View Full Version : Car start too quick?

10-12-2012, 02:48 PM
I haven't been driving my car at all for the last 3 weeks,only start it to move it in and out of the garage.The last few times when the car is cold the car it starts right now with almost no cranking.This has never happened before and car as a Haibeck chip from what I understand the normal crank duration is built into the chip.When I start the car Ill shut it down right away so the second start it can crank a little longer.Could it be one,or more of the injectors are leaking and loading the IJ housings,cylinders with fuel?Thanks.

10-12-2012, 03:02 PM
How long do you leave the car in Run before you actually turn the key to start? If you pause a few seconds before turning the key you are loading up the rails in a matter of seconds. However if you are not pausing at all... from run to start I would say that would be my guess. GC

10-12-2012, 03:20 PM
When I pause in "run" before start it cranks about 5 seconds.
When I go straight from key in to start it cranks 1-3 seconds.
It's very repeatable.
Each car seems to be different. (pumps, inj, chip, etc)

Paul Workman
10-12-2012, 05:14 PM
After sitting a week or so, it will take about 4 seconds, after letting the rails come up to pressure first. But, I noticed that if I park it for an hour or so after it has fully warmed up, sometimes it fires instantly - which makes me think maybe an injector could be seeping sometimes. (I installed all new Acels two seasons ago.)

If it starts getting hard to start and puffs black smoke when it finally does start, then I'd say you might have something to be concerned about. But, for now...nah. Watch for furter developments like fuel in oil, etc, methinks.
