View Full Version : Help:Leak Behind Throttle Position Sensor ??

12-15-2012, 10:31 AM
Newly Aquired 90. I hear a loud constant whistling noise coming from behind what i believe is the Throttle Position Sensor (Left front of motor). Im guessing its a vacuum leak, and after i took off the plate that covers the TPS sensor. i found this zip tie and mess of glue.

Ive searched but i dont know what to call it or what to buy.

Id like to figure out what its supposed to look like.
Does anyone have a picture of the correct setup?

12-15-2012, 10:33 AM
here are the pictures

12-15-2012, 12:05 PM
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it's a one year part only (1990) and the design was so bad that GM changed it the very next year.
As far as I know they are long gone from the inventory and they have never been remade.
I don't remember what it was called exactly, but I'll dig out the big old red book and have a look see just as soon as I have my coffee and find my glasses.

It's called a "Fitting, PVC/Purge Canister Hose".
Page 6A2-21 of the FSM.

I'll bet that Marc Haibec will have something, or knows exactly what to do.

I'd also check with Jerry at Jerry's Gaskets:
He may have one laying around.

Doubt that Kurt White would have one, but you never know.

Failing that, time to get creative.


12-15-2012, 07:28 PM
Had the exact same problem. Was able to find a NOS one from someone. If you don't have the info already, PM me and I'll forward you the email address of the guy.

12-15-2012, 07:56 PM
Gotta' second recommendations on Mr. Haibeck, and PETE (on boards here), as Z-car knowledgebase types...

and both pleasant to deal with as well :thumbsup:

12-15-2012, 09:57 PM
just replace with rubber tubing, no need for the NOS stuff to make it work right

12-16-2012, 01:06 AM
yeah if you can't find a NOS one get some rubber tube and some clamps and swap them out, All of my 90s I have owned have had an issue with that one little POS area for vacuum.

The get soft over the years, I actually got a brnd new one and it was pretty stiff so I think they just age, get soft and no longer provide the seal that you need.

12-17-2012, 09:50 AM
Thanks guys, will search for the correct part. if its proves to be a pain ill just go with the hose and clamps.

12-17-2012, 03:27 PM
I could swear this is one of those parts that someone was using their CAD system to design and produce a replacement NOS looking part.
Search for some thread on it.
Problem is what to search for.

I fixed mine some years back by placing a 4/40 screw through the middle and putting 1/2 washers on both sides. This tightens up both orifices on that side. Tie wraps don't work because of the geometry.

12-17-2012, 08:58 PM
I could swear this is one of those parts that someone was using their CAD system to design and produce a replacement NOS looking part.
Search for some thread on it.
Problem is what to search for.

I fixed mine some years back by placing a 4/40 screw through the middle and putting 1/2 washers on both sides. This tightens up both orifices on that side. Tie wraps don't work because of the geometry.
I was looking into buying a rubber block and making one myself, before GC helped me find a NOS one. Never realized how many types of rubber are out there. The best to use was pretty expensive for the thickness we need. Might be worth it as a group purchase, but too expensive for an individual and not to mention the block would have to be cut down and drilled out. Was going to do the hose route as a last resort. I try to keep it as original as possible.

12-17-2012, 11:22 PM
Rubber can be softened with Trans-X.

I saw it swell new rubber V/C gaskets for my LT1, almost to the point that they were TOO big. I saw it swell valve body plungers in a Ford automatic, such that a rebuild wasn't necessary.