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View Full Version : Marlboro ZR1 and GMC Syclone!!!

05-08-2004, 05:54 PM
Just wondering if any of you ZR1 fanatics would happen to know of this car. It was given away through a Marlboro game. Anyone know any info about these wheels?
Just for the fun of it, here is the Marlboro Syclone they gave away shortly after that. The paint schemes were very similar. Can you guess which one is quicker?? ;)
Any information would be very appreciated guys. Thanks.

09-03-2004, 11:04 AM
Put this on the ZR1.NET & someone will know

Z Factor
09-04-2004, 03:30 PM
Can you guess which one is quicker??

HMMM, that's a tough one ;)

01-25-2009, 11:01 AM
You closed minded ZR-1 owners cannot fathom that something (especially a truck) could possibly be faster than your mid-life crisis mobile?
Yes, the 1990 ZR-1 pictured is faster, but only by .26 seconds in the quarter mile. The Syclone was actually faster in a quarter mile than all production ZR-1 corvettes except the 1990 ZR-1 in tests done by auto mags. Even if these numbers are not a perfect representation, you guys still need to broaden your horizons once in a while and realize that there are other things that can go fast besides a corvette.
1990 ZR-1 quarter time: 12.8
1992 ZR-1 quarter time: 13.9
1993 ZR-1 quarter time: 13.6
1994 ZR-1 quarter time: 13.1
1995 ZR-1 quarter time: 13.1
1991 GMC Syclone quarter time: 13.06
syclone best quarter run time (http://www.sportmachines.com/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Hot+Truck+Oct+1990)
list of chevy's including ZR-1 quarter times (http://www.albeedigital.com/supercoupe/articles/0-60_Quarter_Mile_Times/C_0-60times.html)

Easy Tex.

LOVE the Syclone and all that it can do!

Because this is a ZR-1 forum, yes we do brag about our beasts..... Just like you guys do on the Syclone forum.

:cheers: to an awesome truck :thumbsup:

01-25-2009, 12:35 PM
:wave:Theres always a bigger fish. Welcome to the forum we are proud of our cars here but we appreciate all fast vehicles. We try to keep in perspective that the "king" was the car in 1989 a true worldclass car faster than the lambo, ferrari and a few others at the time. Technolgy moves one just like the new ZR1. If you looking to pick a fight lol may I send you a link to the *************.com?

Welcome aboard and the truck is a nice truck as well. As this post is truck specific I have moved this over to off topic. :hello:

01-25-2009, 12:44 PM
Thanks for taking the time to check out our forum. If you stay awhile you will see there are a great bunch of guys including Z-Factor lol.

flyin ryan
01-25-2009, 03:11 PM
Believe me, i don't think ZR-1's/LT-5's are the greatest things since sliced bread:cool:, as you indicate. i build more power than they have everyday of the week. that's not the reason i own the cars i do. i've ported lots of heads for Syclone/Typhoon people. shortly there after they more often than not take the transmissions right out of them. they can make some jam. V-6 or not, it's still comes down to boost, they have it Zee's don't:dontknow:. hope you wake up on the 'other' side of the bed tomorrow:icon_scra

01-25-2009, 03:47 PM
Similar car sold last year at Barrett-Jackson
Marlboro-Rick Mears, I think

Zr1 Destroyer
01-25-2009, 06:17 PM
Syclones are junk......who the hell would want a stupid v6 pickup truck with a dinky turbo!


01-25-2009, 06:19 PM
Syclones are junk......who the hell would want a stupid v6 pickup truck with a dinky turbo!


QFT :worship:

Can you really call it a pickup when it can't haul anything.

01-25-2009, 07:20 PM
Just wondering if any of you ZR1 fanatics would happen to know of this car. It was given away through a Marlboro game. Anyone know any info about these wheels?
CENTER LINE ! Blade type ;) its old design.

01-25-2009, 09:03 PM
Quote from the linked Syclone article:
"Syclone is the quickest American production vehicle, short of a ZR1 Corvette, and those ZAls had better be in top shape before they square off with a Syclone."

The facts as I see them: A stock Syclone on average is a mid 13 second truck, a stock ZR-1 on average is a low 13 second car. Close enough to be a drivers race but generally the Syclone is going to come up short.

Lets see here... pulling up a four year old thread, creating an obnoxious username, insulting the websites members and using a smattering of magazine ZR-1 times against a single best ever Syclone run in a lame attempt to prove superiority... Yep you need to get a life!

P.S. I need to get a life as well for bothering with this silliness.

Zr1 Destroyer
01-25-2009, 10:17 PM
Quote from the linked Syclone article:
"Syclone is the quickest American production vehicle, short of a ZR1 Corvette, and those ZAls had better be in top shape before they square off with a Syclone."

The facts as I see them: A stock Syclone on average is a mid 13 second truck, a stock ZR-1 on average is a low 13 second car. Close enough to be a drivers race but generally the Syclone is going to come up short.

Lets see here... pulling up a four year old thread, creating an obnoxious username, insulting the websites members and using a smattering of magazine ZR-1 times against a single best ever Syclone run in a lame attempt to prove superiority... Yep you need to get a life!

P.S. I need to get a life as well for bothering with this silliness.
Now fast forward to the now..........there are handful of clones in the 8's and prolly about 20-25 guys running low nines in these. The aftermarket for syclones is of the chart these days since the awd/turbo rides are gaining numbers on the streets..............gotta love aftermarket go fast goodies!:cheers:

01-25-2009, 10:44 PM
What I say is first one to 150mph wins. ;)

01-25-2009, 11:58 PM

some of ya bit, like a big ole carp.


Bob G
01-26-2009, 12:23 PM
I am still wondering where the zr1 is ? How about the Pro mod ZR1's from years back 6seconds @ 200 mph With aftermarket everything !!
B b G

Zr1 Destroyer
01-26-2009, 03:59 PM
How about the Pro mod ZR1's from years back 6seconds @ 200 mph With aftermarket everything !!
B b G
Lol.....that must of been one hell of an Lt5 build to go in the 6's @ 200mph!:mrgreen:

01-26-2009, 05:41 PM
Lol.....that must of been one hell of an Lt5 build to go in the 6's @ 200mph!:mrgreen:

FastLanes ZR1


Zr1 Destroyer
01-26-2009, 05:50 PM
FastLanes ZR1

http://www.corvettevalley.com/gallery/data/520/390224_288_full.jpg:dancingThe one and only in the nines or eights with a lt5 power plant!

01-27-2009, 07:26 AM
I just thought it was funny how the OP said 'Can you guess which one is quicker??' and Z factor said 'HMMM, that's a tough one' I was blown away how anyone could be that closed minded and just assume that their 'king of the car world' ZR-1 is faster than anything that is not a sports car.
I'm with this guy, this is the biggest outrage in the history of the internet!