View Full Version : Infl Reset

06-06-2006, 10:38 PM
After storage the Infl Reset light and the seat belt light stay on. The battery was on a maintenance charger, but somehow died during the winter. I did recharge the battery the car started fine but the Infl Reset and seat belt light stay on. I am aware of the corrosion problem with the sensors and have done the maintenance on both (what a bit$$), anyway after sanding and using dielectric grease as instructed on the sensors, I reconnected the battery and still have the same lights on. My question: is this a code that has to be cleared by other means than disconnecting the battery and if so, can it be done my me or do I need it cleared by the dealer or someone with a scan tool??? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance - Dave Sorry I see it says L98 but I have a 1990 ZR1 I will change this ASAP.

06-07-2006, 06:18 AM
There is a crazy procedure to reset the infl res light. You jump two pins on the aldl connector for like 5 seconds, then disconnect for 5 seconds. I do not remember the exact pins or procedure but you can find it on the net registry site. Sometimes it doesn't work. When I do it I usually need five or six or ten tries. I had this problem a while back and ended up just replacing the abs sensors as my infl res light kept on coming back on after being reset.

06-07-2006, 06:54 AM
Yes the code can be cleared with a scan tool....I stink at the touch the pins method also!:mrgreen:


06-07-2006, 05:43 PM
ground A to K on the ALDL terminal. That will give you the codes.

To reset
Ground A-k 2 seconds
unground 2 seconds
Ground A-k 2 seconds
unground 2 seconds
Ground A-k 2 seconds
unground 2 seconds

06-07-2006, 07:52 PM
Thanks, Guys!!! I knew you'd come through for me. I'll give it a try this weekend. Car is up north at the cabin. (Northern Wisconsin). There is a small car show this weekend and it will be nice to have it ready to go. I'll let you know how it works out. Dave

06-07-2006, 10:58 PM
Dave the l98 is the novice # of posts starting point...u work ur way up to lt5...for top dog poster member status. it is based on the total # of posts.

06-07-2006, 11:11 PM
Got it! I wish it was the number of visits, because I would definitely be an LT5. Number of posts will take me forever. Thanks, for the heads up anyway! Dave

06-11-2006, 09:06 PM

Some suggestions. If you have a 1990 Service manual the reset protocol is on page 9J-A-2. It has been my experience that the method described above of grounding and ungrounding for 2 seconds, 3 times will not work. 2 seconds is too short a time to reset the SIR system.

BTW di-electric grease is an insulator, it will not help with the contact situation.

This is how I clear the SIR codes.

With ignition (key) off ground the A to K pins of the ALDL.
Turn on ignition, in about 4 seconds the fault codes will begin to flash.
Unground A to K for exactly 3 seconds.
Ground A to K for eactly 3 seconds.
Unground A to K for 10 seconds, verify that all code 12 are flashing.
Turn ignition off.

I suggest that you purchase a set of diagonostic plugs from Gordon Killebrew, that make the process easier.

Good luck, it might take a couple tries.

06-12-2006, 08:52 PM
Thanks again for all replys, The dielectric grease was used after sanding to prevent any new corrosion. Sorry, you probably thought I put it in between the contact points. This seems to have taken care of the problem and I have been able to clear the code.
If anyone is interested the system I used and it worked. (I do have the factory electric manual and their way didn't seem to work) With Key off ground k terminal to drivers seat - turn ignition on (do not start) when INF RST light comes on - unground, wait 2 seconds - light will start to flash then immediately ground again wait 2 seconds then unground. I had to repeat this 4-5 times but I did finally get a Code 12.
Either there are a number of different ways to clear this code and only certain ones work on certain vehicles or I'm not following directions well.
The important part is the Z is back on the road with no current issues.