View Full Version : Brotherhood of Misfits

Fully Vetted
12-26-2012, 02:23 AM
Although the feature article of our very own David Johnson and his stunning '94 AB Beast stole the show and the appearance of another members (Jerry Majer’s) two beautiful blue Corvettes in The Glass Menagarie was icing on the cake there was another article in the current edition of Vette magazine that I think should receive honorable mention.

On page 58 there is an article called Vette Setters that talks about a new series coming up in mid January called “Vetted”. It’s a show that’s going to not only talk about some of the rarest of Vette’s but it’s also going to talk about the culture and the experience of Vette ownership. At one point they are interviewing one of the hosts, Drew Waters, and the interviewer asks him if the idea for the show came from the Corvette’s 60th anniversary or from the news of the upcoming C7. His answer was, “Neither.” He said they wanted to do it because of what the Corvette stands for. And when the interviewer asked, “And that is?” his answer was, “Camaraderie. It stands for 100,000-plus-strong group of individuals who come together because they love their Corvettes. You get Corvette’s together, whether it’s a ’53 or a ’13 or any model year in between, and it’s like a brotherhood.” That’s what the show is going to spot light.

I’m pretty new to the ZR-1 Owners Group having only purchased my Z a little over 3 months ago but I can tell you I’ve already made friends that I suspect I will be friends with forever. I’ve heard some on this forum speak of the fact that if it wasn’t for the “Brotherhood” this…and if it wasn’t for the “Brotherhood” that… Next to Christianity I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a powerful common thread. This car is like a living, breathing thing. It brings us together and then it sits back and watches us talk and argue, laugh and cry, be victorious and suffer in defeat. It watches us raise money for members that are sick, have auctions for members that are in trouble and need help, offer to do repairs, help diagnose issues…all because it’s just who we are. It’s what we do. It’s not the price we pay for being an owner or the cross we bear for being a member. It’s the privilege we have for being a friend. I can honestly say that I am a better man today than I was the day I joined this Fraternity of Freaks three months ago. Not only am I proud to say I’m a C4 ZR-1 owner but I’m even more proud to say that I am a member of the greatest owners group on Earth. Period.

Happy New Year to my Brotherhood of Misfits,

David Adams

12-26-2012, 03:19 AM
I could not agree more or more strongly. If anyone wants to see just how unique and great this group of owners, enthusiast and members are just look how far and wide we come from. I live in the Middle East. There have been friends I have made on this brotherhood from all over the USA, Canada, Europe, the Far East and Australia. Every one of them have expressed an interest in this brotherhood offering information, sourcing, advice and when all else failed they offered compassion.

I have owned, driven and been a corvette enthusiast since my teenage years. Very few things have been as constant in my life as my love for Corvettes. Finding this Brotherhood has been one of the most rewarding events in my life.

Doesn't matter if you have been here only 4 months, 4 years or in mindset for 40 years it seems to me to be the common effect this forum has one everyone of us.

AND I thank you all for having this group and welcoming everyone so warmly. Even if sometimes we demonstrate how little we know.


12-26-2012, 07:05 AM
We stick together like Musk Oxen in the face of a Siberian winter gale!

We are GM's Red Headed Step Children, the few, the eccentric, the stubborn owners of the C4 ZR-1. We will not go quietly into the night.


12-26-2012, 07:24 AM
Very well stated for someone who only been around a short time, I couldn't agree more. I'm still an owner because of all my ZR-1 freinds. My brother inlaw is a C6 owner and is always amazed that I freinds all over the country as well as Japan & Spain because of one special C4.:saluting:

12-26-2012, 07:30 AM
Hey CaptC, is that a list of what is currently in your stable?

12-26-2012, 07:37 AM
No that is a list of only my corvette collection. Doesn't include the scooters, other cars I have collected and kept over the years nor does it include The Boss's toys (read The Boss as lovely bride of over 20 years).

Yeah I know I am nuts over machines of many types.

12-26-2012, 07:41 AM
Damn, that's an impressive list. I think I might wanna be you, maybe just for a day.

12-26-2012, 09:41 AM
You for sure wouldn't wanna be me during renewal of registration and insurance. Ugh!

12-26-2012, 09:53 AM
Alright, any day but that day. How is insurance and registration over there? My insurance is about $550 on my Vette that I value around $20k, registration is a couple hundred a year. -Steve

12-26-2012, 10:47 AM
Over here we cannot get classic car insurance. We are only offered 3rd party insurance. If you cause an accident then they will cover the vehicle you damaged but your car is not covered. If someone else causes an accident with your vehicle they will pay for "repairs" but at what ever band aid shop they use. Personally I will not let anyone work on my cars if at all possible. Last time anyone worked on one of my cars was when I was in the hospital and it created two years of problems on my Z car so lesson re-learned the hard way again.

New cars are covered for up to 5 years with "agency" repairs. But after that then you are only covered by whatever the claims agent can cheat you out of or can buy a replacement vehicle for----the cheapest, most ragged out or abused POS they can find.

3rd party insurance normally goes for about $350 per year for V8 cars. Other cars are a bit cheaper say about $200 a year.

I sort of get what could be called a "fleet rate" as I have school busses, staff cars etc.. But registration is about $150 per vehicle per year. Motorcycles are more expensive for registration and insurance but only slightly so. Its not really bad here compared to some of the places in the states.

12-26-2012, 11:01 AM
Interesting, thanks for the insight. -Steve

12-26-2012, 02:31 PM
Al lease you won't have any rust problems there.

Nelson 007

12-28-2012, 10:02 AM
Although the feature article of our very own David Johnson and his stunning '94 AB Beast stole the show and the appearance of another members (Jerry Majer’s) two beautiful blue Corvettes in The Glass Menagarie was icing on the cake there was another article in the current edition of Vette magazine that I think should receive honorable mention.

On page 58 there is an article called Vette Setters that talks about a new series coming up in mid January called “Vetted”. It’s a show that’s going to not only talk about some of the rarest of Vette’s but it’s also going to talk about the culture and the experience of Vette ownership. At one point they are interviewing one of the hosts, Drew Waters, and the interviewer asks him if the idea for the show came from the Corvette’s 60th anniversary or from the news of the upcoming C7. His answer was, “Neither.” He said they wanted to do it because of what the Corvette stands for. And when the interviewer asked, “And that is?” his answer was, “Camaraderie. It stands for 100,000-plus-strong group of individuals who come together because they love their Corvettes. You get Corvette’s together, whether it’s a ’53 or a ’13 or any model year in between, and it’s like a brotherhood.” That’s what the show is going to spot light.

I’m pretty new to the ZR-1 Owners Group having only purchased my Z a little over 3 months ago but I can tell you I’ve already made friends that I suspect I will be friends with forever. I’ve heard some on this forum speak of the fact that if it wasn’t for the “Brotherhood” this…and if it wasn’t for the “Brotherhood” that… Next to Christianity I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a powerful common thread. This car is like a living, breathing thing. It brings us together and then it sits back and watches us talk and argue, laugh and cry, be victorious and suffer in defeat. It watches us raise money for members that are sick, have auctions for members that are in trouble and need help, offer to do repairs, help diagnose issues…all because it’s just who we are. It’s what we do. It’s not the price we pay for being an owner or the cross we bear for being a member. It’s the privilege we have for being a friend. I can honestly say that I am a better man today than I was the day I joined this Fraternity of Freaks three months ago. Not only am I proud to say I’m a C4 ZR-1 owner but I’m even more proud to say that I am a member of the greatest owners group on Earth. Period.

Happy New Year to my Brotherhood of Misfits,

David Adams

Your words are most eloquent and express my feelings as well. Been a part of the brotherhood since July and will be one for life.
Happy New Year.