View Full Version : Veterans Day

11-11-2012, 02:06 PM
We must never forget the Veterans, the ones who have serve, the ones who currently serve and the ones who will serve.

And especially to the ones who gave their all so the rest of us could enjoy the freedoms that we sometimes take for granted.

As any Veteran will tell you including me we were proud to serve.

We Owe Them a Lot

On Veterans Day we remember again
Our men and women who served;
We honor them now for what they did then:
The liberties they preserved.

Let's never forget their sacrifice,
The hard, heavy work they have done;
They did what was asked, crucial needs they fulfilled, With a telephone, pencil or gun.

We're happy and proud to honor them;
They gave so much more than they got.
Our heroes, our veterans kept freedom safe; All of us owe them a lot.

By Joanna Fuchs

11-11-2012, 09:59 PM
Thank you to all our veterans, we owe you our freedom.