View Full Version : 1/2 mile WOT vs. tire pressure?

Paul Workman
02-10-2013, 08:01 AM
Saw this on CF ZR-1 page, and it was news to me. Thought I would share w/ y'all.


Your Thoughts???


02-10-2013, 09:28 AM

Looks like 40psi would be good overall. I think this chart addresses sustained speeds. We won't be up there for very long.

02-10-2013, 11:41 AM
Interesting:cheers: looks like GY GSD3 max load is lowered to 1488 lbs. at 180 mph for the front tires. Still sounds plenty high, but how much downforce is there on a stock setup at 180.

02-10-2013, 01:53 PM
When we were doing the mile at Nellis AFB a few years back we used those charts. Good info...

02-10-2013, 08:46 PM
In road racing at VIR their standard club's inflation info to new road race course racers with three straights on the course was to add 3-5 pounds to your normal tire pressure which I believe was to keep the sidewalls stiffer and from less flex on cornering. The chart referenced seems like a lot to me and I have a question.

Does it presume high or low aspect ratio tires? I'd think it would be slightly different for the two. With our 40 and 35 aspect ratio tires mine with very small changes in air added seem to make pretty solid changes in air pressure and are much stiffer in terms of side flex with the shorter aspect sidewalls we have.

My 76 is 255 x 60 tires and now we're 275 and 315 and 35 and 40% which are pretty rigid on the car comparatively.

Lance P..