View Full Version : Engine builder?

06-07-2006, 02:43 PM
I'm looking for an engine builder on the west coast calif. if possible. I need to replace the motor in my red car . Or does anyone have a line on perhaps a new one .I'm new here and am just learning. Have own one for 5yrs no probs till now. @154000 the red one died [oil pressure] What is the cost to rebuild one .I don't have a clue. I live out in the sticks and info one these cars is hard to find? help? I have above ave mech ability having to fix my own equip at work. could someone teer me in the right direction. thanx for any help.:icon_scra

06-08-2006, 11:28 AM
Here's the link to the Guldstrand website: http://www.guldstrand.com/

They moved to Burbank and the information listed under ZR1 Repair shops on this page: http://www.zr1netregistry.com/ZR1_shops.htm is no longer accurate. If they can't help you I'm sure they can direct you to someone.

06-08-2006, 05:45 PM
thank you for the info I'll try to get ahold of him monday. Are there any other west coast guys that build motors for these cars?

06-08-2006, 07:12 PM
thank you for the info I'll try to get ahold of him monday. Very reputable for corvettes, probably not the high volume experience with LT5's as those in the mid-west or east coast. Not cheap either. You might consider shipping eastward!

Are there any other west coast guys that build motors for these cars?
In Oregon: How 'bout

"LPE" locobob?

:) Only kidding. Hi Robert