View Full Version : Please give your definition of a "permagrin"

12-23-2012, 12:23 PM

For those who don't know what a "permagrin" in or how to get one

Please give your explanation



Blue Flame Restorations
12-23-2012, 12:29 PM
It's when I hit WOT and only have partial hearing for a few minutes afterwards. hahahahahaha

12-23-2012, 12:42 PM
Might have been when I was on the highway, my brother beside me in his Mustang GT (no contest), I'm in third at highway speed and keep poping the throttle. My wife finally looked at me and asked "when is he getting off". I really need to teach her to drive it. The experience is so different behind the wheel as opposed to the passengers seat.

12-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Permagrin happens the second I decide to pick up "Girlfriends" keys.
Heck, even just looking at her under the cover in the garage can give me a charge that can last all day.
Just knowing that she's there and ready to go at any given moment is enough for me.

Consider me a ZR1 Junkie.


12-23-2012, 04:18 PM
It's having one of those so called "ultimate driving POSs" drive up
on me and then I start creeping up the speed until ..... he starts to fall behind farther and farther.
And then doing it again just to punctuate the "inferior driving machine".;)

12-23-2012, 06:51 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words


12-23-2012, 07:45 PM
They are delicious!!!

12-23-2012, 10:09 PM
When the "powerband" hits at 4k rpm and you start to row through the gears :D . Makes you feel like a kid again!!! ---

12-24-2012, 12:36 AM
My definition is when I havent been in the car for a few weeks,go for a drive,tires still cold.I leave a stop light get on it abit and the rear breaks loose,hooked a little sideways,straighten out and on down the road.Its more like an uncontrollable laugh.

Paul Workman
12-24-2012, 08:23 AM
It begins when I turn the key and listen to the fuel pumps charge the fuel rails and go quiet: "READY!" she seems to be saying!:dancing

Then the starter whirrrrrs and she catches and immediately zooms to 2000 rpm before settling down to a smooth idle. bout then the heart jumps and the blood quickens the pace. She's hungry...Now for some fresh MEAT! Every now and then a sanctimonious ricer or LSx driver comes along and it is delicious when the smirk on his face melts away and somehow finds it's way onto mine!:razz:

Not my vid, but pretty well tells the story that has been played out soooo many times. (I love it when the C5 guy lets go a "HA!" when the LS initially jumps ahead...followed by a suprised (unexpected) "huh?" as the Z's tail lights cruise past the windshield. When the reality of the Z sinks in, the comment "You're not catchin' him!" is just delicious!! Now thats PERMAGRIN!!)


And, there were a LOT of suprised LS drivers, and a lot of "FBI" permagrinin' going on after this bunch of ZR-1 pilots took home the overall trophy at an all Corvette Shootout. LOTS of "PERMAGRIN"!!


AND, the Brotherhood of the Beast too is a large part of my permagrin. Owning a ZR-1 would be a daunting experience were it not for the community's expertise and support!

Merry Christmas y'all!!


12-24-2012, 10:51 AM
Paul W, that was a great video, I've never seen it.

12-24-2012, 10:54 AM
For me it is when I start her, I hear her exhaust note and say man I did not make any mistake buying this car.

12-24-2012, 12:21 PM
For me it's when I go through 4 gears and when my heart is not pumping 130 beats or 140 A minute.Talk about Adrenalin rush


12-24-2012, 12:21 PM
i'll let you know when i can drive it 3 months without needing to put $1,000+ into it

12-24-2012, 12:27 PM
For me it's when I go through 4 gears and when my heart is not pumping 130 beats or 140 A minute.Talk about Adrenalin rush


With your car I am sure you are going as fast as your heart is pumping.

ZR-1nce removed
12-24-2012, 02:15 PM
The enjoyment I get spending time with the people in the ZR-1 community, especially my WAZOO brothers. Without all of you, it would almost be just another corvette.

12-24-2012, 04:12 PM
i'll let you know when i can drive it 3 months without needing to put $1,000+ into it

Curious how your post pertains to this thread

$1k per 3k miles? I'll bite

How many miles have you put on the car?

How long have you owned it?

What have you replaced?

How much much money invested?

12-24-2012, 04:43 PM
The enjoyment I get spending time with the people in the ZR-1 community, especially my WAZOO brothers. Without all of you, it would almost be just another corvette.

Absolutely agree!
I went to the Carlisle meet, I think, in 2004 before the days of WAZOO. I stopped over at the Net Registry tent, sat for awhile, got bored and went home.
It definately has a lot to do with meeting and making great friends who share your passion. If it hadn't been for David my Z would be just another beat up 94 - keeping up with the Johnson is what it's all about!:cheers:

Fully Vetted
12-24-2012, 04:59 PM
Definitely in 3rd gear around 6000 rpm. That's about the time you're used to having to shift because you're either on top of redline or you're way out of your powerband. Then this little grin comes across your face as you hear the wail of the LT5 and realize...I've got another 1000+ rpm to go and it's never gonna lay down...while the guy next to you looks like he's rowing a boat trying helplessly to keep up...:D

12-24-2012, 05:46 PM
Curious how your post pertains to this thread

$1k per 3k miles? I'll bite

How many miles have you put on the car?

How long have you owned it?

What have you replaced?

How much much money invested?

it's been in the family since 1999 and in that time it's accumulated 40,xxx miles. In the last two years i've had to replace injectors, for the second time, and the ac system. I haven't driven the car much the last few years, under 1000 miles this year i'm sure but I suppose doing 130 with the ac on was probably a bad idea.

12-26-2012, 08:30 AM
:o I'm fairly sure that our ECM's, or maybe any C4 ECM, shuts off the A/C if the rpm's get even close to 4k. I swear I remember reading that in the regular owner's manual. I know my 72 LT-1 had it in the owner's manual in big block letters about the compressor and high rpm's, and when I read it in our owner's manual I though well that's one benefit of electronic engine management. LOL I don't have to remember to shut off the A/C if I jump on the throttle.:)

My permagrin is when I'm walking into the garage and seeing Her under Her cover, I think "I own this car!" and I have to smile.
Then when I'm just about to turn the key to "ON", I look around the interior and think ..."Jez, I really do own this car!".....either She is mine, or the person that owns Her hasn't caught me yet!?! :p


12-28-2012, 11:06 AM
Having people give you the thumbs up while driving on the road or yelling out "looks new, what year" at a red light.

12-28-2012, 11:50 AM
Taking my buddy for a ride and passing a slower vehicle on the highway. Dropped down into 3rd and hit it, the revs climbed and climbed way beyond what any normal car would rev to, I could see his knuckles whitening as he gripped the seat, banged into 4th and carried on accelerating. Finally let the car coast back down to legal speeds and my buddy let out his breath and said. "Wow! I've never felt a car accelerate that hard for that long!"

12-28-2012, 01:59 PM

heh heh heh

- Jeff (http://www.zr1.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1718&d=1335714852)

Paul Workman
12-28-2012, 02:24 PM
"Wow! I've never felt a car accelerate that hard for that long!"

Yep! That 'bout says it, doanit!;)

12-28-2012, 02:30 PM

heh heh heh

- Jeff (http://www.zr1.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1718&d=1335714852)

Tri-Pod HELLS YEA!!!!! :notworthy


12-29-2012, 10:51 AM
Going thru the 1st 5 gears at redline to 180 MPH

12-29-2012, 11:11 AM
For me it is always a series of events that starts with a smile when I look at "Christine". Then it increases when I open the door, sit down, turn the key and she starts to make noise.

By then the smile has turned into a big goofy looking grin that stays there until after I have long exited the car.

I can be having the worse day in many, many days. But by the time the backside of my trousers hit the seat all is well with my world. Doesn't have to be max rpms and through the gears, sometimes it is just taking a nice curve in the road or seeing the silly grin on my face from the reflection in the window. Can even be a smile from another car owner giving me a "thumbs up" or the "OK" sign and they have the big silly grin on their face.

Yeah the "permagrin" has many elements to it but always results in the same ending. Same way I felt about flying when I was getting my license in the mid '60's.:) See? Its still there!

12-29-2012, 11:45 AM

For those who don't know what a "permagrin" in or how to get one

Please give your explanation


Watching David Johnson trying to figure something out.

Feeling the secondaries kick in and knowing that my jet can't do that kinda of kick until max thrust kicks in. Then you gotta hold on for dear life.

Watching owners of new ZR1's go gaga when the secondaries kick in because their car can't do that. Priceless!

Seeing owners with their permagrin because they own a ZR-1!

12-30-2012, 03:29 PM
For me it is simply the ownership of a car I have wanted since it came out in 1990. My first Corvette was a C4, 1989 Coupe, and I thought that car was awesome. But word on the street was this "new" Corvette, with 375 hp and four cams, designed by Lotus! I knew back then someday I would have to own one of these cars. All I have to do is go in the garage, peel the cover back and open the hood. The grin can last for a while.

01-02-2013, 12:37 AM
Every time I walk into my "toy room" and see my dream cars. I get a huge grin on my face and almost can't get anything done as I can't stop admiring the vision.

We have snow here in SD now, but soon, in the Spring, I will get to take the cars outside and "exercise" the horses.

01-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Permagrin: Being one of the 23% of Americans that still has a job.

01-07-2013, 08:09 PM
Today I took my 1991 down towards Berkely Plantation and cut up some twisty roads in a gentle manner and stopped at the entrance by the market at Herring Creek and took a couple pictures with the logos now as on 92-95 to slighly badge it more. Still stealthy but every time I drive it or look at a photo like these, i do get a grin. Hard not to.

Lance P.