View Full Version : Exxon ValdeZR1 (more of the same)

01-15-2013, 08:58 PM
I have posted in the forum that the shop sponsors horsepowerjunkies.com, but one post, with NOTHING BUT TRUTH, AND A QUESTION ABOUT DELAYS, WAS DELETED. Maybe they will register here, and defend this work???

In fact - I just attempted to log on there.
You have been banned for the following reason:
******* with a mans living is NOT smart...**** off faggot.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

So I went to measure some hardware. The front end has been up 10" for an hour, after doing video of TCI controller live data in Closed Loop.

We went to elevate the rear, and saw need to roll up our pantslegs, and call EPA?


I asked SPECIFICALLY, what heeded to be checked, and what bolts needed to be re-torqued. "None", was the answer.

Every job has a punchlist. THis punchBOOK has a job in it somewhere...




01-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Omg. What moderator sent that to you?

I'm shocked....

01-15-2013, 09:45 PM
Omg. What moderator sent that to you?

I'm shocked....

He's the Administrator of the boards.

Got some new screenshots with Zale's Jewelers, Allstate, Durham NC Ford Dealer, etc.,

The sponsors are pulling plugs. Sorry pal...

01-15-2013, 09:56 PM
Was this CF?

01-15-2013, 09:58 PM
Please take a screen shot of the private message and who did it

Fully Vetted
01-15-2013, 11:10 PM
I think it's time for this Band of Brothers to go into attack mode.

01-15-2013, 11:20 PM
Was this CF?

Has to be as it was certainly not here.

01-16-2013, 12:00 AM
He said in the first post:


Fully Vetted
01-16-2013, 12:34 AM
Yeah, that's pretty balsy. What did you post that got them so fired up?

I'm going to play devils advocate here for a minute. If that forum has had nothing but success with their main sponsor (which is highly unlikely based on the shotty work we've seen) and then someone posts something negative about that sponsor on their forum that might not go over too well. Think about how we would react if someone posted a bunch of stuff about Jerry or Marc or Pete. We would go nuts. Clearly, it would be handled in a much more professional manner but the passion would def be at the same level.

I'm not saying anything you posted was inaccurate. I'm just saying you may have gone onto their playground and turned over their sandbox and they reacted the only way they knew how relative to their level of education.

01-16-2013, 12:35 AM
He said in the first post:


I can't imagine it was overlooked by so many!! Seemed pretty obvious! Amazing!

01-16-2013, 12:39 AM
Yeah, that's pretty balsy. What did you post that got them so fired up?

I'm going to play devils advocate here for a minute. If that forum has had nothing but success with their main sponsor (which is highly unlikely based on the shotty work we've seen) and then someone posts something negative about that sponsor on their forum that might not go over too well. Think about how we would react if someone posted a bunch of stuff about Jerry or Marc or Pete. We would go nuts. Clearly, it would be handled in a much more professional manner but the passion would def be at the same level.

I'm not saying anything you posted was inaccurate. I'm just saying you may have gone onto their playground and turned over their sandbox and they reacted the only way they knew how relative to their level of education.

There's no doubt that's likely what happened. One can't ever tell how many actually might have access to the "administrative" levels of the forum either. Might have been someone other than the "suspect" - hard to tell!

There was certainly some attention by some that had absolutely no need to know. There was never a mention of the Registry Forum being slandered or even mentioned in the named forums response! Just a jump to possible conclusions.

01-16-2013, 04:03 AM
I WAS banned from CF (same username)

Why? For making fun of blood and guts and gore posts in CFOT. When ever I saw that crap, I asked for pics (in sarcasm). No personal attacks, flaming, foul language, just SARCASM.

I had already demonstrated CF's interest in ad revenue, by suggesting to Jon Banner FIC Injectors (a GREAT guy), AND to CF boards administration, that they make stickies of Jon's injector diagnostic videos. Jon will back me up on that, I believe.

'Bout the same time was when I started poking fun at the CFOT death / gore posts. Then the Maryland crime, with the dog getting shot up at a crime scene, and someone posted details (garbage), and I posted "pics of bullet-riddled dog???" pewter 99 didn't like it. No problem...

(and right after the ban, Jon got his vids stickied) (and a couple of my threads, including headlight repair made into a sticky, had garnered about 70k hits (still there now) )

But at horsepowerjunkies.com, someone backed me up on QUESTION (nothing more), and forum admin lit THAT GUY up with 4-letter stuff. I sent screenshots to corporate sponsors, including Zales Jeweler's. Then I got the ban. AND THAT SCREENSHOT, with more big-time sponsors ;) in the ban message.

All in all, my job will just be a small claim, couple $K maybe.

THIS guy really got burned. $27,000, and a meltdown. See post 24:


Sorry here GC, about boosting my own thread :neutral:

01-16-2013, 08:52 AM
I think the pictures of the work speak volumes. I agree your next COA is prob Small claims or lawyer up for a civil suit.

01-16-2013, 10:12 AM
I have moved this discussion to the Off Topic section. The topic of this thread is not a technical discussion of the ZR-1

Customer complaint disputes and policies or actions by OTHER forums are are not appropriate here on the Registry Forum.

Schrade, I am sorry that you are having such a mess with the modification that you tried to do. I believe that there is a wealth of technical advice available here on the Registry Forum.

Please keep the discussion to technical issues and not policies on other forums and not customer complaints with vendors.

Thank you,


01-16-2013, 02:00 PM
Copy there Sir; bashing any parties wasn't the main intention here; just getting a few snappics posted for feedback here...

Delete this thread, and move the post 1 snappics to the other thread?