View Full Version : Very important.Please read !!

12-24-2012, 11:24 AM
Me and my family would like to express to the Brotherhood of the ZR1 Registry a heart felt very Merry Christmas to all.

See , we are usually the folk raising money for charity , helping the needy and ill . Taking in toubled people. We never thought in our wildest dreams that one day we would be on the hurting side. Some know that we got our head handed to us from Super storm Sandy. Then we had our possession's robbed. We lived in this community for 34 year's and never flooded , or even had to lock a door.

The out-pour from the club has been overwelming. We just can't say enough. You all are the best and I'm proud to say that I'm part of the club.

You all know who you are.

Thank's to all Sincerely,

The Urbinati clan...
Frank , Renee , Frank Jr. , Nicholas , Angela , Bowser , Louie , Emma and Simba

12-24-2012, 12:04 PM
You're still in our thoughts and prayers Frank.
Merry Christmas back at you.

From the Fabre clan

Blue Flame Restorations
12-24-2012, 12:08 PM
We're always here for you , Frank.

Best wishes,

12-24-2012, 01:08 PM
If there is anything that I can do dont hesitate send me a PM or call. I hope your entire family has a joyous holiday season.

12-24-2012, 02:29 PM
Frank, best wishes this Christmas. Hope the holidays take your mind away from cleaning up after that storm for just a little bit. Steve and Terry

12-24-2012, 03:59 PM
Merry Christmas to all the "Urbs" and everyone else who help to make the Registry such a fantastic group.

Wishing you all a Happy New year.

Dave & Hil


12-24-2012, 04:12 PM
Merry Xmas Frank!

Anything for you bro. You have always been there for us, I'm glad I could do something small for you

Happy holidays
