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View Full Version : Finally, a good tire gauge at reasonable cost

Hib Halverson
11-26-2012, 11:15 AM
Tire gauges are one of the tools we use to take care of our ZR1s which many take for granted.

I'll betcha there are some folks who buy a "pencil" type gauge because they're cheap. Or maybe they get one of the cheaper digital tire gauges that have saturated the market lately. For some reason a lot of folks equate "digital" with accuracy or durability.


A few years ago I tested a selection of popularly-priced digital tire gauges for a technical article about tire selection and care and, eventually, every one of those gauges ended up in the trash, either because they weren't accurate or they were not durable.

In my shop, for many years, I used a tire gauge I made myself from an air chuck, short section of air compressor hose, pressure relief valve and a 60-psi pressure gauge I bought at an industrial hardware store. Well, about nine months ago I dropped the thing on the floor and broke the gauge, so I began looking for something to replace it.

I found lots of cheap tire gauges: pencil gauges made of plastic at 7-11, cute little dial gauges sitting in boxes on the counter at Pep Boys, and at Walmart low cost digital gauges which go "beep" or have blinking numbers. I also found on the web some pretty expensive, high-end stuff intended for racing where half a pound pressure either way can win or loose a race. What took me a long time to find is a tire gauge that is accurate enough for use on my ZR1 and my other street driven hot rods, as well as, durable, easy to use and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

My search led me to the AutoMeter "Tire Pressure Gauge" (PN 2343). This unit has been on the market since early 2012, lists for 28 bucks but bargain hunters can find it for $20-25.

The AutoMeter 2343 meets all my specs. It's affordable. It's simple to use and easy to read. It's accurate–I've tested three of them and all three read within 1/4-psi of each other. Plus, I compared them to another gauge borrowed from a pal of mine who's on a race team and they read within a 1/3-psi of his expensive racing gauge. Auto Meter claims the accuracy of the 2343 is ±2% at the center scale and ±3% at the ends of the scale, certainly acceptable for a tire gauge priced at around $25. The AutoMeter seems pretty durable as, while kneeling and checking tires, I've dropped one on the floor with no ill-effects.

The AutoMeter gauge reads 0-60-psi which is good for use with Corvette tires along with those on most other cars and light trucks. It's air chuck is recessed properly so there's no fumbling around trying to get the air chuck aligned on the tire valve stem when taking a pressure measurement. The end of the gauge has a handy pin cast into metal housing on the end for deflating tires. The Auto Meter gauge's convenient size means it fits in the center console compartment, the glove compartment, in a door pocket or in your pants pocket.

In short, the AutoMeter Tire Gauge gets two thumbs-up. I have them stashed in two of my Corvettes and have the third in my tool box.

Want more info?
Visit http://www.autometer.com/

11-26-2012, 12:03 PM
Thanks Hib, sounds like a good answer to a problem a lot of people didn't know they had.

11-26-2012, 05:03 PM
Interesting, I have about three or four gauges that I have used on my race car and honestly I cannot trust any of them. I have high dollar "Longacre" gauges medium prices racer wholesale gauges etc. None of them will match when it comes to comparing them after taking tire pressures. My confidence is not very high as to who makes an accurate tire gauge anymore. All of my gauges can vary in range by as much as six pounds. When racing, I would certainley like to have more accuracy than that. I don't know which one is accurate actually. Hib, I hope this gauge works for you and I might go purchase one but I am not holding out much hope that these gauges are not much more than an approximation.

11-26-2012, 05:18 PM
I just use one of the ones that has the little stick come out the bottom

11-27-2012, 11:06 AM
Bought one for the Z and one for my friend's '69 CJ Mustang, an original DragPak car.......

Jegs delivered in Indiana the next day after I ordered.....Freaky Fast!

Merry (early) Christmas...:icon_sant

Z Factor
11-28-2012, 10:39 AM
In short, the AutoMeter Tire Gauge gets two thumbs-up. I have them stashed in two of my Corvettes and have the third in my tool box.

This is a timely review as I have been driven nuts with malfunctioning tire gauges as of late.
Originally I bought Milton's for around $20 and they had a good reputation and lasted. Eventually mine went out after years of service and I could not find a local replacement. So I tried a "heavy duty" truck gauge by Victor for about $15 and have had nothing but trouble.


I've returned it three times for new ones, yet they all last about a month before losing pressure through the bleeder valve. So the last trip I just got my money back and decided to search for another Milton. However since you have had good luck with this brand, I will give one a try.


11-30-2012, 04:29 PM
Hib, in your research did you come accross any digital guages that are accurate and fairly close to meeting your criteria? --Bob

Hib Halverson
12-02-2012, 12:34 PM

I tested a bunch of lower cost digitals and they were junk.

I tested one very high end unit and it was very accurate and built to last but, even with those features it was way too pricey for anything but a Sprint Cup Team.

My idea of a good digital would be accuracy and durability and under 200 bucks and preferrably, under 150.

12-02-2012, 01:35 PM
I like this one:


12-02-2012, 03:57 PM
My buddy has this one and likes it.. I was going to order it and saw this post.. Now that I look at them, they look very close..


12-13-2012, 05:24 PM
Thanks Hib--Just got two--one for me and one for my son--for Christmas. I've got an older digital guage that seems fine but but I have had it a long time and I expect it to die anytime now.--Bob

01-23-2017, 07:56 AM
Talk about bringing back a dead post, thanks for this Hib. I stumbled across this post while in need of a good tire gauge. It arrived today and definitely the best I've ever owned.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=90383)

05-21-2017, 06:57 PM
Talk about bringing back a dead post, thanks for this Hib. I stumbled across this post while in need of a good tire gauge. It arrived today and definitely the best I've ever owned.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=90383)

Concur Completely.........the post is NOT dead and the AutoMeter 2343 is the best tire gauge as Hib suggests......just park it in the center console :p


And......when you are at it since you like Billet Aluminum.......along with your Billet Aluminum Belt Tensioner Pulley ;)

See All Aluminum Alternator Pulley (https://www.corvetteforum.com/forums/c4-zr-1-discussion/3005470-tech-info-lt5-modifications-rebuild-tricks-500-hp-13.html#post1592505495)


05-21-2017, 07:05 PM
Here's a decent one - 2 AAA batteries so you can keep it alive; also has a light and
you can measure pressure in 4 different units - I use PSI ... accuracy? It matches my other gauges within one PSI at 30.



10-08-2022, 09:23 AM
I bought 3 of the AutoMeter 2343 gauges when this post came out. Nice looking gauge, fits my hand & seems to be accurate. It wasn't too long before the tip fell out of the first one, then the next & the last one of the three. I could put it back in & it would function. Then one fell out & it was lost. Gauge now toast, so tossed it. I was constantly twisting the tip to get the right angle to seal on the valve stem. I still have two and they work, just not handily. Fix the tip so it stays in and make the tip straight instead of an angle and it would be a better tool.

10-10-2022, 06:02 PM
I bought 3 of the AutoMeter 2343 gauges when this post came out. Nice looking gauge, fits my hand & seems to be accurate. It wasn't too long before the tip fell out of the first one, then the next & the last one of the three. I could put it back in & it would function. Then one fell out & it was lost. Gauge now toast, so tossed it. I was constantly twisting the tip to get the right angle to seal on the valve stem. I still have two and they work, just not handily. Fix the tip so it stays in and make the tip straight instead of an angle and it would be a better tool.

That sounds strange Jerry. I have three of the AutoMeter 2343s too and never had a problem with the tip. I also have the AutoMeter 2160 that I keep in the garage. I like it better and easier to use and see the pressure since it has the hose. When I bought it years ago it was $8 less, but it is still a good buy today.


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10-11-2022, 05:14 PM
That sounds strange Jerry. I have three of the AutoMeter 2343s too and never had a problem with the tip. ............................
Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

I think I figured out the problem! I'm left handed and the gauges are right-handed. Does that mean they are not handicap accessible? You "righties"
have it made. You should see the contortions I have to do to sign one of those credit card screens, left handed and upside down:sign10:

Obviously it's really not a big deal to me. a drop or 2 of Loctite would take care of the loose tip. I just need to get a round tuit! :thumbsup:

10-11-2022, 07:39 PM
I think I figured out the problem! I'm left handed and the gauges are right-handed. Does that mean they are not handicap accessible? You "righties"

have it made. You should see the contortions I have to do to sign one of those credit card screens, left handed and upside down:sign10:

Obviously it's really not a big deal to me. a drop or 2 of Loctite would take care of the loose tip. I just need to get a round tuit! :thumbsup:

Jerry, ha ha! I?m a leftie too, but I check tire pressure with my right. I?m a weird leftie or maybe not a ?real?
leftie? I only eat and write with my left and everything else is right-handed. [emoji12][emoji1360]🤙🏼

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