View Full Version : Interested in a c4 zr-1 , any tips? ---

12-15-2012, 12:42 PM
I am interested in getting a c4 (1990-1995) zr1 Corvette.

I was wondering if there was an issues to look for , or anything I need to know about these cars before I get too involved in trying to find one.

I have a buddy that says he knows where a Lingenfelter upgraded package car is that puts over 400rwhp down, so that may be what I go check out first.

Is the car number the last 4 digits of the VIN , per year?

Do the LT5's use opti ignitions?

I figured I would ask here first http://www.syty.net/forums/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

Thanks for the help !!! ---

12-15-2012, 01:15 PM
Hello and welcome to the ZR-1 Net Registry Forum. There is a wealth of information about ZR-1's available here.

We refer to our ZR-1's by the year and the last digits of the VIN. For example, I have 1993 #161.

The LT5 does NOT use the C4 LT1 Optispark system. The LT5 is a 100% electronic ignition system. The ignition system has proven to be very reliable and virtually maintenance free.

The Lingenfelter Package ZR-1's are excellent examples of what the LT5 can do. I own a Lingenfelter 368 and it is an amazing car. I highly recommend these cars.

As with any 20 year old car, there are issues that will come up. The major engine performance issue for the LT5 that I have seen is the need to replace injectors if they are original. Plugs and plug wires may need to be replaced at the same time.

I suggest that if you have a particular ZR-1 that you are interested in, post up here and get a member to go with you to look at the car, or look at it and give you a report.

Good luck,


12-15-2012, 01:46 PM
The LT5 does use the C4 LT1 Optispark system. The LT5 is a 100% electronic ignition system. The ignition system has proven to be very reliable and virtually maintenance free.

I think Jim meant that the LT5 does NOT use the Optispark.

12-15-2012, 02:03 PM
Hello and welcome to the ZR-1 Net Registry Forum. There is a wealth of information about ZR-1's available here.

We refer to our ZR-1's by the year and the last digits of the VIN. For example, I have 1993 #161..... Jim

And a mighty fine ZR-1 it is!--Bob

12-15-2012, 02:06 PM
Here is a thread you may want to visit so you know what questions to
ask on any car you find.


12-15-2012, 03:01 PM
This is just a suggestion, Determine your budget, Color, year and HP. Everyone is this group pretty much can tell you where every ZR-1 that is for sale. Do you want a big cube car? Do you want all original.
For instance there is a 1993 Bright Red/Red DRM600 for sale in Racine, WI for 36k with a additional engine.

12-15-2012, 03:19 PM
You may also find it useful to look at the buyers guide on the website.


Good luck with your search.


12-15-2012, 07:42 PM
I guess I should pull the plug on this.

I sent him 5 emails within 3 hours this morning asking questions ... so when we met up it would be a lot smoother.

Well, I guess I pissed him off or was annoying him ... because his last email was " lets just forget this, good luck in your search ".

HAHAH ... wow. I asked him why "Lingenfelter" wasn't engraved in the top of his intake manifold like all the other LPE package cars I have seen pictures of. He told me he had paperwork of the service, and that I was wrong in my research.

Oh well, maybe I will keep an eye out and grab one of these later.

Probably a LPE car if its a 1990/1991/1992 ... or a stocker for the 93/94/95 cars with the higher HP engine combo.

The reason I was so excited about this particular deal was the guy is 10 minutes up the street from me.

Im just looking for a car under 100k miles for $20k or less.

Thank you all for your time/help ---

12-15-2012, 07:58 PM
I am building an awesome 1991 White/Blck guts 368 w/17K miles.....I also have a 1992 ZR-1 for sale at $25K...25K miles and 391rwhp...and thats w/o a tune.

12-15-2012, 10:26 PM
I guess I should pull the plug on this.

Im having issues with the seller.

I sent him 5 emails within 3 hours this morning asking questions ... so when we met up it would be a lot smoother.

Well, I guess I pissed him off or was annoying him ... because his last email was " lets just forget this, good luck in your search ".

HAHAH ... wow. I asked him why "Lingenfelter" wasn't engraved in the top of his intake manifold like all the other LPE package cars I have seen pictures of. He told me he had paperwork of the service, and that I was wrong in my research.

Oh well, maybe I will keep an eye out and grab one of these later.

Probably a LPE car if its a 1990/1991/1992 ... or a stocker for the 93/94/95 cars with the higher HP engine combo.

The reason I was so excited about this particular deal was the guy is 10 minutes up the street from me.

Im just looking for a car under 100k miles for $20k or less.

Thank you all for your time/help ---

He wasn't wrong, some early LPE Z's did not have engraving.
If you took down the year and last 4 digits of VIN you can call LPE and they would give you the scoop on it.

Oh well search goes on.

Good luck.


12-15-2012, 10:47 PM
Thanks for verifying what he says is correct. Did lpe used to use borla and now use corsa exhausts? Thanks for the idea of contacting lpe directly. I have the vin ---

12-15-2012, 11:09 PM
Thanks for verifying what he says is correct. Did lpe used to use borla and now use corsa exhausts? Thanks for the idea of contacting lpe directly. I have the vin ---

What does that lpe have?

475hp package?


They used borla exhaust for most...



12-15-2012, 11:13 PM
Yeah the 475hp package. Is that the 368? Its a 1990 so I'm sure its the early manifold---

Fully Vetted
12-16-2012, 01:16 AM
At some point you will have to decide whether you want a modded car or an original because you will come across both. The best value comes from buying a car that's already had the injectors done as well as the upper end ported. Do that with some good headers and exhaust and you'll be in the 525 CHP range.

If you're wanting original you're still going to need to do the injectors if they haven't already been done.

One thing to check is the tires as these puppies are quite expensive. But, the first thing you need to figure out is what color because some colors are only available is certain years. Once you figure that out just be patient and DO NOT SETTLE. I wanted a '94 Admiral Blue with Grey interior and it took me less than a month and I got the exact car I wanted. Twice I almost bought 2 different Red/black cars. I'm so glad I waited.

12-16-2012, 02:12 AM
Careful buying "modded" cars.
Who knows what you'll get and what parts you'll be able to get.
If it's too much of a Rube Goldberg you'll be stuck with it when it breaks.
Moderate mods that are well documented are best IMHO.

12-16-2012, 09:53 AM
Careful buying "modded" cars.
Who knows what you'll get and what parts you'll be able to get.
If it's too much of a Rube Goldberg you'll be stuck with it when it breaks.
Moderate mods that are well documented are best IMHO.

I aggree, a well modded car is the best bang for the buck. We all know we never get our modded money back. Our dollar value comes from all the memories of enjoyment we get from our well sorted cars. Plenty of great brothers here to help you in your search, Good Luck! :usa:

12-16-2012, 10:45 AM
Modded..........exceptional grin factor , Worth every penny.

Blue Flame Restorations
12-16-2012, 10:59 AM
I got lucky when I found my Turq car. Tight, nice in/out and 55k miles. It had a spun bearing and the price was exceptionally right.

HEAVILY modded and done right. After a trip to Pete, it's awesome to drive.

Don't be afraid of a modded car. Just make sure whatever you buy, you have someone knowledgeable to help you inspect it.

12-17-2012, 12:47 PM
My 1991 White/Red ZR-1 is for sale:


Call me at 215-280-4204 if interested. --Rick Moore

12-17-2012, 01:07 PM
I have gotten the VIN of two 1990 zr1's.

They are both identical in the sequence until the middle/end where one is a "j1l" and the other is a "j3l" ... one is a early number car, one is a late number car.

What can you share with me on that?

I go tomorrow to look at both of them , thanks :) ---

12-17-2012, 01:18 PM
I have gotten the VIN of two 1990 zr1's.

They are both identical in the sequence until the middle/end where one is a "j1l" and the other is a "j3l" ... one is a early number car, one is a late number car.

What can you share with me on that?

I go tomorrow to look at both of them , thanks :) ---

The "J" means LT5 engine installed, the "L" means 1990 car, and the digit between is a check sum digit that has no relevence to the options on the car.

Good luck,


12-17-2012, 04:03 PM
I have gotten the VIN of two 1990 zr1's.

They are both identical in the sequence until the middle/end where one is a "j1l" and the other is a "j3l" ... one is a early number car, one is a late number car.

What can you share with me on that?

I go tomorrow to look at both of them , thanks :) ---

Check here http://www.zr1netregistry.com/Information/General/VINNumbers.aspx

I put together all the info you need on VIN numbers.

12-17-2012, 04:52 PM
Thanks everyone!!! :) ^^^ ---

12-18-2012, 11:30 PM
I bought a Black LPE 368 1990 ZR1 today ... YAY!!!







Thanks for the help everyone, its been a BLAST so far!!! ---

12-18-2012, 11:48 PM
Good job!

12-18-2012, 11:59 PM
Thanks Scott :) ---



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrulW0XEWGY cold start idle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ESq4xpNY88&feature=youtu.be idle and small revvs ---

Fully Vetted
12-19-2012, 12:02 AM
Congrats! Now the fun begins!

12-19-2012, 12:34 AM
Thanks guys.

Its 1990 car #699 .

Lingenfelter 368 package with Watson coated headers, and LPE Big Front Brake Kit.

43k miles.

Clear and black targa tops.

New fuel pumps, regulator, slave cylinder, injectors, heater core, headlight motors, and speed sensors (for airbag) ---

12-19-2012, 06:20 AM
Congrats! And welcome to The Brotherhood of the Beast!

12-19-2012, 06:40 AM
Very Nice! Drive her HARD! she will love you more for it :dancing

12-19-2012, 07:23 AM
Very nice, I also drive a black '90'. No 368 package though. Mind if I ask what you paid?

12-19-2012, 09:33 AM
Very nice, I also drive a black '90'. No 368 package though. Mind if I ask what you paid?

drum roll please.......

Blue Flame Restorations
12-19-2012, 10:32 AM
Congrats! :handshak:

12-19-2012, 10:36 AM
I can tell it LOVES being driven hard ... the "power band" from 4krpm + is pretty impressive!!!

I got a GREAT deal on it ... the old owner is actually a member on here , and I wouldn't want to step on his toes by posting information about our deal.

I appreciate the warm welcome guys :) ---

12-19-2012, 12:27 PM
I always love a happy ending.

12-19-2012, 01:00 PM
Thanks :)

I just added a couple small idle vids to the 2nd set of pics ( with the engine ) ... lots of BASS!!! ---