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View Full Version : Winners of the Carlisle Raffle!

09-13-2012, 07:45 PM

Jeff G won injectors from FIC with a value of $700 (THANK YOU FIC!)

Phil W won a complete gasket set (with SS bolts) valued @ $750 (THANK YOU JERRY @ JERRYS GASKETS!!!)

Glen R won a $500 gift certificate from DRM (THANK YOU RANDY RIPPIE!)

Bert R won $250 gift certificate from Reflections Detailing (THANK YOU BRIAN DALY)

Robert De Marco won the $150 Custom Banner of his car (THANK YOU BILL WENZEL!)

Thanks to Doug Marshal for donating picture frames! (gave the frames to the winners and forgot the names, sorry!)

Great show and it couldn't have been done without this great support from them! Plus soo many volunteers who helped set up and break down!

Can't wait for next year!

