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View Full Version : Bling Industries metal polish

Paul Workman
11-26-2012, 09:15 AM
Every now and then, someone comes out with a truly revolutionary product. In this case I'm referring to Bling Industry's all metal polish.

After over 40+ years of polishing chrome and aluminum on cars and motorcycles, I came to the conclusion that few polishes really stand out above the others of equal cost (if not quality). So, when I saw a metal polish promotion by Bling, my initial reaction was, "yeah, yeah, yeah...Another "revolutionary" metal polish", and I told the rep as much.

Long story short, I ended up giving it a try...Wow!

On a scale of 1-10 (10 highest) I'd put other metal polishes (big name brands) I've used in 40+ years at a rank of 3 tops. Bling All Metal Polish would be ranked by me as a 10!!

It is a nanotech product that not only produces briliant results, but (my chrome wheels, for example) bead water and hold their wash after wash (and seem impervious to brake dust and road grime).

It's the best metal polish I've ever used. I have no affiliation with Bling, but thought I'd pass this info along to any one (like me) that has chrome wheels and is looking for a recommendation for a really supurb polish.



11-26-2012, 10:06 AM
where can one find it? do big box stores carry it or is it internet only?

Paul Workman
12-29-2012, 10:56 AM
Blingmasters is available on line. It may be carried in some stores too, but I bought mine on line.

C-link to Blingmasters (http://www.blingmaster.com/)