View Full Version : Are these injectors original?

01-27-2013, 02:19 PM
Last fall my 91 would stumble when I got on it. The car has a very sorted past with no records at all. I figured that all I needed was to change injectors assuming that they where the originals. I pulled the plenum and checked the ohms only to find that everyone of them was 14.0 to 14.1. One set is orangey yellow and the other set is black. Are these original, and they have not shorted yet, or has a p.o. changed them. If they are ok why would it stumble? I have changed spark plugs.

Marc Haibeck
01-27-2013, 03:04 PM
Your primary injectors are Ford injectors. They have the Ford part number on them. Sometimes the part number has been obliterated by the supplier. They seem to work well. I have never seen one fail. The secondary injectors look like the OE injectors.

At what engine speed and throttle opening do you encounter the stumble?

01-27-2013, 03:13 PM
As I recall is was about 1500 to 2000 RPM. It only seems to happen when I really get on it. It seems to be starving for fuel. I have changed both pumps as well as the filter. I am getting 50 psi fuel pressure at idle, I have no idea where it is after I close the hood.

01-27-2013, 05:39 PM
I just decided to change all 16 injectors. Those ones from Ford (yes they said Ford on them) looked a little funky. This way I know at least the injectors are OK. I will order new spark plug wires and replace them before I put the plenum back on. Mine still say LT5 on them, so they are at least 22 years old. Thanks for the help Marc. I just finished watching you on video be fore tackling this project. You gave me courage!!

01-27-2013, 09:03 PM

Are the FORD injectors the same as the Accels? IOW, are they the SAME injectors?

Marc Haibeck
01-28-2013, 02:40 AM

50 psi fuel pressure at idle is too high. 43 psi +/- 1 psi is normal at sea level. Don't worry about it with respect to the stumble problem though. High fuel pressure at 50 psi won't cause a stumble, misfire or roughness.

Maybe you have a shorted secondary injector causing the stumble? Check their electrical resistance. As they approach 6 ohms they stop flowing.


The Ford injectors have a different physical shape than the Accel injectors. I don't know who manufactures either one.

01-28-2013, 07:57 AM
Well whatever you replace them with make sure they have the stainless steel inserts to avoid rust. Accels, RCs etc are proven and work well. GC

01-29-2013, 01:18 PM
Here are a few photos of the "Ford" injectors, and the other injectors that where in my car. These have been replaced with Accels. I think that there will be a difference when I finaly am able to get the car out.

01-29-2013, 10:46 PM
:flag2:Well whatever you replace them with make sure they have the stainless steel inserts to avoid rust. Accels, RCs etc are proven and work well. GC


You using RCs?

04-11-2013, 11:36 AM


You using RCs?

You betcha a member here once told me. They are an install once item. AKNA you get what you pay for. GC

04-11-2013, 11:50 AM
These where installed by a PO. I have replaced them with Accels and they run great.:p