View Full Version : The Rest of the story!

01-30-2013, 08:21 AM
As some of you may remember my '90 Z has been plagued with electrical problems since my well intentioned wife let someone work on the car when I was laid up. Big, big mistake.

Have been through the gambit with many of you helping in many ways and I thank you. I guess I had been a bit intimidated by the Z car and just needed to either be pushed or pulled into getting elbow deep in the car----again.

The dreaded no start was an intermittent issue and could not be reliably be driven without a "support" crew at hand. I have been working on my other toys for most of my life but the Z car just seemed too different for me to feel comfortable tearing apart especially after my earlier attempt at tracking down various issues had not worked 100%.

A few days back the time presented itself and I decided to tear into the car from front to back----again. This time going into it as deep as possible.

Car would not start again after I drove it home from the shop. Had not even taken the key out. Tried to start it again and the "security" light was flashing. Scanner on and checked. No codes. Checked everything the FSM said and everything that kind hearted souls suggested. Nothing worked.

So tore the dash out, down to the support pipes holding the dash in place. During this process I discovered just how butchered the previous work had been done. Screw fittings broken, wires bared, missing bolts, relays just left hanging and not put back. Wires butchered and taped together rather than using the proper and existing sockets. Found several things that did some explaining. Like when using the rear defroster (very seldom used over here but occasionally) the radio would "mute". Yep had been spliced into the aftermarket radio.

Then the "ah ha" moment on the VAT's issue. When I removed the ignition key switch from the steering column all looked correct. Upon further inspection the wire (think it was blue or perhaps yellow?) that "reads" the ohms on the key chip was "cold soldered" and would separate from the contacts. Not sure if this was an original problem or created by the idiot who worked on the car when I was horizontal for a few months. However I think it must have been the latter as the previous owner never had any issues with the VAT's before his accident. But I guess the accident could have had some effect on the weld.

Put the car back together and wallah. Horn now working. Car starting but just to make sure I did some overkill. I have Marc's chip installed in the car with the "no vats" option. Overkill? I shunted the starter enable relay 30 & 17 (I think but if needed I could check my notes on exactly which two I used) to bypass the starter enable relay. Now instrument panel nice and bright. Before this current effort I had cleaned all the grounding places I could find (earths) and the dim dash lights was still and issue. Turn signals work all the time instead of intermittently. Steering column now secure and not loose like before. Headlight switch nice and firm not wobbly like before.

All interior lights, exterior lights working properly. Only t remaining issues at present. Left headlight not rotating, sticking throttle cable or perhaps the butterfly sticking, seat belt won't go out and a miss at idle. Will tend to those shortly.

As I said I hate being left hanging about anything so thought I would post this up to finalize the dreaded "no start" problems I had bee plagued with.

Thanks again to everyone for the help and moral support.:handshak:
Wayne in cold Dubai. Yeah last night it was 68 F.

01-30-2013, 08:40 AM
Cool beans, Its great when you can fix these things yourself. :cheers:

01-30-2013, 09:41 AM
Cool beans, Its great when you can fix these things yourself. :cheers:

Often time that's the only assurance of the job being done right.
I learned to do radio install because this audio shop I took my Z to in Orlando back in 1991 butchered the interior, broke plastic tabs, left out screws, used wrong screws, cut the carpet unnecessarilly, scratched trims, etc., etc... This shop did some fancy work for Shaq at the time and was suppose to be the best in town - what a joke!

01-30-2013, 10:31 AM
That's great news Wayne. Glad to hear you got it fixed! :cheers:

01-30-2013, 10:52 AM
Nice going Wayne ! Check your e-mail plz.

01-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Not only a great story but well written.
It's like you brought us with you step by frustrating step. And as I read each fix it's like I was there saying "YES" .
I can almost fee the satisfaction as if I did the work !

It is indeed a great community we have here. Sometimes things just come together and makes up for a bit if the s$(t in life.

Your head light may just be the old white delron washers worn out thing. Some time ago Mark H. suggested someone use rubber in there instead of delron. Mine started failing so it tried it. I'm here to say DON'T USE RUBBER. I mean it works but makes a racket like a squealing dog. I'll be redoing mine today (maybe)

Paul Workman
01-30-2013, 12:07 PM

I have to admit it, but you're not alone, far as intrepidation (sp?) re tearing into your Z goes. It seems to take me 3-4x as long to do it the first time (anything), and at least 2x $ as I thought. (Care to change my heater core for me? ;))


01-30-2013, 12:07 PM
That's great Wayne. It's a great feeling to discover a real solution to a malfunction.

The work you just completed and the positive outcome reminds me of some jobs I always dreaded doing and put them off until they could be put off no more. Then after completion, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had made it out to be.

01-30-2013, 01:12 PM

Stopping to take cam shots, and to describe what you're doing, is good for several reasons. You think more analytically, see more stuff, know how it goes back together, your work is documented if you later unload the car, etc., ...

When I sold my '94, the guy and his son flew down to NC from Philly. When we got to my house, I gave him the keys, and told him where the 2 local Bowties were.

He said he'd seen all he needed to see (on some vette boards - bolts cleaned with a toothbrush, holes chased with Shop-Vac, etc.).

We chatted more, he got in, and drove back to Philly. He did call and say it got warm in August DC 5 PM rush hour traffic on the Beltway.

01-30-2013, 09:05 PM
I'm glad this worked out!

Now instrument panel nice and bright. Before this current effort I had cleaned all the grounding places I could find (earths) and the dim dash lights was still and issue. .

Any idea what fixed your dim dash lights?

I have the same issue. I've had the dash out to make sure all the lights work, and I've cleaned the two main grounds on the bellhousing, but the dash lights remain dim.

01-30-2013, 09:11 PM
I'm glad this worked out!

Any idea what fixed your dim dash lights?

I have the same issue. I've had the dash out to make sure all the lights work, and I've cleaned the two main grounds on the bellhousing, but the dash lights remain dim.

Dim? Or flicker? Do you have DTC 41 [?] for CCM --- LCD Voltage Hi / Low spec???

01-30-2013, 09:49 PM
Dim? Or flicker? Do you have DTC 41 [?] for CCM --- LCD Voltage Hi / Low spec???

No flickering and no codes. Just dim. Dash will brighten with lights on and photocell seems to work, although I've wondered if the photocell is an issue.