View Full Version : Going to NCRS in August, need help
Carl Hamilton
06-13-2006, 11:25 PM
Need three more parts to be nearly perfect:
Foam rubber filter for a.i.r. intake.
Plastic clip for spark plug wires
driver side lower trim on console.
Any advice will be appreciated.
10-11-2006, 04:08 AM
Carl,how did you make out getting judged?
10-16-2006, 08:08 PM
Carl,how did you make out getting judged?
yeah, how did it go?
10-20-2006, 10:04 PM
He was getting his ZR-1 judged at a NCRS meet and i asked him how he made out.What part of the question do you not understand?????????
Carl Hamilton
10-21-2006, 10:12 AM
I did great, thanks for checking. David Hill presented my McLellan award at the banquet. Doesn't get much better than that! Carl
03-05-2007, 08:37 PM
Carl, can you tell me a little more about your car? How many miles were on your tough were they on the engine paint codnition? Did you have the origional tires?
Carl Hamilton
03-05-2007, 09:32 PM
Everything went very well. My car has a little over 10,000 miles. I did receive the McClellan award at the National in San Antonio in August. Engine paint was not an issue. If you want to tell me more info about your car I will be happy to offer opinions. NCRS is a wonderful organization and I hope you get involved. Let me know how I can help.:-D
03-06-2007, 03:08 AM
Any pics of your car? what did you loose points for? what is the point total out of? What are the sticky things they look for? I would like to know alot more about NCRS and maybe havemy 93 judged.
Carl Hamilton
03-06-2007, 07:35 AM
Tommy: In a nutshell, NCRS strives to maintain corvettes as they were when they left the factory or bring them back to that standard. Your car is judged against "the book" not against other cars. You start with 4500 points which would represent "perfection" and various scores are deducted for various things. Right now, we are judging from 1953 through 1991. I believe 92 and 93 will be added this summer after the national convention in Boston. Take a look at ( You probably have a local chapter somewhere nearby, but you don't have to join a local chapter to participate. You can join the national organization only if you don't want to participate in a local chapter. Carl
Dave 90ZR-1
03-21-2007, 07:42 PM
The NCRS is practice judging 92 and 93 cars in preparation to write the judging manuals. We have one 93 ZR-1 registered for the 2007 NCRS Regional in New Jersey this May. If anyone wants to check it out let me know and I'll get you the info. I have seen Carl's car at several NCRS shows - IT'S VERY NICE.:icon_thum
03-21-2007, 07:52 PM
Hopefully you will correct some of the errors in the 90-91 book.
Dave 90ZR-1
03-21-2007, 09:12 PM
Ya I know. We are working on it. If anyone has any input we are always updating the Judging manuals.
03-22-2007, 03:09 PM
Forgive me , I am a newbie to the Corvette world, is there a manual available to the owners to use as a reference for getting the car to Top Flight status? Even if mine is a 93 would the 92 manual get the car close?
Dave 90ZR-1
03-22-2007, 05:23 PM
The NCRS is in the process of writing the 1992-1993 Judging manual. The two years will be covered in one manual. I think they are going to be ready next year. If you are interested in NCRS judging look at there web site You must be a National Member and should join a Chapter to get the most benefit from the organization. Order a copy of the "Corvette Judging Reference Manual" and the "1990-1991 Corvette Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide". These two manuals will give you most of the info on the judging process. When the 1992-1993 manual comes out get a copy of it and the "1992-1993 Corvette Operations Manual & Preformance Verification Test Guide". I think the 92-93 judging will start in 2008.
Carl Hamilton
03-22-2007, 09:59 PM
Dave: Thanks for the kind words. I am hoping I can get to the National this summer in Boston and try for the Crossed Flags. See you there. Carl
Dave 90ZR-1
03-23-2007, 06:29 PM
Carl, I'm also going to Boston for Crossed Flags judging. Good luck.
03-23-2007, 06:42 PM
Dave i am looking forward to the show.
Ed Hoffman
05-17-2007, 02:27 PM
For those who may be submitting their 92-93 ZR-1's at an NCRS function, the first Flight judging meet will be in Leavenworth, Wa., in the middle of Sept., 07.
I had my 93 Ruby test judged in Las Vegas, the last part of April, 07. A lot of photos were taken and as a result the 92-93 judging manual is still a work in progress. I was advised I will receive the updated document prior to the meet in Wa. I received a 97.1 in the test judged phase. I can tell you the biggist hit I took was for 3 items. The air filter was 20 points, the battery was 35 points and the exhaust system was 20 points. That is a total of 75 judging points. By doing the math, that comes to a total deduction of 16 judging points. I have since replaced all the items with original equiptment except for the battery. You will not find a working AC Delco Freedom battery dated in 1993. So I replaced it with a current Delco and the deduction will be 20% of 35 points or 5 judging points. I calculate my total in this area will be 15 judging points, or a 98.6. What you are striving for is a score above 97.0
at a regional meet. Then the hard part starts. The next level is the Performance Verification test. Every working component must work the first time it is tested. I did a 1957, that had no major electronics, and it was very nerve wracking. The next and final level is you submit your corvette at a National Judging meet, and again score a 97.0 or better. I hope this helps those interested. I am still looking for the the grey foam air filter that goes with the engine compartment air pump, and the cloth, glove box item, that houses the two, wheel sockets.
05-17-2007, 03:55 PM
For those who may be submitting their 92-93 ZR-1's at an NCRS function, the first Flight judging meet will be in Leavenworth, Wa., in the middle of Sept., 07.
I had my 93 Ruby test judged in Las Vegas, the last part of April, 07. A lot of photos were taken and as a result the 92-93 judging manual is still a work in progress. I was advised I will receive the updated document prior to the meet in Wa. I received a 97.1 in the test judged phase. I can tell you the biggist hit I took was for 3 items. The air filter was 20 points, the battery was 35 points and the exhaust system was 20 points. That is a total of 75 judging points. By doing the math, that comes to a total deduction of 16 judging points. I have since replaced all the items with original equiptment except for the battery. You will not find a working AC Delco Freedom battery dated in 1993. So I replaced it with a current Delco and the deduction will be 20% of 35 points or 5 judging points. I calculate my total in this area will be 15 judging points, or a 98.6. What you are striving for is a score above 97.0
at a regional meet. Then the hard part starts. The next level is the Performance Verification test. Every working component must work the first time it is tested. I did a 1957, that had no major electronics, and it was very nerve wracking. The next and final level is you submit your corvette at a National Judging meet, and again score a 97.0 or better. I hope this helps those interested. I am still looking for the the grey foam air filter that goes with the engine compartment air pump, and the cloth, glove box item, that houses the two, wheel sockets.
Got to love the NCRS guys and their commitment to the hobby.
Z Factor
05-17-2007, 08:02 PM
I have since replaced all the items with original equiptment except for the battery. You will not find a working AC Delco Freedom battery dated in 1993. So I replaced it with a current Delco and the deduction will be 20% of 35 points or 5 judging points. I calculate my total in this area will be 15 judging points, or a 98.6. What you are striving for is a score above 97.0
I am surprised they would expect it to function. I assumed that you could have the original in place for show but use a different one to arrive and leave. Can any old car really pass the battery criteria considering they go bad and there is no way to preserve them?
05-21-2007, 11:56 PM
Just got back from the NCRS NJ Regional. My 1990 ZR1 was judged. If you have the current Delco Service replacement battery you will lose a 50% standard deduction or 10 points. Same concept for service replacement PF970 oil filter. Wish someone would make some original silk screen stickes!!
Biggest single hit was battery and wiper blades.
Need to find an original battery and remove the stickers and find some OEM wiperblades.
See you in Boston.
05-22-2007, 02:02 PM
I have original oil filter stickers for sale.
05-25-2007, 12:19 AM
I am surprised they would expect it to function. I assumed that you could have the original in place for show but use a different one to arrive and leave. Can any old car really pass the battery criteria considering they go bad and there is no way to preserve them?
I hope not. I haven't even seen an original battery for sale in ages!
Ed Hoffman
05-26-2007, 05:39 PM
I did some investigating on reproduction of the original Delco Freedom Battery. Restoration Battery Company told me that the Delphi Group still own the dies and unused cases to the batteries in question. Restoration Battery Co. has the rights to reproduce Delco batteries from 1953 to the 1970's style. Delphi will not authorize any release of their dies or cases. So that is the final word. I guess we take our 10 judging point off of the 4500 we start with and become a 99.8 car. All that is needed is 97.0 or better the be awarded the McLallan Mark of Excellence. I have two original PF970C black Oil filters. Both have labels in grey and black. The original does not have a label with a bar code on the box or the filter. Be careful if someone says they have an original. The Box the original comes in states "90-92-ZR1 Oil Filter.
Ed Hoffman
05-26-2007, 05:46 PM
Regarding replacing the original non functional battery with a new working battery. When you present your car to the judging field you go thru an Operational check. This includes starting the engine. You have to have a working battery prior to judging.
Z Factor
05-28-2007, 02:14 PM
Hi Ed, thanks for the replies.
You have come up with some informative posts and have received some well deserved reputation points as a result.
Ed Hoffman
05-28-2007, 02:29 PM
JR, I suffered from the same lack of original parts, ie. Windshield Wipers, oil Filter, and battery. I have since found a set of 20" arrowhead end design, and a new replacement Delco Freedom battery (Dated 2007), and an original PF970C oil filter. Ebay is selling what is called original PF970C filters. The photo shows the lable on these filters has a bar code, that is not correct. The lable is bigger, black lettering and silver background, without a bar code. If you find one in the original box, the back of the box lable will state 90-92 ZR-1 Corvette. That is an original. I found an excellent pair of wiper blades in a junk yard. They came off of a 94 LT-1 that was a total. Check with your local salvage yard.
Z Factor
05-28-2007, 02:43 PM
Ed Hoffman
05-28-2007, 04:24 PM
As I view the excellent photos, the box on the left has a red AC logo, and red color that depicts the inside view of the filter, including red printing. Does the back of the filter box indicate what year the filter on the left is for. I know the box on the right is an original. The one on the right should have white letters, on a blue backgroud reading 90-92 ZR-1 Corvette. I also wonder if you might have a photo of the small foam filter that fits the Air induction pump on the front, left hand side, of the motor. I am going to try a make one, but I do not know the demensions.
Dave 90ZR-1
05-28-2007, 10:46 PM
The filters in the picture will not get you full NCRS judging points. They are service replacements. Th original filter is a PF970. No "C" in the number and "Duraguard" is not printed on the lable. The original filter was only installed at the factory and was not for sale to the public. You will see original filters on crate LT5 motors that have never been installed. I have never seen an original filter for sale but you never know. If anyone has any different information on these filters let me know. This is the standard we are currently using when judging 90-91 ZR-1.
05-29-2007, 11:01 PM
The filters in the picture will not get you full NCRS judging points. They are service replacements. Th original filter is a PF970. No "C" in the number and "Duraguard" is not printed on the lable. The original filter was only installed at the factory and was not for sale to the public. You will see original filters on crate LT5 motors that have never been installed. I have never seen an original filter for sale but you never know. If anyone has any different information on these filters let me know. This is the standard we are currently using when judging 90-91 ZR-1.
You are right on the money. My car was judged in NJ with a 970C service replacement filter. I was hit for a few points, can't say exactly until I get my sheets. I have never seen a real 970 filter, except there is a copy of a label in the NCRS Judging guide. If you could find a real one and get accurate duplicates silk screened you could for sure sell them.
Would this be the one, the original, with no C suffix? Looks like a label would do the job on a black filter.
While we're on the subject of parts required for NCRS judging, I'm missing one of the plastic "sleeves" that covers the braided fuel line in a 93. Anyone have and original.
BTW, I can probably come up with the plug wire clip you're looking for. Can you get me a picture, draw it or something?
05-30-2007, 08:39 PM
Would this be the one, the original, with no C suffix? Looks like a label would do the job on a black filter.
That sure looks like one. Would need a high res close up to tell for sure. I can't quite make out the letters or numbers. Are you interested in selling it???
If so PM me.
05-30-2007, 08:46 PM
While we're on the subject of parts required for NCRS judging, I'm missing one of the plastic "sleeves" that covers the braided fuel line in a 93. Anyone have and original.
BTW, I can probably come up with the plug wire clip you're looking for. Can you get me a picture, draw it or something?
We test judged the 1993's at the NJ Regional. I participated on the mechanical team. If I recall correctly the plastic sleeve appeared to be similar to a black plastic wire loom. I don't have one but you might be able to get it from one of the folks parting out a car on the forum. Best of luck if you are going to have your car judged. I understand that NCRS will officially start judging the 1992/93 model year at the first regional meet after the National convention this summer.
Best Regards.
Ed Hoffman
05-30-2007, 09:48 PM
I just received my confirmation from the people at the Northwest Regional in Leavenworth, Wa., that 92-93's will be flight judged. I was also advised that branching off of I/S-5 in No. Ca. onto US 97, is a real Corvette ride experience. Am looking forward to it. They also award miles points for those that drive their cars to the event, and then have them flight judged. They will provide a clean up area and or wash rack. This will take place from Sept. 13-15, 07. Hope to see some other ZR's or LT's at this event.
Dave 90ZR-1
05-30-2007, 11:18 PM
The filter look like an original one but you might loose a point or two on condition.:cry:
06-04-2007, 09:43 PM
You are right on the money. My car was judged in NJ with a 970C service replacement filter. I was hit for a few points, can't say exactly until I get my sheets. I have never seen a real 970 filter, except there is a copy of a label in the NCRS Judging guide. If you could find a real one and get accurate duplicates silk screened you could for sure sell them.
I am in the processes of having them duplicated.
I am in the processes of having them duplicated.
Put me on your list of buyers! I was just about to have some made myself...
06-05-2007, 04:20 PM
I have these right now, $12 for 2 :) If interested contact me
06-05-2007, 06:41 PM
I am in the processes of having them duplicated.
I'm in. Please let me know about about payment, etc.
06-05-2007, 09:13 PM
I am in the processes of having them duplicated.
Put me on your list for the older style too.
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