.

On Saturday I went by and talked to the mechanic and what he described kept me sleepless for 2 nights. What he described was not a 1990 but a 89 pilot car. 120 miles, has some kind of special pain job, black with blue pearl, white pin stripes some kind of ghost graphics. Tan interior in perfict shape. It is under an awning outside, not getting wet but outside. He had seen it 2 weeks earlier.

WOW WOW and the place is CLOSED on Saturday. First thing today I call the instructer. He returned my call about noon. Yes it is still there, yes the car is a 89, yes its a ZR1 and was told s/n 1,2,3 were crushed. Yes it cannot be sold (10 yrs ago someone had offered $250k for it) and yes they would be interested in having it go to the NCM. In fact 3/4 years ago they had contacted the NCM about donating the car to the NCM but were told that the NCM did not have a budget for acquiring any cars and unless he paid to get the car to the NCM they were not interested!!!!

We chated some more and have an understanding. He has to clear it with GM and his boss who is Germany for 2 weeks but it is our intent to have the car go to the NCM. My goal is to have the car at Carslile if I get the car by then and score a room. At this point we do not know what exactly needs to be done to get the car in servicable shape but I have previous experience with Queenie that will help.

Hopefully we will be able to offically present it to the NCM in May at the Gathering.


07-10-2006, 10:22 PM
WOW! What a story, I would love more details...I also have access to a world class Automotive museum that would love to have the car of the NCM doesnt take it. email me at corvette95@gmail.com .... Thanks for the story!

07-11-2006, 06:51 AM
That is an amazing find! =D>
Way to be Tyler!:thumbsup:

Do you guys think that GM would let the NCM display the car or would they prefer to put it with the other cars that they have in their own collection? I hear that they have a warehouse full of prototypes somewhere. I just hope that they don't destroy 'Princess Di'.

Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you!:cheers:


Z Factor
07-11-2006, 10:36 AM
Great find, and hopefully it will happen.:thumbsup:

I think I've heard about this one a little while back from someone who claimed to have seen it down here in S. Florida, but I never got any further details. I too love these stories and always hope the prototypes survived the crush order.


07-11-2006, 06:57 PM
Very cool find Tyler...lets hope they decide to let it reside at the NCM. If you were to ask me, these cars belong in the NCM for the public to see, not with GM where you have to be invited to see the cars.

07-11-2006, 09:40 PM
Awesome! Thanks for sharing the story with us, and I can't wait to see it unfold!

07-11-2006, 10:22 PM

07-12-2006, 07:13 AM
thanks for the call tyler, this is an amazing car and needs to be preserved.

I will do my best to help see that it is and thank you again for the find and stepping up to save this beast. this is a serious part of the zr-1 history and needs to be given a nice warm place to sleep.

I will be in touch as I learn more.

07-12-2006, 10:59 AM
Hi Tyler,
That's a great find and needs to be preserved! Over the years I have heard similar stories of 89s used for training purposes. I'm glad this one is still around. I may be able to help with a room at Carlisle.

Tyler Townsley
07-12-2006, 10:50 PM
Well the big boys weighted in today. GM aparently has a keeper of special cars and cars like this fall under his perview. Up front if the car is as described it will be peserved however (always a however) cars like this were usually loaned with the privisio that they be destroyed or returned to GM. Since the guy at the school who was involved with the initial loan is in Germany until the end of next week we decided to wait until he returns to discus any furthur actions. He did say normally once the school released the car back to GM he would send a truck by for pickup and in this case they would go through the car and fix anything that may be a problem and the car would become part of the GM Heritage fleet. It could then be avaiable for display at the NCM but ownership would reside with GM.

Told him I would be glad to act like Reliable and transport the car for him. As it stands we all agree the car is special and will be preserved. Will update all as things happen. These cars are the


Tyler Townsley
08-01-2006, 08:20 PM
Just realized I had not posted the pictures here.










Still working on getting the car to Carslile and other venues. Hopefully will know someting in the next week or so.


08-01-2006, 11:23 PM
What a historical find! Great job with this.=D>

08-01-2006, 11:53 PM
Very Cool TT nice to see you take such interest is helping to preserve the KOTH prototype history for the 2nd time!:cheers:

Jim Jones
08-03-2006, 09:25 PM
That is just totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Donated to a school by GM for educational purposes. Did they even know what they had?? Can't wait for more details! Keep the info coming Tyler!=D>
