View Full Version : Ran out of gas today...

09-04-2012, 09:18 PM
I decided to drive the Turbo car to work today. Pulled out of the driveway with .2 on the trip OD and the Fuel gage was indicating FULL. Then 24 miles later she ran out of gas... She still indicated FULL but the fuel pressure dropped to around 10. I was on 95 north in the middle of nowhere. Thank goodness I had cell coverage.

So, my wife brought me out 8 gallons (after a double root canal earlier today, she was a good sport) and I put every drop in, drove her to the nearest gas station (20 miles) and then put in another 10 gallons... she was bone dry.

Thinking back, I'm I stored her with a full tank. Most the fuel must have evaporated and left the float stuck at full.

Well at least it was only 100 degrees...

09-04-2012, 09:21 PM
happened to me to...stuck at 1/2 tank or so.....pulled the pumps and hey there is no g#$ D@#$& gas in here

09-04-2012, 09:33 PM
Happen to me also. Indication was two bars left.
I rebuilt the sender unit and now reads two bars when there is 3 gal left.

09-04-2012, 10:32 PM
Happen to me also. Indication was two bars left.
I rebuilt the sender unit and now reads two bars when there is 3 gal left.

How/ what did you do to rebuild the sender?

Lee, I remember when you ran out of gas.. on the way to the track right?

09-04-2012, 10:42 PM
yep, tow truck driver came back, checked the gauge and said "just checking...you never know" and I was across the damn street from a Mobile Gas Station!

09-04-2012, 11:11 PM
How/ what did you do to rebuild the sender?

Well I did a cursory search for the thread. It maybe that it was on the ZR-1 email list and not here in the forum. Can't find it.

Anyway, I removed the shell casing over the sender. It's held with
folded over tangs. Then I drilled a hole slightly to the right side
of the center of the casing and mounted a 4/40 screw and nut.
I did this for future entry only. Hole placement is critical so the wiping action of the float arm is not impaired.
I then used a pencil eraser to rub clean the windings on the sending
unit. This just removes oxidation and varnish laminates.
I reassembled and reinstalled the pump assembly.
It's worked
great ever since. This was done in July of last year.

09-05-2012, 12:12 AM
(edited from original post)
I would not trust any measurement of 90 and 0 ohms on a sending
unit that has reported falsely once. It probably has contamination on the windings. It could very will read just fine at 0 and at 90 but be funny and/'or intermittent in between.
Therefore 0 and 90 reading could be useless.
If the tank never reaches 0 you're pulling the assembly.
If the tank does reach 0 you're still pulling the assembly
unless you want to see if it'll happen again.
I wouldn't trust it again that way.

09-05-2012, 12:12 AM
There is no recalibration needed if the resistive windings are cleaned.
The issue in the "Common Issues" seems not to match in anyway the issue of the OP or follow up posts.

Copy of Common Issues entry on 18gal tanks
7. TITLE - 18 gallon fuel tanks
YEAR(S) - '93-'95

PROBLEM - Near the end of 1993 GM found themselves with a weight problem on the 1993 ZR-1. To meet the same EPA class GM had to come up with a way to cut some weight off the '93 ZR-1. They did this by installing a rubber extension on the fuel filler pipe to limit the fuel capacity to 18 gallons. The fuel level float arm was also adjusted to reflect the 18 gallon capacity. All 1994 and 1995 ZR-1's were suppose to once again have 20 gallon fuel tanks. But some owners may find that their reserve light comes on before other '94 and '95 owners but take the same amount of fuel. The problem seems to be that the fuel level float arm that was adjusted for the '93 may not of been re-adjusted for the '94's and '95's

CORRECTION - The tank sender and fuel pumps can be removed and recalibrated (90 Ohms produces a full gauge reading and 0 Ohms reads empty). A new gasket will be needed to complete the repair.

Very nice write-up.

09-05-2012, 01:00 AM
Sorry this happened, Ron. It always happens on the way to
an important meeting or event. Not to be a smart A** but
in all my cars when I fill the tank I zero the odometer. A
double check so I don't run out. I thought maybe the turbos
were sucking it dry!

I just re-read the OP. If the fuel evaporated or even
leaked out, a zeroed odometer would not have helped.

09-05-2012, 11:36 AM
To Ron: I think your sending unit got hung up at the top at the top. I can't think of another scenario of sending unit failure that would do what you saw. If the center wiper fails to make contact I'd expect the gauge to read zero.

To Jay: my best answer to your question is on post #8

09-08-2012, 09:24 PM
To Ron: I think your sending unit got hung up at the top at the top. I can't think of another scenario of sending unit failure that would do what you saw. If the center wiper fails to make contact I'd expect the gauge to read zero.

I think you're right... I dove to work and back the next day and the gage started to work. I did confirm my MPG on the round trip was 22. However I can make it way less than that with little effort!