View Full Version : F/S 1989 ZR-1 parts

Corvettes White
09-12-2012, 03:41 PM

I have a very limited amount of space now that my oldest daughter has moved back in and the economy still sucks, so….
I have some 1989 ZR-1 parts that I would still like to sell. I have not posted hard prices because I am not sure what to ask. So make an offer if you can use them.

If you have an interest in the ’89 Z’s, even if you do not need any of the below, you are welcome to send an email just to connect. I love talking about this stuff.

Shoot an email if you are interested and I will forward photos. Or reply here. CorvettesWhite@gmail.com (CorvettesWhite@gmail.com)

1 Prototype rear-end out of 1989 number #10. This looks like one from an Active Suspension car. I also have some suspension parts from this car if there is a specific interest, but they look the same as those on an L-98. I did install the steering rack from this car in my running 1989 and it felt great.

2 8000 RPM Flat Dash. Brand new, never installed. Part number 25089313. This is the Canadian version of the dash. You could twist my arm for a new, never installed US version but you would need to twist hard or wait for the economy to fall further in the crapper.

3 6-speed console out of a graveyard crushed car. This would make a good placeholder part if you need one, but it is not in good shape. You could twist my arm for a new one but again would need to twist hard.

4 Two rear tires. P315/35ZR17. These look brand new but have been mounted. I cannot tell if they have ever been on the ground - the molding whiskers are still there. Best I can tell, these were molded in February of 1989. On the right side ●709●. On the left side ●0729●. (I cannot make sense of this second code.) The wheels they are mounted on look like they have never been used. Looking to sell the tires, not the wheels. I do have a second used set of ’89 Z wheels if there is an interest.

5 Coolant tubes that look as if they are off an Active Suspension car. If you own one of these cars, I will just send them to you.

6 I also have what I believe to be the original motor out of the DR-1(the one that sold has a later replacement.) If someone will pay more than it is worth…

Thanks, George

Blue Flame Restorations
09-13-2012, 09:01 AM
Hi George. It sems like I've seen this setup before????

Can you show a pic of the Active Suspension car rear end? I may be interested after October.


09-13-2012, 09:23 AM
Is the active suspension essentially what mercedes now calls is ABC suspension, all 4 shocks running off a hyd pump?

09-14-2012, 01:13 AM
Its also what the new mclaren mc4-12 uses essentially .