View Full Version : European tail light harness

01-24-2013, 02:38 AM
Hi guys!!!
Happy 2013 at all!!!!

Somebody know if the ecklers instructions for european tail ligght conversion are good for 1990 zr-1?
Someone of you put the conversion?
I have hand made the tail light and now i must modify the original harness.
When i have finish the job i'll put the picrture!!!
Thanks att all!!!

Thomas ZR-1
01-24-2013, 04:27 AM
Hi Max

In edition to the tail light harness you can be sure there is no difference between 90 zr-1 and 90 L98...but why the hell do you want to change from the american style to the european??? Orange flash light are really ugly in corvette...sorry I`d never change it in my zr-1. I modifited a lot of c4 in the other direction after getting a german title (registration documents) the german TÜV.


01-24-2013, 05:23 AM
Hi Thomas,
no no no no...i haven't amber lenses for direction....my rear tail light are hand made...it's a secret!!!!!!:-)
I'll post the picture when i'll finish the job.
I must modify the harness at the moment...;-)

Thomas ZR-1
01-24-2013, 05:52 AM
Ok let`s wait for your hand mades...here is a pic from my job I did last spring, a led ring in each lamp. I`m using 9V for normal light and the full 12V for the brakes.

Thomas ZR-1
01-24-2013, 05:57 AM
...ok, I should better take a photo if it`s dark[-X

Thomas ZR-1
01-24-2013, 06:03 AM
...or this one: (it`s difficult to see every led on the picture...but they are all on)

01-24-2013, 07:29 AM
Nice idea, but i think that during the day they aren't so much visible.
I try this solution too, but with the sun the led are invisible.
I modify all the tail light with a very big work...i do it when i have free time...Now i'm almost reay to modify the harness... ;-)

01-24-2013, 09:05 AM

Waiting to see what you have done. Are you able to make copies or show how you have modified the lamps? Ciao.

01-24-2013, 11:44 AM
Hi Dom!!!!!
How are you???
Able to make copies of my lenses job???

Yes, i can!!!!! :-)
So, it's hand made, it's a prototype tail light, i don't know how many time resist the bonding...i use my Z only few time and only with sun.

I can't guarantee a long life of my tail light with daily use :-(

Wait wait wait...I think that anyone who have just a little handling ability can made it....

01-24-2013, 01:25 PM
I adore Italy....am (slowly) talking my wife into retiring...thinking Abruzzo area....an hour and a half from Rome....an hour and a half to the east coast...400 miles of beaches up to Venice....lovely...

01-24-2013, 02:35 PM
I adore Italy....am (slowly) talking my wife into retiring...thinking Abruzzo area....an hour and a half from Rome....an hour and a half to the east coast...400 miles of beaches up to Venice....lovely...

Not to hijack the thread but part of the cost of the 95 ZR-1 bought last summer was a trip to Italy this year, probably late September or early October. The most expensive Z in the world! But I definitely look forward to going to Italy also. --Bob

01-24-2013, 03:55 PM
I adore Italy....am (slowly) talking my wife into retiring...thinking Abruzzo area....an hour and a half from Rome....an hour and a half to the east coast...400 miles of beaches up to Venice....lovely...

Ryan, i love USA, but i'm never come....do you want change??? :-)

01-24-2013, 08:01 PM
Not to hijack the thread but part of the cost of the 95 ZR-1 bought last summer was a trip to Italy this year, probably late September or early October. The most expensive Z in the world! But I definitely look forward to going to Italy also. --Bob


On our last trip to Italy, my wife and I spent a week in Tuscana. We took a day trip to Firenze. It was great. We had the best wine and ate like kings. I'd love to have a second place there. My dream is to drive the ZR through Europe and go down to Puglia in southern Italy where some family and friends live. A fairly ignored part of Italy, but actually more of the Italy we think of here.

02-04-2013, 06:55 PM
Here you are my new (hand made) tail light...
What do you think?? (it's a working progres)
i'll put other picture when i finish the job


02-04-2013, 08:43 PM
Here you are my new (hand made) tail light...
What do you think?? (it's a working progres)
i'll put other picture when i finish the job



Sono LED o luce tradizionale? Si vede la sezione chiaro. Quest e per la frecce di direzzione? Che colore di luce? Sono interresato se potrebbi fare un altro gruppo? O Lgaff potrebbe inquistare se ce manifatura a Cina o anche a USA.



02-05-2013, 01:01 AM
Ciao Dom,
hai una mail in arrivo!!!

Fully Vetted
02-05-2013, 01:59 AM
Ciao Dom,
hai una mail in arrivo!!!

Hmm... Let me take a stab... A tuna just arrived in the mail?

02-05-2013, 03:10 AM
Hmm... Let me take a stab... A tuna just arrived in the mail?

Sorry, but i don't understand!! ;-)

Thomas ZR-1
02-05-2013, 05:26 AM
Me too...? German, English and a little bit of Frensh but unfortunately no Italian

02-05-2013, 06:33 AM
I'have write to xfirez51 that i send him a e-mail!! ;-)

ZR-1 Franz
02-05-2013, 07:11 AM
Whenever you go to Italy with your ZR-1, be sure your anti theft equipment is okay.
Never let the car alone. Me for my part I would never drive a Corvette to Italy,
especially not a ZR-1. I have to say I like some Italian cars. I would like to get
one day an Alfa Romeo Montreal V8. The car was built from 1970-1977. Its V8
is amazing, 2.6 litre, 4 overhead cams, dry sump, fuel injection and 200 hp! This was great at that time with such a small V8.
My wife drives a new Abarth 500. Small car, but really fast. If I would have already one, I would never drive
a Montreal to Italy, nor an Abarth 500, never an outstanding car.
A normal Fiat, yes!
By the way, I never liked these Europeans lights on Corvettes. In my opinion
they are ugly!


02-05-2013, 08:33 AM
Whenever you go to Italy with your ZR-1, be sure your anti theft equipment is okay.
Never let the car alone. Me for my part I would never drive a Corvette to Italy,
especially not a ZR-1. I have to say I like some Italian cars. I would like to get
one day an Alfa Romeo Montreal V8. The car was built from 1970-1977. Its V8
is amazing, 2.6 litre, 4 overhead cams, dry sump, fuel injection and 200 hp! This was great at that time with such a small V8.
My wife drives a new Abarth 500. Small car, but really fast. If I would have already one, I would never drive
a Montreal to Italy, nor an Abarth 500, never an outstanding car.
A normal Fiat, yes!
By the way, I never liked these Europeans lights on Corvettes. In my opinion
they are ugly!


I think that the first part of your message is OFF TOPIC, and i don't want continue to be OFF TOPIC....

We was speaking of tail light...
OK...i need to do this midify because here in Italy the totally red lenses are illegal....
I think my modify is the right compromise between totally red or external orange lens and internl red lens (orrible for me)

Thomas ZR-1
02-05-2013, 09:08 AM
Yes...sure but you can buy Europian tail lights at corvette central or ecklers. This are complete lamps not only lenses...have a look:

02-05-2013, 09:24 AM
Yes...sure but you can buy Europian tail lights at corvette central or ecklers. This are complete lamps not only lenses...have a look:

Eheheheheh...sure Thomas...i like it!!!!
But, do you have see how much are that?
I have Reprodutc the same tail light (home made...are not so nice as that in picture) using original tail light...so much less expensive!!!!

Thomas ZR-1
02-05-2013, 10:09 AM
The picture is from corvette central:


Item# 4941671991-1996

$129.95 EACH

quite expensive but fits perfect

02-05-2013, 10:37 AM
Hallo Thomas ZR1,
Are the tail lights the only thing that has to be changed for a Z to pass inspection in Germany. Does the older cars still have to pass emmission test?
I live part of the year in Augsburg.
Nelson 007

02-05-2013, 10:43 AM
129.95$*4=519.8$+shipping+27% (italian tax)

You must buy also the new harness: 200$

I think the total is about 820$ (with shipping)
In Italy you take the price in euro and add the tax: 605euro+27%=about 770 euros

For me so much expensive...
My tail light fit perfectly too!!!!

Thomas ZR-1
02-06-2013, 02:14 AM

$520 for the tail lights + $60 for the shipping is $580...this are 445 Euro + the Italian taxes: 567 Euro. The original tail light harness is very easily to modify, you won`t need a new one...it`s no problem.

Thomas ZR-1
02-06-2013, 02:47 AM
Hallo Thomas ZR1,
Are the tail lights the only thing that has to be changed for a Z to pass inspection in Germany. Does the older cars still have to pass emmission test?
I live part of the year in Augsburg.
Nelson 007

Hi Nelson

One of the best things with a corvette in Germany is: you can nearly do what you want with the car! The German inspection doesn`t know anything about corvettes. They are experts for Europian cars. But: you should be a nice guy if you have a date with the engineers at the inspection. The c4 is a 20 year old car...my car is a condition like new. My car at the inspection means everybody is astonished: What a great car! awesome sound! yes...that`s real v8 sound! Nobody realize the modifications. They can not compare it with other c4 corvettes because there are none. For sure, the relevant modification are registered in the car`s titel by special inspections over the years like Porsche brakes, Bilstein coil over suspension or the special rims and stuff like that...btw my car has the US style tail lights, I don`t like the Europian lamps...corvette flash lights has to be red!!!

Every car has to pass an emission test at the insection, that`s right...but that`s no problem if the cats are on board...btw don`t remove them from the car, it stinks horrible!

....don`t be afraid for the German inspection if your corvette is in a good condition!

02-06-2013, 10:33 AM
Danke Thomas ZR-1 for the information.
My biggest concern was in emission inspection. Do you have problems finding someone to work on the car? I was going to bring over one of my older Corvettes but they are BB and a couple of LT1's high performance. My Z is the only Corvette that I own that's not too bad in the wallet concerning gas.

Viele Grüße und vielen Dank,


Thomas ZR-1
02-07-2013, 02:36 AM
Hi Nelson

Augsburg is in the deep south of Germany...that`s not my area, but: BEWARE OF LARGER COMPANIES (Geiger in Munich) AND SHOPS! They will take your money but they don`t have the needed knowledge for a those kind of special cars. Look for a small specialized shop, RENZ US CARS in Jettingen should be a good choice in your area. In my region (north-west) I know the specialists but that would be 600 km from you.

Btw...I´m the only mechanic that works on my car...my job is my hobby, I´m a master mechanic and I´m empolyed in a company for engine development.

Gruß, Thomas

02-07-2013, 09:44 AM
Hallo Thomas,
Thanks for the information. My 95 Z just arrived this morning. This is the one I'm thinking of shipping to Germany. When I'm able, I want to make sure the car is running good. I would probally ship it to Bremerhafen are you near there?
Lieben Gruß

Nelson 007


Thomas ZR-1
02-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi Nelson

Bremerhafen is in the north of Germany, 500 km from me. I`m living in the west. I`ve 5 km to the Belgium border and 2 km to the Netherlands.
In Basel / Switzerland we an absolutely zr-1 expert, this is not far away from Augsburg. He is in here in this forum, his name is Miri (Sam). He can help you if you have a problem with your lady. He is a nice guy with a very high lt-5 knowledge.

Schöne Grüsse!

02-07-2013, 05:49 PM
Daniel Thomas,
I think I know where you are. My mother is from Hamburg and have spend some time in the Nord.
Thanks again,

Thomas ZR-1
02-07-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi Nelson

Currently I had a look on your photobook...what a nice car! Your zr-1 looks like new, excellent condition. When will you ship it to Germany and at what time during the will you stay in the Land of the Autobahn? This car is build for our highways...not speed limit at 60 or 70 mls/h or full load at the 1/4 mile. Ok sometimes we have a speed limit, 100 or 120 km/h but there are also many sections without a limit:

Life begins at 180 mls/h

That`s true...yes, I love it! Maybe you can enjoy some Europian corvette meetings this year. We are going to take part at the international Luxembourg meeting in may and the international corvette meeting in Prag (Praha) in july. This is maybe only 200 km from Augsburg.

02-07-2013, 08:19 PM
...but why the hell do you want to change from the american style to the european??? Orange flash light are really ugly in corvette...

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a136/FLYTYM/DSCN1090.jpgYour opinion,I love mine!

02-11-2013, 05:08 AM
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a136/FLYTYM/DSCN1090.jpgYour opinion,I love mine!To the original poster,what exactly are you trying to do,send me a P.M.

I'm with you and love it; it especially looks good on your White Z. Everyone has opinions and their own taste.

02-12-2013, 06:01 PM
Hallo Thomas ZR-1
I usually come to Germany in April and stay until the end of June. I go back to the states, and than come back to Germany in September and stay until the first week in December. I never like to miss the Wiesn and Christkindl Market in the winter. I do many side trips from my farm in Bayern. I would probably ship my car in March, I think it takes a few weeks to arrive in Germany.
Have a good day,
Nelson 007