View Full Version : A better way to drain coolant?

10-26-2012, 11:13 PM
To get ready for my fuel injector change tomorrow, I decided to drain the coolant tonight. I've read how the coolant runs down the length of the drain (pan, piece, not sure what you call it) and thought to myself. Self, there has to a way to stop that, :-Dlol. I guess the best way would be to jack up the driver side so all the coolant just runs towards the drain hole. But, I have my car on jackstands and the tires removed. Wasn't putting the tires back on and dropping one side when I could do this.
First, I took a four footlong or so pieces of duct tape and overlapped them.
Then I trimmed it down to about an @8" long strip and cut an @2" tongue into it (don't ask for exact measurements, duct tape science is not exact, lol), like this.
Then I cleaned all around the drain plug so the tape would stick. I slowly placed the tongue under the drain hole and worked the tape with my finger and a screwdriver around the plug.
After I cracked open the drain I noticed alittle coolant coming down out of the drain hole. Oops, the tongue fell down so I stuffed a rag up the drain hole to hold the tongue up.
I vented the top radiator tank first, then after a few minutes(when I thought the coolant was out of the plenum), I put a rag under, then pulled the coolant air bleed hose off the plenum. Mine was stuck on there pretty good. I had to carefully twist it left, then right to get it off.
I stuck an old mortar pan I had under the length of the radiator just in case this didn't work. Actually had to use the same pan to catch dripping brake fluid from my truck brakes went out on me.
Most of you are probably laughing at this, but I worked PD well. Would of worked perfectly I think, if the tongue didn't fall down, before I stuffed the rag in there. Anyway, I think I made for a cleaner coolant fluid drain.:cheers:

10-27-2012, 12:03 AM
When pulling the plenum it is not necessary to drain all the coolant.
I only drain enough so the fluid level is below the bottom of the plenum.
I do this my removing that same hose on the passenger side and aim it downward to let it drain. Once it stops you're good to go.
I went to look for the "How to..." but unfortunately they are mostly missing
due to the move to the new webpage. I'm sure it's all still in process.
In those write-ups I documented how to do this, even in a hotel parking lot :)

If you'er going to remove the heads then you'll need to drain more.

10-27-2012, 12:18 AM
That's a good tip- but I have been using a large 30" plastic storage bin like you can buy at target to catch all the splash. Very clean inside and easy to pour back into a jug for re-use.

even so there is splash and clean up. I'm hoping to keep the plenum on for awhile, but I will remember this.

10-27-2012, 09:37 AM
Your right, I didn't have to drain it all. But, since I replaced all the other fluids and I don't know when the coolant was, or ever changed, I decided just to let it all come out. I didn't look bad, but I already bought the new fluid, so I figured what the heck. I'll have to look into how long before I need to replace it again. Otherwise, next time I need to pull the plenum, I'll only drain the top out.:cheers:

10-27-2012, 02:21 PM
Actually if you are going to remove the Injector Housings you have to drain more Coolant than if you only remove the Plenum. If you remove the Heads you have to drain a lot more Coolant :cheers:

Correct and again, if you remove the heads you have to drain more.

In both cases you will completely drain the coolant overflow tank just in front of the passenger side under the hood (remove the pressurized radiator cap from that coolant overflow tank). You will also drain the TB coolant system.

Incorrect if you clamp off the reservoir hose you don't have to drain it. :dancing